Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

not may jews live in texas, there are always exceptions to the rule though, case in point ... them palestinians pouring over the boarder just want free popcorn and everyone knows what that leads to.

so again the crusaders speaking for the jew god they worship - proclaim, popcorn is evil.
Oh breezie----what would jesus say?

speaking of jelly beans ...


sixties is all in - there now is reason to hate the middle east camel ... time to do another lamb and pray they never set foot in the holy desert land and offend their family picnic.
[ Islam being allowed to storm anywhere in the West they like, stopping any events they do not like. Countries have to come up with solutions to these protests, deny them from happening, arresting, deporting. Cut the illness from the root of it ]

[ Intimidation: Mohammad did it then, his followers continue to do it to this day]

Israel derangement: Muslims attack Halal restaurant in England for offering "Zionist" Coca Cola

What happens if you want to sell Coca-Cola in Bradford?

Your business gets attacked, that's what. This happened last night after an Israel hatred rally in the city.

Coca-Cola is a top target of the Islamist agitators of "Friends of al-Aqsa", key organisers of the hate marches.

Salah's is a Muslim-owned halal fried chicken restaurant. It does indeed feature Coca Cola in its menu behind the counter.

Here's video of the mob attacking the restaurant.

(vide online)

One of Salah's halal fried chicken competitors, NYK Fried Chicken, made a TikTok bragging that they "no longer sell items such as Pepsis [sic], Coke, 7UP, and other drinks that support the Israeli regime. "

Bradford's population is nearly one-third Muslim, most of them Pakistani and other "Asian Muslims."

Habibi_UK has documented other crazed, supposedly anti-Zionist behavior from Muslims and their socialist pals in England. Here is one horrific story, also from yesterday, from a woman who took her autistic daughter to dine at Costa Coffee, which is owned by Coca Cola:

Thanks to @CostaCoffee Woking branch for their help this afternoon. My daughter had an autistic melt-down due to the intimidating and aggressive protesting from the Free Palestine group and their shouting that we supported genocide by drinking there.

SEN families know that there are only certain places which feel safe or familiar to their kids who can’t tolerate much. Costa is ours. Having to try and leave and be shouted at by a crowd caused such distress to my daughter. She became non-verbal, ran back in and shut down, shaking.

Thankful to the kindness of strangers and the staff at Costa who let us out the back door. We then walked past another protest for Ukraine. This one quiet, structured and peaceful, a stark contrast to the intimidation tactics used by the other group.

A "pro-Palestine" protest outside a Starbucks in Leeds.

A "pro-Palestine"protest shutting down the iconic Tower Bridge in London.

Disrupting a train station in Cardiff, Wales.

Disrupting a shopping mall in Chatham.

This was all on Saturday alone!

These people are not "pro-Palestine." They are antisemitic thugs who can't find enough local Jews to attack so they are looking for the closest proxies to Jews they can find. They are intoxicated at the power they have to make other people's lives miserable. And they pretend their violence and bullying is righteous.

The sad part is that intimidation works. People give in rather than deal with the hate. And then they too many of them become converts to the cause rather than look at themselves as being hypocrites.

Antisemitism is a disease. And it is contagious.


- If you believe that Palestinian Muslims should be allowed to mark Ramadan in peace, maybe you should consider protesting to demand Hamas' surrender and the release of the hostages.
this statement should be on billboards and in school rooms---ALL PUBLIC PLACES --thruout
the world

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