Islam Is A Major, Great Religion of the World

Islam is like a cult. Muslims emulate how Muhammad dressed, put his shoes on, took his shoes off, washed, brushed his teeth, entered a building, even how he sneezed and yawned. Absolutely crazy!
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.
So you think Mohammed never had sex with Aisha?
He married her when she was 18 and I'm sure they did like any husband and wife.

If you are a Christian how old was Joseph and Mary when they got married?

Among Muhammad’s controversial marriages was that to his former daughter-in-law Zaynab, a scandal at the time viewed as incest in Arab culture.

But, Muhammad’s sock puppet Allah conveniently texted Muhammad permission and tries to allay the people


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Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS BTW---muslim men can "marry" ----((or more likely RAPE) non muslim women---no problem.
The kids are muslims and the mother can be executed for teaching a non muslim religion to her own children. Face fact, ISSA
Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️


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Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

Muhammad screwing up Biblical material in his goofy “messages” did not go over well with the Jews and Christians. They knew he was a fraud.

For example, in a well-known series of errors, Muhammad moves Haman from Persia to Egypt, and many centuries earlier, and moves
the Tower of Babel from Mesopotamia to Egypt. Plus, Muhammad didn’t realize ancient Egyptians built with stone, not clay ⤵️


  • 2925BF93-2EC0-4F18-9B93-1CB98AA38B8F.png
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Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

If Muhammad was such a big deal to Arabs in Arabia, the last and greatest prophet, how come Muhammad does not appear in any Arab documents recorded during his lifetime, except for just 4 mentions in the Koran? Also, how come the alleged first King of Arabia does not appear in records outside of Arabia, like Roman and Persian?
Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

If Muhammad was such a big deal to Arabs in Arabia, the last and greatest prophet, how come Muhammad does not appear in any Arab documents recorded during his lifetime, except for just 4 mentions in the Koran? Also, how come the alleged first King of Arabia does not appear in records outside of Arabia, like Roman and Persian?

keep in mind the islamo propensity to DESTRUCTION of the evidence. This is a good example------hubby was born in an
islamo shit hole at the time that that country was under BRITISH MANDATE (being an erstwhile part of the Ottoman 'empire')
His birth was "registered" by a british guy-------because it was a in a REAL CITY with real literate brits controlling the place.
------fast forward about 25 years-----hubby was a student in England for a few years at a time when ANYONE born in the BRITISH EMPIRE could have British citizenship. He took whatever scrap of paper he had from THAT TIME-----and sent it off to the muzzie shit hole and asked for the record of his birth. He never got the record or the bits of documents that he sent.--------muzzies TEND TO DESTROY the evidence
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

According to Islamic sources, today’s Koran was produced by a committee decades AFTER Muhammad. He did not proofread or authorize it. According to the sources, the early Korans were burned. So, today’s Koran cannot be verified nor can it be traced to Muhammad.

Then, there’s the interesting case of Muhammad’s scribe Abdullah ibn Sarh who “improved” Muhammad’s “messages” in the Koran allegedly from “Allah” causing Abdullah ibn Sarh to realize the Koran itself was bogus and to apostasize ⤵️

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

If Muhammad was such a big deal to Arabs in Arabia, the last and greatest prophet, how come Muhammad does not appear in any Arab documents recorded during his lifetime, except for just 4 mentions in the Koran? Also, how come the alleged first King of Arabia does not appear in records outside of Arabia, like Roman and Persian?

keep in mind the islamo propensity to DESTRUCTION of the evidence. This is a good example------hubby was born in an
islamo shit hole at the time that that country was under BRITISH MANDATE (being an erstwhile part of the Ottoman 'empire')
His birth was "registered" by a british guy-------because it was a in a REAL CITY with real literate brits controlling the place.
------fast forward about 25 years-----hubby was a student in England for a few years at a time when ANYONE born in the BRITISH EMPIRE could have British citizenship. He took whatever scrap of paper he had from THAT TIME-----and sent it off to the muzzie shit hole and asked for the record of his birth. He never got the record or the bits of documents that he sent.--------muzzies TEND TO DESTROY the evidence

