Islam is not inherently evil

:badgrin: So you get caught telling a bare faced lie that you can't back up.

And then demand that others quit lying as your defense. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Try that shit on some naive college kid.
:badgrin: I have caught and cornered you lying soo many times it's pathetic. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Now that's some funny stuff.....a muslim claiming to catch someone in a lie. All I need to say is "al taqqiyya".......

I bet you'd like to saw my head off, wouldn't you. :razz:
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I always find attempts like this if people are stupid enough to think that Conservative Muslims and Liberals have anything in common. It's as amusing as trying to lay the Nazis on the Left.


Amazing then, that the left excuses, lies to cover-up, and justifies actions by Islam.

Or it could be that you simply have a common enemy, a free and constitutional America....

Right on the money.
It is human nature to exaggerate the positive qualities of your friends and to deny or minimize their negative qualities.

With enemies, it's the opposite. We exaggerate their negative qualites and deny or minimize their positive qualities.

Buford, you deny or minimize problematic Christians and you deny or minimize that positive Muslims exist.

It's something we all do. Buddhists call this attachment and aversion.

Where I'm coming from, is that I have no problem with how Islam is practiced in the US, and I have problems with how it is practiced by the Taliban, by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many other Middle Eastern countries.

I say Islam is NOT inherently evil, because American Muslims are not automaticall evil. Many of them are just like other Americans. We call them neighbors, co-workers, citizens and friends.

Many American Nazi's and Nazi supporters were fairly ordinary people. they were neighbours, co-workers and friends to many Americans. I guess you must feel that Nazism wasn't inherently evil either.
Many American Nazi's and Nazi supporters were fairly ordinary people. they were neighbours, co-workers and friends to many Americans. I guess you must feel that Nazism wasn't inherently evil either.

Exactly! "Peaceable Moslems", however few they may be, are cowed by their pious/fundamentalist brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.
Yes, Muslims in the Middle East oppress homosexuals. They also torture and kill them.

They do that to people of other religions, too.

It's Christians promoting the "Kill Gays" legislation in Uganda. Don't you think it's a bit strange for a Christian pastor to show gay porn movies in Church?

It is not Christians promoting anything.

It is some assholes who profess Christianity but who don't fathom what it teaches who are promoting the idiocy you keep carping about.

This is why clarity of thought and clarity of expression are all noble -- and shit.
I always find attempts like this if people are stupid enough to think that Conservative Muslims and Liberals have anything in common. It's as amusing as trying to lay the Nazis on the Left.


They both hate the fact that some Christians are fighting against a country that does not acknowledge Jesus as lord. THAT is interesting....that you assert that Christians are fighting (at war) with countries that do not acknowledge your Jesus as Lord......Crusades anyone? (the first ones worked out SOOOOOO well)

Actually we won the first crusade and the only reason we lost the others was because the leaders were politically divided and the man commanding the troops was a stupid nobleman who didn't know a thing about warfare.

Muslims are murdering homosexuals every day...........
:link: or it's just more of your non sense. :cool:

Death squads on missions of "sexual cleansing" have taken over the streets, he went on, after a 2005 fatwa issued by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistan

the violent persecution of lesbians and gays is commonplace. It is actively encouraged by Iraq’s leading Muslim cleric, the British and US-backed Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. In late 2005, he issued a fatwa ordering the execution of gay Iraqis. His followers in the Islamist militias are now systematically assassinating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, as indicated by the following sample

PageOneQ | Video: Gays continue to be targeted by Islamic death squads
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Yes, Muslims in the Middle East oppress homosexuals. They also torture and kill them.

And muslims in the USA murder their own children.

So do Protestants. Do you hate all Protestants too, you fucking numbskull?

Poor thing. Just can't quite get it. Takes a lot of work to look at the truth and keep telling yourself it's not the truth. You must get some doozy headaches.

Defending this kind of behavior is as sick as those who practice it.
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Poor thing. Just can't quite get it. Takes a lot of work to look at the truth and keep telling yourself it's not the truth. You must get some doozy headaches.

Defending this kind of behavior is as sick as those who practice it. "Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - Crimesider - CBS News

My own opinion is that there is a certain pathology that afflicts moslem men and the underlying ideology that would consign women to feelings of helplessness and inadequacy.

It is an unhealthy society that treats women in a manner such that they become mere possessions-vessels/repositories of the impotent and inadequate moslem male's fragile “honor”. That men and women could relate equally in every sphere of human endeavor is a concept that is so alien and so threatening to so much of the islamist world; I suspect it is what partly fuels the engine of ineptitude that grips so much of the islamist Middle East.

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