Islam is not inherently evil

terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.


Neither is it, or any religion for that matter, inherently good

I disagree. I beleive Christianity is inherently good. Love God, Love your neighbor, forgive, help the poor and sick, etc. Sounds good to me.

Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.
Neither is it, or any religion for that matter, inherently good

I disagree. I beleive Christianity is inherently good. Love God, Love your neighbor, forgive, help the poor and sick, etc. Sounds good to me.

Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.

When people are taught to believe and act on the words in a book, those words are the foundation for evil or good. Terrorists are not making this stuff up. Read the Quran and the New Testament.
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Neither is it, or any religion for that matter, inherently good

I disagree. I beleive Christianity is inherently good. Love God, Love your neighbor, forgive, help the poor and sick, etc. Sounds good to me.

Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.

Words describe action and if those actions reflect the religion and the actions are evil then that religion is inherently evil

INHERENT: involved in the constitution or essential character of something
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I disagree. I beleive Christianity is inherently good. Love God, Love your neighbor, forgive, help the poor and sick, etc. Sounds good to me.

Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.

Words describe action and if those actions reflect the religion and the actions are evil then that religion is inherently evil

INHERENT: involved in the constitution or essential character of something

It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.
Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.

Words describe action and if those actions reflect the religion and the actions are evil then that religion is inherently evil

INHERENT: involved in the constitution or essential character of something

It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?
Words in a book are neither good nor evil.

People can choose to be good or not. There is nothing inherent about it.

Words describe action and if those actions reflect the religion and the actions are evil then that religion is inherently evil

INHERENT: involved in the constitution or essential character of something

It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Theres a difference between a philosophy and Theocratic terrorism
Words describe action and if those actions reflect the religion and the actions are evil then that religion is inherently evil

INHERENT: involved in the constitution or essential character of something

It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Where do Islamic terrorsts get their ideas from?

Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.
It's the action not the words that constitute evil or good.

Nonsense. Ideas are good or evil. Action is a consequence of ideas. Words in a book can be and often are, very evil.

One can be taught all kinds of shit and never commit an evil act, just as one can be taught nothing but so called good things and commit an evil act.

Evil is an idea, which can be conveyed verbally, through books and through images.

The words that describe a philosophy are just that; words.

Words are the most effective means to spread evil. Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, The Koran....
LOL, no they "all" get their ideas straight from the Quran

So clearly by that logic "all" christians get the idea to bomb abortion clinics from the Bible.

Thereby making both the bible and Christianity inherently evil.

Don't be stupid, where in the bible does it say to murder non-believers, rape, pillage, lie etc

Well Deuteronomy 13:12-15 for the killing.

Lying is covered too. I don't have the chapet and verse handy but google is your friend.

If you are going to go on about taqiyya as a reason to lie rememebr that it is to be used only in the most dire of times when death is near.

Additionally you seem to be overlooking the treatment teh Koran mentions about "the people of the book" which would be Jews and Christians seeing as they all worship the same god and all.
Where did the Knights of the Crusade get their ideas from? They killed countless people.

From the Muslims who were invading Europe, murdering, raping and enslaving them.

Why do you ask?

Killing in the name of religion is evil.

Driving an invasion from your homes is not.

So if the murderous Knights of the Crusade got their marching orders from their religion then by your definition that religion, specifically Christianity is evil.

If only there were no crusades, you would happily live under the Caliphate. Imagine the joy you would have, bowing to the idol in the Kaaba 5 times a day....

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