Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys.”

Fuck you. Only a very sick individual would equate this atrocity with Republicans. What is wrong with you?

Sad story tps. Have you read the Kite Runner or the sequel? Heartbreaking

Umm, let's see.

Republicans are against "hate crime laws".

Republicans are against giving " the right for hospital visits" for gay partners.

Republicans are against marriage or civil unions for gays.

Republicans hard work in Virginia just paid off, gay and lesbian state workers in that state are no longer specifically protected against discrimination. They could all be fired and evicted.

Republicans are hard at work keeping gays out of the military. Meaning, no GI bill, no guaranteed home loan.


People For the American Way: Anti-Gay Politics and the Religious Right

Sen. Lott's equating gays with alcoholics and kleptomaniacs, but it has long been a central tenet of Religious Right groups that homosexuals are diseased,


Imagine being accused of threatening the very fabric and foundation of society because of who you are. Imagine being blamed for disasters like 9/11 and Katrina because gays incur God's wrath as they did in Sodom. (Sodom didn't actually have anything to do with gays, but that's another debate.) There are people out there who will believe those accusations and use it as justification for discriminating against gays or committing acts of violence against gays.

Imagine being compared to the lowest of society such as pedophiles even though most pedophiles are heterosexual. The argument posed by opponents of gay civil rights insist that gays want to harm children. It's not unlike how those who opposed desegregation tried to incite fear by saying black men wanted to rape white women.

Newsvine - How Gays Suffer From Anti-Gay Laws


The next step:

If gays are the cause of 9/11 and Katrina.

If gays are the death of the American Family.

If gays are pedophiles who are only after children.

Then what should be done to protect us from these "monsters"? What's the Next Step?

Think it through. Why does the right wing want "guns"?

Ladies and Gentlemen.... the 'Moron of the Month' Award goes to .......


For the above post. It is breathtaking in its stupidity, has such a depth of partisanship that is rarely seen and, above all, provides absolutely no genuine evidence on the accusation, or relevance to the OP.


Congratulations, rdean.

So you are saying that the hatred shown the gays by the right wing in this country is "not so bad"?

So when the right compares gays with murder, stealing, drug addiction, they are doing it in a "harmless" and "loving" way?

Can't you see it's you who's blind.

If the right wing could get away with it, they would turn the US into Uganda.

They're the ones who helped turn Uganda into Uganda.

U.S. pastors aid a most un-Christian agenda in Uganda - Baltimore Sun

Mr. Warren's message wasn't prompted by outrage at the treatment of gays, however, but by accusations that he had helped create the bill. Mr. Warren's Saddleback Church has hosted a Ugandan pastor who supports the legislation, but the purpose-driven pastor insists he has had no role shaping the proposed law. Though Mr. Warren deserves to be taken at his word, other comments he made are problematic.
them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.
An Afghan dancing boy

Last night, I watched the saddest little movie, a brave Frontline documentary about the “Bacha Bazi,” the underage “dancing boys” of Afghanistan. These children are sex slaves to older, powerful Afghan men–in this instance, former Northern Alliance warlords, who have purchased them from their impoverished families or, as orphans, simply taken them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.

Human Rights Watch, cited by Amnesty International, first broke this story in 1997. They cited it as a Taliban-abuse. I write about this in my book The Death of Feminism. Now UNICEF says that this practice “has to be eradicated.” The documentary narrative admits that, although such sex slavery is illegal, the police will not make arrests, and that the rare jail sentence is quickly commuted. The police themselves often comprise the all-male audiences who enjoy the dancing boy performances.

The bacha bazi kind of homosexuality is strictly prison-sex: it is taken by force, and is strictly about money and power. (In prison, this translates into “protection.”) The Afghan children have no choice but to make the best of it. Their lives are “ruined,” as one boy said on camera. But, when they “age out,” at eighteen, they hope to set up a stable of dancing boys of their own as the only or the best way to earn money.

Chesler Chronicles Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan?s ?Dancing Boys.?

This is extremely sad and another example of how multicuturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are equal, and not all cultures should be encouraged.

This practice, should just be made extinct.

So, in your view, this is news? That child rape occurs in Afganistan just as it does in Europe and the US?

I bet they have burglaries there as well. Lemme know when you find out.

O, and by the way "homosexuality" is NEVER about child rape. EVER. Child raping is whole different sexuality and predation on the weak is its driving force. The sexuality of a homosexual, like that of a heterosexual, is about desire for intimacy with another adult.

