Islam is not inherently evil

I cannot tell what this preacher did or did not say. I also know there are some complete nut jobs around. Still I know of no Christian denomination or sect that advocates death for homosexuals. I also know that BOTH Islamic sects demand and enact death for homosexuals.

Whether the Sunnis in Saudi Arabia or the Shiites in Iran, gays WILL die at the hand of the evil which is Islam.

The preacher in the video did not call for the death of homosexuals. He said all the homos should be put in a fenced in area and food dropped for them until they die off because they can't reproduce.

The left and muslims will say anything. Fear, lies and loathing are their tools. The left and muslims are using each other as allies against the Christians. Time to wake up, American Patriots.

I always find attempts like this if people are stupid enough to think that Conservative Muslims and Liberals have anything in common. It's as amusing as trying to lay the Nazis on the Left.

Conservative Muslims?


Islam is a diseased false religion which encourages violence and repression. You libbies support it on the pretense that you are open-minded. In actuality, if you had an open mind, you would oppose most of what Islam "stands" for.

And the claim that Nazis are not liberals is just plain stupid, too. More determined Statists it would be difficult to find.
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I cannot tell what this preacher did or did not say. I also know there are some complete nut jobs around. Still I know of no Christian denomination or sect that advocates death for homosexuals. I also know that BOTH Islamic sects demand and enact death for homosexuals.

Whether the Sunnis in Saudi Arabia or the Shiites in Iran, gays WILL die at the hand of the evil which is Islam.

The preacher in the video did not call for the death of homosexuals. He said all the homos should be put in a fenced in area and food dropped for them until they die off because they can't reproduce.

The left and muslims will say anything. Fear, lies and loathing are their tools. The left and muslims are using each other as allies against the Christians. Time to wake up, American Patriots.

I always find attempts like this if people are stupid enough to think that Conservative Muslims and Liberals have anything in common. It's as amusing as trying to lay the Nazis on the Left.


Muslims and the left use each other. Muslims have victim status with the left and muslims know that using "Islamophobia" gets the attention of the left easily. The gullible and corrupt left will purposely ignore evil and hatred for the followers of Islam's support. Any rational thinking person can see it very easily. All you have to do is look at congress.

Ignorance is what the left and muslims depend on.
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I always find attempts like this if people are stupid enough to think that Conservative Muslims and Liberals have anything in common. It's as amusing as trying to lay the Nazis on the Left.


Amazing then, that the left excuses, lies to cover-up, and justifies actions by Islam.

Or it could be that you simply have a common enemy, a free and constitutional America....
It is human nature to exaggerate the positive qualities of your friends and to deny or minimize their negative qualities.

With enemies, it's the opposite. We exaggerate their negative qualites and deny or minimize their positive qualities.

Buford, you deny or minimize problematic Christians and you deny or minimize that positive Muslims exist.

It's something we all do. Buddhists call this attachment and aversion.

Where I'm coming from, is that I have no problem with how Islam is practiced in the US, and I have problems with how it is practiced by the Taliban, by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many other Middle Eastern countries.

I say Islam is NOT inherently evil, because American Muslims are not automaticall evil. Many of them are just like other Americans. We call them neighbors, co-workers, citizens and friends.
It is human nature to exaggerate the positive qualities of your friends and to deny or minimize their negative qualities.

And the left has the tendency to support any group that declares itself an enemy of America.

For many years, it was assumed that the support the American left offered communists was based on a common platform. But we see now that in fact it is simply a matter of the left embracing any group or any cause that seeks to destroy America.

Thus the left embraces Islam as friend and ally - not because the left shares the goals of Islam for a global, theocratic dictatorship. Instead the left shares the goal of crushing freedom, bringing the American people to heal under brutal dictatorship. Islam is a friend of convenience. Any enemy of America is friend to the left.

With enemies, it's the opposite. We exaggerate their negative qualites and deny or minimize their positive qualities.

Notice how the left denies any positive qualities from America.

Buford, you deny or minimize problematic Christians and you deny or minimize that positive Muslims exist.

It's something we all do. Buddhists call this attachment and aversion.

Where I'm coming from, is that I have no problem with how Islam is practiced in the US, and I have problems with how it is practiced by the Taliban, by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many other Middle Eastern countries.

This is because you deny the facts and excuse evil from Islam, due to the common enemy you share.

{Sixteen-year-old Palestina (Tina) Isa was murdered by her father, Zein Isa, with the aid of her mother, Maria Isa, in 1989. The Isas were a family of Palestinian immigrants living in St. Louis, Missouri. After learning that Palestina had taken a part-time job without her parents' permission, and dated an African American, Maria held Palestina down, while Zein repeatedly stabbed her.[5]}

{In July 2008, New York Post writer John P. Avlon claimed that the murder of 25-year-old Sandeela Kanwal—allegedly by her father, Chaudhry Rashid—was an "American Honor Killing."[7] Rashid is said to have strangled Kanwal to death with a bungee cord after she tried to end her arranged marriage.}

{Amina and Sarah Said were the children of Egyptian Yaser Abdul Said and American Patricia Tissie Owens Said. Both girls were born in Texas. Amina was born on March 2, 1989 and Sarah March 16, 1990. The girls were found shot to death in a taxi at the Omni Mandalay Hotel, in Irving, Texas, January 1, 2008. Both girls had left their home in Lewisville, Texas earlier that evening, with their father Yaser Said. At 7:33 pm CT a call came in to the Irving Police Department’s 911 call center. The call was from Sarah Said. She had been shot 9 times and told the operator “My Dad shot me and my sister, I’m dying!” Their mother, Patricia Said, claims both girls were killed for having boyfriends. Death threats had been made by Yaser against the girls. }

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam is a violent, horrendously evil, and sinister creed. Islam is the depravity of our species, the manifestation of the most base tendencies humans have. It is utterly evil with no redeeming characteristics.

