Islam is not (just) a Religion


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
When we Americans speak of a "religion" we are speaking about a human institution having a number of assets and characteristics. It has a set of beliefs, a cadre of leaders (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc), usually material resources such as buildings, money, and personal property, and a number of followers who generally believe the tenets of the religion.

As a society, America has rejected the concept of a "state religion," and instead chose to separate the state from all religions and in recent years from even the smell of religion itself. And our common concept of "religion" is based on that separation and distinction.

Islam is ENTIRELY different. Islam is a political system and system of governance that is based on religious principles. Islam DEMANDS that the state be subject to not only religious principles, but usually to individual religious leaders. In Muslim countries, the court systems "go through the motions" of what we westerners consider a trial and finding, BUT THOSE FINDINGS ARE SUBJECT TO REVERSAL by religious fiat, regardless of the underlying contracts and agreements. This is why western companies are so unwilling to invest directly in Islamic countries; the right of contract - universally accepted in the West - is SUBJECT TO being overridden by religious principles, as interpreted by an Imam. You breached the contract? Tough shit; the Imam didn't like what the contract said. You are out of luck. Why would anybody invest in such a system?

Hence, when a Muslim emigrates from his Islamic country to a Western country (and if Islam is so great, why are so many of them moving to the West?), they DO NOT SHARE the fundamental Western concept of separation of Church & State, and ultimately would prefer to be subject to Islamic/sharia law. This is abundantly clear in the Muslim communities in England, France, Scandanavia, and so on.

And so the examination of Muslims wanting to immigrate to the U.S. must be more in-depth, in order not to invite subversives into our midst. And the examination must be more than just Q@A, since the Holy Quran says that it is acceptable to lie to infidels if the result will bring about the will of Allah.

I think all Western Countries should have a temporary moratorium of all Muslims immigrating into western countries, until we figure out what the hell is going on!

Where have I heard this before?
Khazar homosexuals want a society where grooming of young girls is acceptable. Because they have their own grooming centres in our schools.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


When we Americans speak of a "religion" we are speaking about a human institution having a number of assets and characteristics. It has a set of beliefs, a cadre of leaders (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc), usually material resources such as buildings, money, and personal property, and a number of followers who generally believe the tenets of the religion.

As a society, America has rejected the concept of a "state religion," and instead chose to separate the state from all religions and in recent years from even the smell of religion itself. And our common concept of "religion" is based on that separation and distinction.

Islam is ENTIRELY different. Islam is a political system and system of governance that is based on religious principles. Islam DEMANDS that the state be subject to not only religious principles, but usually to individual religious leaders. In Muslim countries, the court systems "go through the motions" of what we westerners consider a trial and finding, BUT THOSE FINDINGS ARE SUBJECT TO REVERSAL by religious fiat, regardless of the underlying contracts and agreements. This is why western companies are so unwilling to invest directly in Islamic countries; the right of contract - universally accepted in the West - is SUBJECT TO being overridden by religious principles, as interpreted by an Imam. You breached the contract? Tough shit; the Imam didn't like what the contract said. You are out of luck. Why would anybody invest in such a system?

Hence, when a Muslim emigrates from his Islamic country to a Western country (and if Islam is so great, why are so many of them moving to the West?), they DO NOT SHARE the fundamental Western concept of separation of Church & State, and ultimately would prefer to be subject to Islamic/sharia law. This is abundantly clear in the Muslim communities in England, France, Scandanavia, and so on.

And so the examination of Muslims wanting to immigrate to the U.S. must be more in-depth, in order not to invite subversives into our midst. And the examination must be more than just Q@A, since the Holy Quran says that it is acceptable to lie to infidels if the result will bring about the will of Allah.

I think all Western Countries should have a temporary moratorium of all Muslims immigrating into western countries, until we figure out what the hell is going on!

Where have I heard this before?

Are you a Christian? What sect? Does your church feel the same way you do about Islam? Why do they stay silent?

Show me what your church leaders think publically. Why aren't they saying what you're saying?
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Here's the scoop on Islam.

From Dr. Peter Hammond's book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat. Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components. Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges. When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
What other "religions" have followers who justify mass murder in the name of that religion?

What other "religions" justify the kidnapping, rape and forced "marriage" of young teen girls by their "religious" beliefs?

What other "religions" condemn democratic principles, popular selection of secular leaders in free elections, and support the overthrow of legitimate governments?

What other religious founders married at least one of their multiple wives at age 6?

Islam is not just another religion. When it comes to immigration, Muslims MUST be assessed differently, giving proper weight to all of these factors. And if means some people are rejected, so be it. No one has any "right" to emigrate to a country where they contribute nothing positive.
When it comes to immigration ... And if means some people are rejected, so be it. No one has any "right" to emigrate to a country where they contribute nothing positive.

