Islam & The Golden Ratio !

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Golden ratio in Nature and Quran




Adolf Zeising, whose main interests were mathematics and philosophy, found the golden ratio expressed in the arrangement of branches along the stems of plants and of veins in leaves. He extended his research to the skeletons of animals and the branchings of their veins and nerves, to the proportions of chemical compounds and the geometry of crystals, even to the use of proportion in artistic endeavors. In these phenomena he saw the golden ratio operating as a universal law.[49] In connection with his scheme for golden-ratio-based human body proportions, Zeising wrote in 1854 of a universal law "in which is contained the ground-principle of all formative striving for beauty and completeness in the realms of both nature and art, and which permeates, as a paramount spiritual ideal, all structures, forms and proportions, whether cosmic or individual, organic or inorganic, acoustic or optical; which finds its fullest realization, however, in the human form."[50]

In 2003, Volkmar Weiss and Harald Weiss analyzed psychometric data and theoretical considerations and concluded that the golden ratio underlies the clock cycle of brain waves.[51] In 2008 this was empirically confirmed by a group of neurobiologists.[52]

In 2010, the journal Science reported that the golden ratio is present at the atomic scale in the magnetic resonance of spins in cobalt niobate crystals.[53]

Several researchers have proposed connections between the golden ratio and human genome DNA.[54][55][56]

Golden ratio in humans

Golden ratio in position of Mekka and Kaba
(muslim holiest place), from North pole to Mekka, and from Mekka to south pole

Golden ratio in Quranic ayah about Mekka


from the begining of the verse to en of the word Mekka there is 29 letter, and from Word mekka to end of the verse there is 18 letter.
We see clearly golden ration in nature, humans, position of Mekka, and quranic verse about Mekka.

Golden ratio in Quran

In this example we see clearly nummerical miracle, between odd and even numbers and how the correspond to sum of chapters and verses



Here, we have repetetive nummerical values from the table above
for example chapters 85 and 99 have same nummerical value 107, we summerize all repetitive nummerical values

Here, we have non-repetitive nummerical values, and we summerize them also
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Google earth program, Try it (From Maccah to both poles)!



Mekka & the golden ratio :
12348,32 / 7631,68 = 1,618.......
No takers on this thread huh? Well that is probably because it is just another fantastic theory desperately trying to justify the quran.

Well the quran is bunk, therefore the mathematical theory's must also be bunk.

Just like the Rashad Khalifa number 19 theory in which he left out two verses of the quran because they did not fit his theory.

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