Just thought I mention that, since you seem to be so fascinated by this phenomena.

I agree child rape should be erradicated where-ever its found. No second chance for these scumbags.
The difference is in America or Europe if we discover child rape like what is going on Afghanistan, then we get those bastards. From the piece, it seems like Afghani culture actually encourages this!
Describing it as "Islamic" is purposefully misleading. One cannot be a gay Muslim.

Just like Muslims can't murder either, yet honor killing is rabid in your demonic religion! Get over it, your religion is hypocritical!
does this not occur in many countries of many religions....why not do one on altar boys and the catholic church?

I knew someone was going to go there!

First, whatever you say, it appears the Afghani way is much more brutal.
Second, the Catholic Church neve condoned child rape, then made the horrendous move to try to cover it up, in order to conceal a scandel! Poor choice/
Third, Christian non-Catholics don't see to have the Altar boy problem and Evangenicals are some of the best, nicest, compassionate and charitable people around nowadays. They beat atheists in these categories across the board.
Fourth, Altar boy stories make the headlines, but its doesn't appear to be as rabid as this Afghani slaves!
bottom lined...its child slavery for sexual gratification different from what goes on daily in nearly all countries....sexual expoilation of children

The lowest the human race has to offer is a child sexual predator!
Saudi Child Bride Turned Back Over to 80-Year-Old Husband
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Print ShareThisA Saudi Arabian father forced his 10-year-old daughter to return to her 80-year-old husband Sunday, after she was found hiding at the home of her aunt for 10 days, Arab News reported.

Saudi Child Bride Turned Back Over to 80-Year-Old Husband - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

The hypocrisy of the right wing in this country is staggering.

A perfectly legal marriage of a 10 year old to an 80 year old man in Saudi Arable is completely ignored because they are our allies, our president held hands and mouth kissed a Saudi prince, they own 7% of America and the number one reason? It's "heterosexual" so it's "kind of normal".

And the right becomes "outraged" because of the imagined "gay" aspect of dancing boys.

And, when you compare what the right wants to do to gays here, they become super outraged.

The right wing are turds. They are only against evil with it suits them. Sure, you may find a few that aren't "anti gay", but it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
Just like Muslims can't murder either,
Yes, they can. Murder is a sin that can be forgiven in some cases if God wills it and if repentance is earnestly sought. Homosexuality is a lifestyle, not a single act.

yet honor killing is rabid in your demonic religion!
Seeing as how no part of Islamic scripture condones "honor killing", I condemn in the strongest terms whatever demonic religion you're talking about.

They are losers indeed who kill their children foolishly without knowledge, and forbid that which Allah has provided for them, forging a lie against Allah. They indeed go astray, and are not guided. - 6:140
Get over it, your religion is hypocritical!
If that's the case, then you should be able to base your arguments on the religion's actual teachings rather than cultural practices or social trends that you illogically assume are part and parcel of Islam.
Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan and left a legacy. This included homosexual practice. These boys are only a small part of the homosexual scene in Afghanistan. I have read accounts of US soldiers freaked out by hill tribesmen coming on to them. It is a cultural norm there.
But suicide bombing is not a cultural norm in Islamic cultures. It is an artificial construct from recent times. One cannot commit suicide and be a good Muslim. To say otherwise is to distort Islam.
them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.
An Afghan dancing boy

Last night, I watched the saddest little movie, a brave Frontline documentary about the “Bacha Bazi,” the underage “dancing boys” of Afghanistan. These children are sex slaves to older, powerful Afghan men–in this instance, former Northern Alliance warlords, who have purchased them from their impoverished families or, as orphans, simply taken them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.

Human Rights Watch, cited by Amnesty International, first broke this story in 1997. They cited it as a Taliban-abuse. I write about this in my book The Death of Feminism. Now UNICEF says that this practice “has to be eradicated.” The documentary narrative admits that, although such sex slavery is illegal, the police will not make arrests, and that the rare jail sentence is quickly commuted. The police themselves often comprise the all-male audiences who enjoy the dancing boy performances.

The bacha bazi kind of homosexuality is strictly prison-sex: it is taken by force, and is strictly about money and power. (In prison, this translates into “protection.”) The Afghan children have no choice but to make the best of it. Their lives are “ruined,” as one boy said on camera. But, when they “age out,” at eighteen, they hope to set up a stable of dancing boys of their own as the only or the best way to earn money.

