Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Is this what a religion of peace and love looks like?

Preliminary IDF Report: Hostages Killed by Soldiers Waved White Flag, One Yelled for Help in Hebrew​

According to the report, Israeli soldiers spotted a building in the area two days prior to the tragedy with the inscriptions 'SOS' and 'Help! Three hostages' written on one of its walls.

- it's definitely not the pathological jew state of israel ... "one yelled for help" - sixfans - is a fraud.

the time of the sixties was a reawakening of - liberation theology - again the fraud ... sixfans.
[ If all of these attacks on Jews and Christian events are not stopped by Governments, they will make the same mistake Israel made by letting things go, and letting them go until.....10/7. It must be nipped in the bud, against Jews, Christians and all others ]

They'll tell you Christmas is cancelled & blame Israel ...

who's they 60's - the sane and truly religious and caring citizens of the world ... its hard for you as everyone knows, just deny the obvious and everyone will believe you.

- good luck and happy holidays and may the best side triumph for the glory to be.

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