Islam: Religion of peace...Muslims rape Christian until she converts.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Coptic Christian girl being sexually abused to make her convert to Islam‬‏[/ame]

So peaceful and accepting.

Pdf Version 12
Pdf Version 13

[ame=""]Islam and Forced Conversion[/ame]

I have been producing a weekly synopsis and articles on the global encroachment of Islam for about two years. In that time, a week hasn’t passed without certain ‘staples’ of Islam perpetrated on Muslims and non-Muslims alike. One of the traits that are unquestionably unique to Islam is ‘forced conversion’.

With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the state of Dar al-Islam, or the ‘house of Islam’. Simply defined, it is the chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this, on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.

This past week, The Pakistan Christian Post reported on yet another case of young girls being kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. The father of the girls, Rehmat Masih, was told by a rich, local businessman that he intended to marry both daughters and had threatened to kidnap them if this wasn’t approved of. A complaint to the local Police Station proved pointless as the Police refused to take action.

HOME > PUBLICATIONS > Women's Rights and Forced Conversions

June 7, 2011

Women's Rights and Forced Conversions

Including Vin's Notes on Islamism: Parts 12 and 13.

Vin Ienco

Vin’s Notes Part 13 (in pdf format) can be downloaded by clicking here and Part 12 can be downloaded by clicking here.

Islam and Forced Conversion

I have been producing a weekly synopsis and articles on the global encroachment of Islam for about two years. In that time, a week hasn’t passed without certain ‘staples’ of Islam perpetrated on Muslims and non-Muslims alike. One of the traits that are unquestionably unique to Islam is ‘forced conversion’.

With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the state of Dar al-Islam, or the ‘house of Islam’. Simply defined, it is the chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this, on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.

This past week, The Pakistan Christian Post reported on yet another case of young girls being kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. The father of the girls, Rehmat Masih, was told by a rich, local businessman that he intended to marry both daughters and had threatened to kidnap them if this wasn’t approved of. A complaint to the local Police Station proved pointless as the Police refused to take action.

A few days later, the girls were kidnapped by the man while on the way home from a market. Rehmat rushed back to the Police Station to complain. After an investigation, Rehmat was accused of making false accusations against the Muslim business man. It was further stated that Rehmat was a drunk and that he often beat his daughters and they had likely ran away from home to escape this treatment.

Forced conversion isn’t unique to Pakistan and in fact regularly occurs in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt and even England. It begs the question, what could possibly embolden the adherents of Islam to engage in such a heinous act? The answer is simple, the teachings of Mohammad.

Islam was spread by the sword after a slight initial, peaceful hiccup. The warlord and slave –trader Mohammed’s war conquests are very concisely documented.

Sûrah al-Baqarah 256: Allah says, “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things”.

Sadly, this verse and other verses of peace were replaced by more violent ones, like Sura 8:12, 9:5, 47:4 and many others.

Prior to emigrating from Mecca to Medina (the Hijra) in 622 CE, Mohammad preached sermons of peace and tolerance, taking and perverting verses from the Bible, the Torah and sacred Greek texts. This had proven to be an abject failure to Mohammad, as barely 100 to 150 people had converted to Islam in its first 13 years. Most of these converts were either close or long-time friends or members of his family.

From 624 CE, raids on defenseless communities reaped great rewards for the early Muslims in slaves, wealth and converts to Islam. A large portion of these people converted for self-preservation as the warring Muslims murdered, tortured, enslaved and raped their way across Arabia. This had proven a more lucrative tact to the one of peace and tolerance.

This is accentuated in Ibn Ishaq 814:

“Submit and testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the apostle of Allah before you lose your head”.

As well as Sahih Muslim 31:5917:

“Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.”

The people of Mecca who refused to convert to Islam were forcibly removed following Mohammed’s last sermon in 632 CE. The same offer was made to the Christians and Jews in Arabia, though their choice was extended to either accept Islam as their faith, leave their land or be killed.

From Mohammed’s last sermon, Koran 9:5,

“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

Sahih Muslim 19, 4366,

Narrated Umar b. al-Khattib:
“I have heard the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) say:’ I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim’.”

Women's Rights and Forced Conversions » Publications » Family Security Matters
With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the state of Dar al-Islam, or the ‘house of Islam’. Simply defined, it is the chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this, on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.
With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the state of Dar al-Islam, or the ‘house of Islam’. Simply defined, it is the chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this, on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.

And sunniman claims that islam is similar to the Constitution ...
With very little research, it is easy to discover that forced conversion in hand with over-breeding, is part of a larger Islamic strategy to achieve the state of Dar al-Islam, or the ‘house of Islam’. Simply defined, it is the chipping away at a country until it is an Islamic state and continuing this, on a global scale, until all religion is for Allah. The weekly synopsis certainly gives a clear picture of this objective.

And sunniman claims that islam is similar to the Constitution ...

The definitive word is 'claims' and holds no true support. I claim Sunni Man is an inbred Arabian pretending to be a convert.

So what. My claim means nothing. Neither does his. :razz:
Similar thing is done in Darfur, the Arabs rape the Ethnic Blacks there to breed them out, disgusting.
Similar thing is done in Darfur, the Arabs rape the Ethnic Blacks there to breed them out, disgusting.

Yes, and nothing will be said by Sunni Man or his confederates about this other than to reverse the blame and turn Muslims into the victims. :eusa_hand: :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:

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