Islam Is A Major, Great Religion of the World

Women that practice Islam, don't go around sleeping with different guys starting at the age of 14....muslim parents don't hand their daughters to their little boyfriends to be sexually taken advantage of. Muslim women are some of the finest women....6 Muslim women were elected for president by Muslims. While first female candidate fo4 president in the US got called whore, bitch and the president admitted that he is a pussy grabber and an adulterer.
Muslims have one of the lowest divorce rates and the lowest number of Bastards kids. The list goes on....and i bet you dont even know who your realdad is.
Women in Islam are sold to old men, and get covered up in a dirty sheet. And Mohammed was a pedophile.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.

Christians don’t copy every move Jesus made; Nor do Jews copy every action involving Moses. Only Muslims robotically act out what Muhammad did
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.

Child marriage is customary in Islam, based on Muhammad’s infamous marriage to a child

Nope not true and I know my religion to the teeth. I can bring you a wacko Christian who calls for the same thing but it doesn' represent Christianity.

Jesus never married a child, unlike Muhammad who did.

Which child he married?

Muhammad married Aisha when she was just 6 according to the Islamic sources; He was in his 50s.

What Islamic sources?
Women in Islam are sold to old men, and get covered up in a dirty sheet. And Mohammed was a pedophile.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.

Christians don’t copy every move Jesus made; Nor do Jews copy every action involving Moses. Only Muslims robotically act out what Muhammad did
As far as I know we follow his teachings. Yawning and shoe wearing not so much.
Well no, when has a social conservative tossed a gay off a roof or shot up a gay nightclub?

The only people who have done that are social conservatives. Your hatred of gay people is a common trait with radical Muslims.
So muslim countries are run by radicals? They must be considering having sex with the same sex can be punishable by death..

Is there a point in there?
Death of gays is legislated in some muslim countries. So, according to your post, those countries are run by radicals. Am i correct?
Death to gays is legislated in some Christian countries, too.

American Christian evangelists literally went out of their way to make that happen in Uganda.
Death to gays is legislated in some Christian countries, too.

Name them.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.

Christians don’t copy every move Jesus made; Nor do Jews copy every action involving Moses. Only Muslims robotically act out what Muhammad did
As far as I know we follow his teachings. Yawning and shoe wearing not so much.

Muslims are supposed to put their right shoe on first and take their left shoe off first as per Muhammad
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
What does Islam teach about what must happen to all none Muslims and those that leave the faith?
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.
Do quote the Koran for us on what must be done to unbelievers and those that leave the faith.
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
What does Islam teach about what must happen to all none Muslims and those that leave the faith?
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
What does Islam teach about what must happen to all none Muslims and those that leave the faith?
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Did Muhammad permit freedom of religion? Of course, not. He forced Islam on Arabia, by the sword if necessary, In fact, flag of Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, features a sword and praise of Muhammad
It's more of an ideology....and intolerant.
Indeed. Very socially conservative.

Well no, when has a social conservative tossed a gay off a roof or shot up a gay nightclub?

The only people who have done that are social conservatives. Your hatred of gay people is a common trait with radical Muslims.
Damn, did I miss another toss the queers off building festival in Provo again?
Child marriage is customary in Islam, based on Muhammad’s infamous marriage to a child

Nope not true and I know my religion to the teeth. I can bring you a wacko Christian who calls for the same thing but it doesn' represent Christianity.

Jesus never married a child, unlike Muhammad who did.

Which child he married?

Muhammad married Aisha when she was just 6 according to the Islamic sources; He was in his 50s.

What Islamic sources?

Authenticated hadith (Bukhari) says Aisha was married at 6.
It's more of an ideology....and intolerant.
Indeed. Very socially conservative.

Well no, when has a social conservative tossed a gay off a roof or shot up a gay nightclub?

The only people who have done that are social conservatives. Your hatred of gay people is a common trait with radical Muslims.
Damn, did I miss another toss the queers off building festival in Provo again?

He's babbling to babble, tossing gays off roofs is an Islamo thing
How many goats does a little girl cost in Islam? Does it go all the way up to a camel?
Women that practice Islam, don't go around sleeping with different guys starting at the age of 14....muslim parents don't hand their daughters to their little boyfriends to be sexually taken advantage of. Muslim women are some of the finest women....6 Muslim women were elected for president by Muslims. While first female candidate fo4 president in the US got called whore, bitch and the president admitted that he is a pussy grabber and an adulterer.
Muslims have one of the lowest divorce rates and the lowest number of Bastards kids. The list goes on....and i bet you dont even know who your realdad is.
Women in Islam are sold to old men, and get covered up in a dirty sheet. And Mohammed was a pedophile.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.
Nope wrong again.
You know nothing about islam. Got it.
Women that practice Islam, don't go around sleeping with different guys starting at the age of 14....muslim parents don't hand their daughters to their little boyfriends to be sexually taken advantage of. Muslim women are some of the finest women....6 Muslim women were elected for president by Muslims. While first female candidate fo4 president in the US got called whore, bitch and the president admitted that he is a pussy grabber and an adulterer.
Muslims have one of the lowest divorce rates and the lowest number of Bastards kids. The list goes on....and i bet you dont even know who your realdad is.
Women in Islam are sold to old men, and get covered up in a dirty sheet. And Mohammed was a pedophile.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Women in Islam are sold to old men, and get covered up in a dirty sheet. And Mohammed was a pedophile.
Sold to old men where?
Trump bought Melania so are lot of men here in the US buy their women. Mohammad peace be upon him his first wife was. Business woman and he was Shepard and poor.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
It is OK for people not to discuss it because we are not allowed to be offended that a religion emulates a pedophile.
Women and young girls are regularly bought and sold in Islam. As well, Mohammed wiped his ass with an uneven number of rocks, and I bet you do to.

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.

Christians don’t copy every move Jesus made; Nor do Jews copy every action involving Moses. Only Muslims robotically act out what Muhammad did
As far as I know we follow his teachings. Yawning and shoe wearing not so much.

Muslims are supposed to put their right shoe on first and take their left shoe off first as per Muhammad
No such thing and I know my religion very well. Eating with the right hand and cleaning your genitals with the left that' I can tell you.
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
What does Islam teach about what must happen to all none Muslims and those that leave the faith?
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.
Do quote the Koran for us on what must be done to unbelievers and those that leave the faith.

There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.


“The Truth is from your Lord; so let him who please believe and let him who please disbelieve.” — 18:29

“We have truly shown him the way; he may be thankful or unthankful.” — 76:3

“Clear proofs have indeed come to you from your Lord: so whoever sees, it is for his own good; and whoever is blind, it is to his own harm. And I am not a keeper over you.” — 6:104

“If you do good, you do good for your own souls. And if you do evil, it is for them.” — 17:7
Wow! This topic is still going?!?

Everyone read post 29 and call it a day. :lol:
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
What does Islam teach about what must happen to all none Muslims and those that leave the faith?
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.

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