Chesler Chronicles Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan?s ?Dancing Boys.?

This is extremely sad and another example of how multicuturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are equal, and not all cultures should be encouraged.

This practice, should just be made extinct.

Wow. What a stretch! From a documentary on nasty behavior of former Northern Alliance fighters to "Islam's pederasty" and "multiculturalism is a joke"?

Do you even possess the capability to understand the difference between correlation and causation and how one of these does and the other does not relate to this entire post? How about hyperbole and bullshit? Do you understand those?

I didn't see the documentary, but from what you've blurted out, it seems that this is the practice of some former NA fighters that have come to Afgh. from other countries to fight the Ruskies. Tell me, how does this have anything to do with any 'culture' or even Islam? You really need to brush up on your nonexistent 'critical thinking' - another advanced term for you.
Wow. What a stretch! From a documentary on nasty behavior of former Northern Alliance fighters to "Islam's pederasty" and "multiculturalism is a joke"?

Do you even possess the capability to understand the difference between correlation and causation and how one of these does and the other does not relate to this entire post? How about hyperbole and bullshit? Do you understand those?

I didn't see the documentary, but from what you've blurted out, it seems that this is the practice of some former NA fighters that have come to Afgh. from other countries to fight the Ruskies. Tell me, how does this have anything to do with any 'culture' or even Islam? You really need to brush up on your nonexistent 'critical thinking' - another advanced term for you.

So you haven't seen the film mentioned. You know nothing about cultural conditions in Afghanistan in regard to homosexuality. And yet that won't stop you from making assumptions and slamming the OP? Wow, are you ignorant.
Just like Muslims can't murder either,
Yes, they can. Murder is a sin that can be forgiven in some cases if God wills it and if repentance is earnestly sought. Homosexuality is a lifestyle, not a single act.

yet honor killing is rabid in your demonic religion!
Seeing as how no part of Islamic scripture condones "honor killing", I condemn in the strongest terms whatever demonic religion you're talking about.
They are losers indeed who kill their children foolishly without knowledge, and forbid that which Allah has provided for them, forging a lie against Allah. They indeed go astray, and are not guided. - 6:140
Get over it, your religion is hypocritical!
If that's the case, then you should be able to base your arguments on the religion's actual teachings rather than cultural practices or social trends that you illogically assume are part and parcel of Islam.

I suggest you all see "Islam: What the West Needs to Know" to understand this fraud.

There is a differnce between Mohammed's "Mecca writings" and Mohammed's "Medina writings."

In Mecca, Mohammed had no power (as of yet) and he wrote of getting along and tolerance. But by the time Mohammed moved to Medina, he was an all powerful warlord and boy did his tone change!

Then he wrote the "verse of the sword" and how Muslims should kill Jews, and very violent things like that.

He also wrote that verses he wrote later supersede the verses he wrote earlier.

Thus when muslims tell you the Q'ran is a non violent book and show you verses that supposedly support that, DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT.

Read LATER in the Q'ran and you find that's a big lie, which btw, Muslims are allowed to lie to "infidels" and that means you and me.
Fuck you. Only a very sick individual would equate this atrocity with Republicans. What is wrong with you?

Sad story tps. Have you read the Kite Runner or the sequel? Heartbreaking

Fuck you. Only a very sick individual would equate this atrocity with Republicans. What is wrong with you?

Sad story tps. Have you read the Kite Runner or the sequel? Heartbreaking

rdean is so completely sapped of intelligent individual thought that there is no accusation too pathetic for his stupid 'logic'. To call him a moron is unkind - to morons who, generally, are more intelligent than rdean.

Sadly, this kind of thinking is not unusual. I posted on a board a few years back in which a poster was adamant that child sexual abuse in Asian countries is merely a cultural manifestation, and therefore not at all wrong as long as it stays there.

Unfortunately, we have plenty of Americans who go to other countries for the sole purpose of availing themselves of this disgusting practice.
them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.
An Afghan dancing boy

Last night, I watched the saddest little movie, a brave Frontline documentary about the “Bacha Bazi,” the underage “dancing boys” of Afghanistan. These children are sex slaves to older, powerful Afghan men–in this instance, former Northern Alliance warlords, who have purchased them from their impoverished families or, as orphans, simply taken them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.