When Muslims boast that not one word has been altered in the Koran for 1400 years, as they like to do, ask them if the stones and bones on which the Koran verses were allegedly written were found for verification. Answer is, of course not!
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

Much of early Islam cannot be verified by archaeology or other sources. And, historians and academics are intimidated against the critical study of Islam’s development, although a few are doing so.
Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

Much of early Islam cannot be verified by archaeology or other sources. And, historians and academics are intimidated against the critical study of Islam’s development, although a few are doing so.

for the record----Jerusalem has been

extensively excavated ----no horse feathers have been found
Respect and freedom of religion. That' me and most Muslim know and live by. A Muslim here married a Christian and most my friends are non Muslims.

Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

Authenticated Islamic sources indicate Muhammad was literate. The illiteracy is likely a myth to portray the “miraculous” nature of the Koran ⤵️


  • 1C5880AA-BE34-4134-844E-B2F9AC57C948.png
    360.5 KB · Views: 26
Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

ISSA stop the bullshit------my very own husband
Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

chances are LIKELY that muhummad was illiterate. In the stinking shariah shit hole in which my husband was born-----
almost ALL of the Muzzies were illiterate. Anyone interested in the real story as to how islam is practiced in shariah shit holes----feel free to ask------I have it from SURVIVORS

Islamic sources indicate Muhammad’s literacy. Muslims made up that he was illiterate as a defense against charges of plagiarizing the Bible and to embellish the “miraculousness” of the Koran ⤵️

could be.........the whole story as to how the kharahan was elaborated is FULL OF HOLES. It is impossible to TEASE truth out of the pile of crap. I suspect that the real story is BURIED in the sands of Medina------that city was home to jews for something like more than 1000 years before the rapist pig was born. Jews write------and tend to STORE old writings-------somewhere-----like in caves or in holes in the ground. It is likely that someone wrote about a BIG SHIT like muhummad

Much of early Islam cannot be verified by archaeology or other sources. And, historians and academics are intimidated against the critical study of Islam’s development, although a few are doing so.

for the record----Jerusalem has been

extensively excavated ----no horse feathers have been found

Interestingly, although Muslims claim Muhammad ascended to heaven from beneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, among the many inscriptions covering it, there is not one word saying Muhammad ever was there nor in Jerusalem.

It’s all bullshit.
Great, however, Islamic theology does not recognize religious equality See Koran 9:5 and 9:29, for example.

Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

Authenticated Islamic sources indicate Muhammad was literate. The illiteracy is likely a myth to portray the “miraculous” nature of the Koran ⤵️

I read the Koran when I was 20 (SO LONG AGO that back then most people in the USA never heard of the silly book) The book landed in my lap with a few boxes DONATED to the hospital in which I was the weekend front desk girl. I knew what they did to donated books------they wrote a lovely think-you note to the
donors-----and immediately dumped the books in the incinerator.
So I SALVAGED the Koran. -----Pickthal ---a new translation back then. On perusal ----I noted lots of references to JOOOOOS---so I read the book (easy----not at all long) I was IMPRESSED with all of the ERRORS. --messed up stories from the bible. I was SO impressed that I handed the book to a Pakistani surgeon and told him "GET IN TOUCH WITH THE PUBLISHER-----THEY MADE A MESS OF YOUR BOOK" ---He
read parts and said "NO---it's fine" He also said---"I heard about this translation---very good" I gave it to him.. It certainly is a miracle-----it is a miracle that the silly book has SURVIVED. I have read superman comics that made more sense
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.
So you think Mohammed never had sex with Aisha?
He married her when she was 18 and I'm sure they did like any husband and wife.