I say Islam is NOT inherently evil,

Yes, you excuse and promote evil due to a shared enemy - we understand.

because American Muslims are not automaticall evil.

No one is automatically evil. Less than 1% of Nazis were involved in the concentration camps. That doesn't alter the fact that Nazism was evil. That most Muslims are apostate and attempt to live in peace with others, in no way alters the fact that Islam is a creed of pure evil. The measure of the ability of a Muslim to live in peace is the deviation they have to Islamic doctrine.

Many of them are just like other Americans. We call them neighbors, co-workers, citizens and friends.

Yet like Nazis, they follow a creed of grotesque evil. How closely they follow will determine their ability to assimilate into civilized society.
It is human nature to exaggerate the positive qualities of your friends and to deny or minimize their negative qualities.

With enemies, it's the opposite. We exaggerate their negative qualites and deny or minimize their positive qualities.

Buford, you deny or minimize problematic Christians and you deny or minimize that positive Muslims exist.

It's something we all do. Buddhists call this attachment and aversion.

Where I'm coming from, is that I have no problem with how Islam is practiced in the US, and I have problems with how it is practiced by the Taliban, by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many other Middle Eastern countries.

I say Islam is NOT inherently evil, because American Muslims are not automaticall evil. Many of them are just like other Americans. We call them neighbors, co-workers, citizens and friends.

I see where your confusion starts. Look at your words above that I bolded. Your claim is that Islam can't be evil because American Muslims are not evil. So all the evil in the ME is because all the muslims over there are evil people, and all the Muslims in the USA behave better because they are not evil people.

You're confused, dear.
Gays truly believe that muslims support homosexuality more than Christians do. There is nothing like experiencing the consequences of one's own actions to induce a sense of reality.
Gays truly believe that muslims support homosexuality more than Christians do. There is nothing like experiencing the consequences of one's own actions to induce a sense of reality.

Their hatred for Christianity is stronger than their fear of Islam.
Gays truly believe that muslims support homosexuality more than Christians do. There is nothing like experiencing the consequences of one's own actions to induce a sense of reality.

That's a lie. I'm a lesbian and I don't believe that Muslims support homosexuality.
Gays truly believe that muslims support homosexuality more than Christians do. There is nothing like experiencing the consequences of one's own actions to induce a sense of reality.

That's a lie. I'm a lesbian and I don't believe that Muslims support homosexuality.

Do you know that muslims murder homosexuals? You only seem concerned when some nut claiming to be a Christian says something you don't like. Muslims are murdering homosexuals every day and all you can cry about is Christians. I think you're ill.
People do kill in the name of their God. That doesn't mean their religion itself is inherently evil.

Even Buddhists killed Muslims in Burma recently. Buddhism is non-violent. There is NO Buddhist scripture that supports killing.

One of the slogans that Muslims employ in defense of their politico-religious ideology is: "islam demands justice", yet Muslims trounce all over that argument by defending the fascistic notion that Muslims are deserving of rights not granted to non-Muslims for no other reason than religious belief. There is a term that describes one group of people who set themselves apart from others via a belief that they are superior. The term is fascism. To explicitly identify a group of people as inferior and worthy of revulsion, ie: (non-Muslims), while holding yourself as superior and deserving of greater rights for no other reason than a particular politico-religious ideology is fascism, pure and simple, unadulterated. Study the events that occurred in Germany during the 1930's if you need an instructive lesson in fascism. Or, study Islamic history for comparable lessons.

I think fascism is evil so it follows that those who hold to a politico-religious ideology wherein they believe their gods provide an allowance for the promotion of fascism is thus necessarily, inherently evil.
People do kill in the name of their God. That doesn't mean their religion itself is inherently evil.

Even Buddhists killed Muslims in Burma recently. Buddhism is non-violent. There is NO Buddhist scripture that supports killing.

One of the slogans that Muslims employ in defense of their politico-religious ideology is: "islam demands justice", yet Muslims trounce all over that argument by defending the fascistic notion that Muslims are deserving of rights not granted to non-Muslims for no other reason than religious belief. There is a term that describes one group of people who set themselves apart from others via a belief that they are superior. The term is fascism. To explicitly identify a group of people as inferior and worthy of revulsion, ie: (non-Muslims), while holding yourself as superior and deserving of greater rights for no other reason than a particular politico-religious ideology is fascism, pure and simple, unadulterated. Study the events that occurred in Germany during the 1930's if you need an instructive lesson in fascism. Or, study Islamic history for comparable lessons.

I think fascism is evil so it follows that those who hold to a politico-religious ideology wherein they believe their gods provide an allowance for the promotion of fascism is thus necessarily, inherently evil.

Muslims and Nazis were allies in WWII. Common sense since the Jew is their collective problem.
Muslims and Nazis were allies in WWII. Common sense since the Jew is their collective problem.

So true. And across the islamist Middle East, Muslims are pursuing the goal denied the Nazi's: to make their part of the world Judenrein.

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