Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Islam as a colonial-imperialist force

Tons of blood and ink spilled,
and entire new academic fields invented,
as part of the ideological discourse between Islam and the West.

The 'post-colonial' discourse though now part of the
daily Islamic missionary gaslighting, is apparently
to evade any discussion of Arab imperialism and
colonization of several continents, with likely
history of mass-slavery far worse than
anything by 'the West' altogether.

They sell Islam as a way to go "post-colonial"
but the ultimate goal is Arab imperialism.

When backed with illiteracy as an ideal.
The proof of Quran's divine source?
"it's in the beauty of it's Arabic..."
and the result is 20% illiteracy.

That is Arab imperialism.

What countries have the Arabs colonized? Do you consider the Palestinians a people?
Islam: The Imperialist Religion

It is extreme. The vast majority of Arabs are opposed to any caliphate. That's why ibn Saud kicked Husseini out of Arabia in 1924.

The video is ignorant. He's pushing propaganda.
The two terrorists, relatives who were prevented from entering Israel, arrived in Ra'anana three days ago with fake identity cards. In their investigation they said: "When the war in Gaza started, my cousin and I decided to carry out an attack and become martyrs. We arrived in Ra'anana three days ago by bus from Hebron. At first we wanted to stab Jews, then we decided to run over as many Jews as possible...
[ Christianity and Islam both teach that their religion supersedes Judaism. Judaism is therefore over and Jews should convert to either or suffer the consequences. Which is why neither can allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation on its OWN ancient Jewish Homeland. Islam only exists because Christians went to Arabia to convert the Arabs and Mohammad did not like it ]

There are TWO BILLION Muslims in the world

They’re told they are superior to Jews and they’re told Islam is PERFECT

So it must be confusing and infuriating for them to lose to a handful of Jews in Israel again and again

Their stupid honour hurt over and over

The made up honour they’ve invested in their supernatural beliefs wounded again and again

Their sense of self hurt over and overDespite every racist war muslims have started against the Jews - they lose

They will lose this time tooThe question is:Will they actually do the impossible?

Can they engage in introspection?

Can they look at successful non-muslim societies - including Israel, America and Britain - which have eclipsed them in every arena - and consider whether maybe the Islamist world view isn’t going to be the king of the next century?

Or will they stubbornly double down and think “If we just Allahu Akbar a little bit louder we will turn things around?”
[ Christianity and Islam both teach that their religion supersedes Judaism. Judaism is therefore over and Jews should convert to either or suffer the consequences. Which is why neither can allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation on its OWN ancient Jewish Homeland. Islam only exists because Christians went to Arabia to convert the Arabs and Mohammad did not like it ]

as explained, 4th century christianity is written by the same crucifiers as the jews that crucified jesus ...

those that gave their lives during the 1st century events did so in repudiation of judaism and its false heavenly personifications to reestablish the heavenly religion of antiquity expressed by jesus, liberation theology, self determination for admission to the everlasting.

judaism, christianity and islam all have in their bibles the lies of moses and heredity idolatry of abraham - and are equally false religions. they are in contrast to the religion of antiquity reaffirmed by both the events of noah and the 1st century crucifixion that have occurred by the lite of the heavens.

Islam as a colonial-imperialist force

Tons of blood and ink spilled,
and entire new academic fields invented,
as part of the ideological discourse between Islam and the West.

The 'post-colonial' discourse though now part of the
daily Islamic missionary gaslighting, is apparently
to evade any discussion of Arab imperialism and
colonization of several continents, with likely
history of mass-slavery far worse than
anything by 'the West' altogether.

They sell Islam as a way to go "post-colonial"
but the ultimate goal is Arab imperialism.

When backed with illiteracy as an ideal.
The proof of Quran's divine source?
"it's in the beauty of it's Arabic..."
and the result is 20% illiteracy.

That is Arab imperialism.

Funny how you spew this lie while Israel is actively trying to wipe out any existence of Palestinians in Gaza? Israel is even digging up graves to physically remove any signs of Palestinian life or death.

This thread is absolutely disgusting and a cancer to humanity! There is no Muslim imperialism. That is a bullshit lie! But there is Israeli imperialism for the entire world to see.
Funny how you spew this lie while Israel is actively trying to wipe out any existence of Palestinians in Gaza? Israel is even digging up graves to physically remove any signs of Palestinian life or death.

This thread is absolutely disgusting and a cancer to humanity! There is no Muslim imperialism. That is a bullshit lie! But there is Israeli imperialism for the entire world to see.
I am fascinated---you have a citation for the program of --"digging up
graves" in Gaza? How would you characterize the GLORIOUS
----oh---so where does it come to "OBLITERATING MUZZIES"? Do you
feel a bit queasy about the trashing of Jewish cemeteries in muzzie
lands---or---elsewhere for the glory of allah? I, personally, would not
blame YOU for that practice.
I just find it funny you are actively trying to wipe them out and drive them into the sea while you claim the opposite?

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