If you are a Christian how old was Joseph and Mary when they got married?
Not Christian, but Aisha was 6 when they married, making Mo a pedophile.

I am sure it is in a hadith that he married her when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine.
for the record-----Mary was probably ~14 when she married Joseph-----who could have been in his 20s At that time 18 was the recommended age for boys to marry. Aisha----according to the Koran "hadith" STATED that she married at age six and the marriage was consummated when she was nine as if anyone cared
Yes it does....
62. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.


Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.

wrong again ISSA. Muhummad the rapist pig of mecca was never a SHEPHERD. He lived with his fairly affluent family in the cosmopolitan city of MECCA----but, somehow, remained illiterate which suggests that he was brain damaged. Jesus of Galilee was not a shepherd either----but, somehow, is often DEPICTED for poetic reasons as "shepherd" David---the son of Jesse of Bethlehem was a shepherd. Neither Jesus nor David were illiterate

Muslims made up, for example, that Muhammad was illiterate, in order to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran Just 1 problem: Islamic sources indicate he was literate

Actually he was and those who said otherwise are one scholar or two? What' their prove?

Authenticated Islamic sources indicate Muhammad was literate. The illiteracy is likely a myth to portray the “miraculous” nature of the Koran ⤵️

I read the Koran when I was 20 (SO LONG AGO that back then most people in the USA never heard of the silly book) The book landed in my lap with a few boxes DONATED to the hospital in which I was the weekend front desk girl. I knew what they did to donated books------they wrote a lovely think-you note to the
donors-----and immediately dumped the books in the incinerator.
So I SALVAGED the Koran. -----Pickthal ---a new translation back then. On perusal ----I noted lots of references to JOOOOOS---so I read the book (easy----not at all long) I was IMPRESSED with all of the ERRORS. --messed up stories from the bible. I was SO impressed that I handed the book to a Pakistani surgeon and told him "GET IN TOUCH WITH THE PUBLISHER-----THEY MADE A MESS OF YOUR BOOK" ---He
read parts and said "NO---it's fine" He also said---"I heard about this translation---very good" I gave it to him.. It certainly is a miracle-----it is a miracle that the silly book has SURVIVED. I have read superman comics that made more sense

Muhammad’s confused biblical “messages” are famous, which did not go over well with Jews and Christians very knowledgeable about the Bible, leading to his hostility toward them.

Here, Muhammad mistakenly thought Jacob was Abraham’s son, instead of grandson Also, he didn’t know about Ishmael ⤵️


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for the record-----Mary was probably ~14 when she married Joseph-----who could have been in his 20s At that time 18 was the recommended age for boys to marry. Aisha----according to the Koran "hadith" STATED that she married at age six and the marriage was consummated when she was nine as if anyone cared

Muhammad proposing marriage to Aisha’s father, his close friend Abu Bakr, was not warmly received, understandably But Muhammad conveniently invoked Allah his sock puppet ⤵️


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    401.7 KB · Views: 17
for the record-----Mary was probably ~14 when she married Joseph-----who could have been in his 20s At that time 18 was the recommended age for boys to marry. Aisha----according to the Koran "hadith" STATED that she married at age six and the marriage was consummated when she was nine as if anyone cared

Muhammad proposing marriage to Aisha’s father, his close friend Abu Bakr, was not warmly received, understandably But Muhammad conveniently invoked Allah his sock puppet ⤵️

sounds like dynasty building to me
Most Muslims rhat I know of and I grow up with dont go that extreme...some might....youll find it in every religion.
So it's ok for a 50 year old to have sex with a 6 year old?
Is not ok....same is for a 90 years with a 12 years....but it never happen in those 2 cases.
So you think Mohammed never had sex with Aisha?
He married her when she was 18 and I'm sure they did like any husband and wife.

If you are a Christian how old was Joseph and Mary when they got married?
Not Christian, but Aisha was 6 when they married, making Mo a pedophile.
Nope she was 18.

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