Zone1 Does Islam have a prophet NOW?

In the Quran, Jesus is described as the Messiah (al-Masīḥ), miraculously born of a virgin, performing miracles, accompanied by his disciples, rejected by the Jewish religious establishment, but not as crucified or dying on the cross (nor resurrected), rather as miraculously saved by God and ascending into heaven.
More likely that it is the Chief Rabbinate of Israel that sits in Jerusalem .

Donald is Jewish by blood but his Freemason 33rd level has its own restrictions .

Guess he likes to cover the field judging by his earnest endeavour to be also seen as a Christian .
tRump is not a freemason.
JGalt are you LDS too? What "prophets" do the Evangelicals have? I respect Joseph Smith, I studied his life, but I have zero respect for the current "prophets" of the LDS or the leaders of the Evangelical circus.
I have looked into the origins of LDS as well, and my conclusion is Joseph Smith wanted to be important and get the ladies so he made some stuff up.
Islam is anti-Christian but isn't the Anti-Christ. Just a bunch of deluded fools practicing false doctrine.
The Bible does speak about the "False prophet"

That is Mo.

Also note, those that don't take the Mark will be beheaded in the prophetic book of Revelation.

Who does that sound like yall?

Sounds like Mo clones to me.
In the Quran, Jesus is described as the Messiah (al-Masīḥ), miraculously born of a virgin, performing miracles, accompanied by his disciples, rejected by the Jewish religious establishment, but not as crucified or dying on the cross (nor resurrected), rather as miraculously saved by God and ascending into heaven.

If that's so, why don't they worship Jesus, instead of some long-dead murderer and pedophile?

How many miracles did Muhammad perform?
The Bible does speak about the "False prophet"

That is Mo.

Also note, those that don't take the Mark will be beheaded in the prophetic book of Revelation.

Who does that sound like yall?

Sounds like Mo clones to me.

The Mark of the beast was Roman currency. Same coin they used all over the Roman empire.

Some interpreters posit “the mark of the beast” as a reference to imperial coins bearing the emperor's image and inscription. The author of Revelation was engaged in over-striking the image of the imperium as personified by the emperor and represented in imperial coinage.

For Christians the most famous coin is the one held by Jesus in Mark 12.15. After asking whose head was on the coin he said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.” In the Roman province of Judea at that time, the Jews paid a tax to the Romans and a tax for the upkeep of the temple in Jerusalem.
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Trump is like Gaddafi. He's grandiose and lies about everything.

And Gaddafi was the best leader Libya had at the time. It was those pieces of shit Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that stirred up shit in Libya, causing those radical Muslim shitheads to kill Gaddafi. Libya quickly turned in a shithole taken over by radical Muslims.

Just like Jimmy Carter's clusterfuck in Iran. If he had been worth a shit, Iran wouldn't be the terrorist country it is now. Do we see a pattern? Anytime a Democrat gets into the White House, things go to shit rather quickly.
And Gaddafi was the best leader Libya had at the time. It was those pieces of shit Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that stirred up shit in Libya, causing those radical Muslim shitheads to kill Gaddafi. Libya quickly turned in a shithole taken over by radical Muslims.

Just like Jimmy Carter's clusterfuck in Iran. If he had been worth a shit, Iran wouldn't be the terrorist country it is now. Do we see a pattern? Anytime a Democrat gets into the White House, things go to shit rather quickly.

Libya was inevitable... It was triggered by the Arab spring. The US had nothing to do with it. It's was 2 months before NATO got involved. Libyans were pouring into Italy if they didn't drown trying to get there.

You're a real simpleton blaming Obama for things you know nothing about.

Jimmy Carter had bad intelligence on Iran.
Libya was inevitable... It was triggered by the Arab spring. The US had nothing to do with it. It's was 2 months before NATO got involved. Libyans were pouring into Italy if they didn't drown trying to get there.

You're a real simpleton blaming Obama for things you know nothing about.

Jimmy Carter had bad intelligence on Iran.

The Arab Spring was Obama's doing.
The Arab Spring was Obama's doing.

Don't you know it started in Tunisa?

Many Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa regard Bouazizi as a hero and inspiration. He is credited with galvanising the frustrations of the region's youth against their governments into the mass demonstrations, revolts, and revolutions that have become known as the Arab Spring.

One year on, Tunisian writer and academic Larbi Sadiki asserted that Bouazizi's self-immolation "changed the course of Arab political history", achieving the "breakthrough in the fight against autocracy".

However, he also wrote it would take years before the act and the subsequent chain of events that followed were "profoundly grasped by historians and social scientists".
The Arab Spring was Obama's doing.

The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring. How could you be so stupid? If you promote that ignorant lie, you get everything wrong. No wonder you are a Trumpie.
The US had nothing to do with the Arab Spring. How could you be so stupid? If you promote that ignorant lie, you get everything wrong. No wonder you are a Trumpie.

I would expect no less from a terrorist sympathizer like yourself. Obama caused more damage in the Middle East than any other President since Jimmy Carter. It was his incompetence that gave rise to ISIS, threw Libya and Syria into a civil war, and financed Iran's terrorist network with pallets of cash.
I would expect no less from a terrorist sympathizer like yourself. Obama caused more damage in the Middle East than any other President since Jimmy Carter. It was his incompetence that gave rise to ISIS, threw Libya and Syria into a civil war, and financed Iran's terrorist network with pallets of cash.

The US couldn't save Gaddafi, you moron. Nothing short of a massive occupation force would do.

ISIS was born in camp Brucca prison in Iraq in 2004.

Syria's civil war was caused by severe drought and longstanding secular strife.

You're impossibly ignorant about the Middle East.
Does Islam believe there is a Prophet of God alive today?

Muhammad wasn't a prophet in the sense of Jewish prophets. He couldn't predict the future. He was a messenger to the people of the Arabian peninsula telling them to return to the God of Abraham.

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