When it comes to immigration ... And if means some people are rejected, so be it.

are you saying before they come to this country they have to pass your litmus test ...

shame on you.

Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
What other "religions" have followers who justify mass murder in the name of that religion?

What other "religions" justify the kidnapping, rape and forced "marriage" of young teen girls by their "religious" beliefs?

What other "religions" condemn democratic principles, popular selection of secular leaders in free elections, and support the overthrow of legitimate governments?

What other religious founders married at least one of their multiple wives at age 6?

Islam is not just another religion. When it comes to immigration, Muslims MUST be assessed differently, giving proper weight to all of these factors. And if means some people are rejected, so be it. No one has any "right" to emigrate to a country where they contribute nothing positive.

Picky, picky, picky.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

When we Americans speak of a "religion" we are speaking about a human institution having a number of assets and characteristics. It has a set of beliefs, a cadre of leaders (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc), usually material resources such as buildings, money, and personal property, and a number of followers who generally believe the tenets of the religion.

As a society, America has rejected the concept of a "state religion," and instead chose to separate the state from all religions and in recent years from even the smell of religion itself. And our common concept of "religion" is based on that separation and distinction.

Islam is ENTIRELY different. Islam is a political system and system of governance that is based on religious principles. Islam DEMANDS that the state be subject to not only religious principles, but usually to individual religious leaders. In Muslim countries, the court systems "go through the motions" of what we westerners consider a trial and finding, BUT THOSE FINDINGS ARE SUBJECT TO REVERSAL by religious fiat, regardless of the underlying contracts and agreements. This is why western companies are so unwilling to invest directly in Islamic countries; the right of contract - universally accepted in the West - is SUBJECT TO being overridden by religious principles, as interpreted by an Imam. You breached the contract? Tough shit; the Imam didn't like what the contract said. You are out of luck. Why would anybody invest in such a system?

Hence, when a Muslim emigrates from his Islamic country to a Western country (and if Islam is so great, why are so many of them moving to the West?), they DO NOT SHARE the fundamental Western concept of separation of Church & State, and ultimately would prefer to be subject to Islamic/sharia law. This is abundantly clear in the Muslim communities in England, France, Scandanavia, and so on.

And so the examination of Muslims wanting to immigrate to the U.S. must be more in-depth, in order not to invite subversives into our midst. And the examination must be more than just Q@A, since the Holy Quran says that it is acceptable to lie to infidels if the result will bring about the will of Allah.

I think all Western Countries should have a temporary moratorium of all Muslims immigrating into western countries, until we figure out what the hell is going on!

Where have I heard this before?

You better watch yourself. Being critical of Islam may soon be illegal thanks to the Dims.

OBAMA'S AMERICA: House Dems Push Bill to Give Sick Punishment to Anyone Who Criticizes Islam

They know they can't win a debate defending a religion based upon a warlord who took female sex slaves and converted with the sword, so they will simply attempt to silence you.
When we Americans speak of a "religion" we are speaking about a human institution having a number of assets and characteristics. It has a set of beliefs, a cadre of leaders (priests, ministers, rabbis, etc), usually material resources such as buildings, money, and personal property, and a number of followers who generally believe the tenets of the religion.

Perhaps according to those whose perspective of religion is dominated by Abrahamic influence... but to the majority of American pagans, and the majority of Americans within Left Hand Path religions, most do not view "religion" in the way you have described.

Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

oh really, look who's talking ....

Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

oh really, look who's talking ....

Sure isn't.
Who am I, exactly?
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

oh really, look who's talking ....

Sure isn't.
Who am I, exactly?
which one is ...

the OP.

Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that Kim Davis took an oath to uphold states that marriage is between one man and one woman and according to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion, or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof....." Kim Davis did not violate the law.

The governor of Kentucky failed to uphold Kim Davis Constitutional rights and to protect her from yet another activist judge.
Islam is not (just) a Religion

Bevin orders marriage license changes; reverses Beshear on felon voting rights, minimum wage

Bevin orders marriage license changes

On marriage licenses, Bevin cited the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act as he removed the names of counties and county clerks, and allowed clerks to designate a third party to sign them.

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June

Davis said her Christian beliefs made it impossible for her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June ...

Islam, nothing more than a pseudonym for Republican ...


Christianity isn't a political system. You fail.
Christianity isn't a political system ...

oh, then pass the word to the governor of Kentucky - liar.

Kim Davis was a traitor to this country. She shit on her oath, state Constitution and the Constitution of the US.
You still fail.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that Kim Davis took an oath to uphold states that marriage is between one man and one woman and according to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion, or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE thereof....." Kim Davis did not violate the law.

The governor of Kentucky failed to uphold Kim Davis Constitutional rights and to protect her from yet another activist judge.
that amendment was ruled unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The federal govt is involved with marriage. The institution can't discriminate
The government doesn't have rights. She works for the judicial branch. She IS the government.

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