Human Rights Watch, cited by Amnesty International, first broke this story in 1997. They cited it as a Taliban-abuse. I write about this in my book The Death of Feminism. Now UNICEF says that this practice “has to be eradicated.” The documentary narrative admits that, although such sex slavery is illegal, the police will not make arrests, and that the rare jail sentence is quickly commuted. The police themselves often comprise the all-male audiences who enjoy the dancing boy performances.

The bacha bazi kind of homosexuality is strictly prison-sex: it is taken by force, and is strictly about money and power. (In prison, this translates into “protection.”) The Afghan children have no choice but to make the best of it. Their lives are “ruined,” as one boy said on camera. But, when they “age out,” at eighteen, they hope to set up a stable of dancing boys of their own as the only or the best way to earn money.

Chesler Chronicles Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan?s ?Dancing Boys.?

This is extremely sad and another example of how multicuturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are equal, and not all cultures should be encouraged.

This practice, should just be made extinct.

I read the book by Ms. Chesler, and found it revealing.

She was married to an Afghan, and lived in Afghanistan.

Islam is a highly sexually repressed religion, but there are outlets such as prescribed rape.

And, contrary to the posts of our friend Kalam, the Koran has passaages which promise homosexual sex in the afterlife.
Wow. What a stretch! From a documentary on nasty behavior of former Northern Alliance fighters to "Islam's pederasty" and "multiculturalism is a joke"?

Do you even possess the capability to understand the difference between correlation and causation and how one of these does and the other does not relate to this entire post? How about hyperbole and bullshit? Do you understand those?

I didn't see the documentary, but from what you've blurted out, it seems that this is the practice of some former NA fighters that have come to Afgh. from other countries to fight the Ruskies. Tell me, how does this have anything to do with any 'culture' or even Islam? You really need to brush up on your nonexistent 'critical thinking' - another advanced term for you.

So you haven't seen the film mentioned. You know nothing about cultural conditions in Afghanistan in regard to homosexuality. And yet that won't stop you from making assumptions and slamming the OP? Wow, are you ignorant.

Lemme get this straight. By attacking my stance you are by natural and logical extension supporting the OP's ridiculous exaggeration, right? Therefore, according to you, it is correct to assume that since a few sexually repressed and perverted catholic priests abuse a few boys around the western world (in every 'wester' country), Christianity and the western 'culture' is perverted and sexually repressed. Right? Yeah, that is how laughable of a stretch the demented OP is making, darling.

And no, I don't need to see the documentary in question to figure all of this out. A few ounces of gray matter are plenty enough to do so.
Last edited:
them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.
An Afghan dancing boy

Last night, I watched the saddest little movie, a brave Frontline documentary about the “Bacha Bazi,” the underage “dancing boys” of Afghanistan. These children are sex slaves to older, powerful Afghan men–in this instance, former Northern Alliance warlords, who have purchased them from their impoverished families or, as orphans, simply taken them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.

Human Rights Watch, cited by Amnesty International, first broke this story in 1997. They cited it as a Taliban-abuse. I write about this in my book The Death of Feminism. Now UNICEF says that this practice “has to be eradicated.” The documentary narrative admits that, although such sex slavery is illegal, the police will not make arrests, and that the rare jail sentence is quickly commuted. The police themselves often comprise the all-male audiences who enjoy the dancing boy performances.

The bacha bazi kind of homosexuality is strictly prison-sex: it is taken by force, and is strictly about money and power. (In prison, this translates into “protection.”) The Afghan children have no choice but to make the best of it. Their lives are “ruined,” as one boy said on camera. But, when they “age out,” at eighteen, they hope to set up a stable of dancing boys of their own as the only or the best way to earn money.

Chesler Chronicles Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan?s ?Dancing Boys.?

This is extremely sad and another example of how multicuturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are equal, and not all cultures should be encouraged.

This practice, should just be made extinct.

I read the book by Ms. Chesler, and found it revealing.

She was married to an Afghan, and lived in Afghanistan.

Islam is a highly sexually repressed religion, but there are outlets such as prescribed rape.

And, contrary to the posts of our friend Kalam, the Koran has passaages which promise homosexual sex in the afterlife.

All of religion is a bunch of repressed, perverted, nonsensical bullshit. I really like seeing you Jesus loving freaks making yourself feel better by picking on your smaller crippled brother, Islam.

Fuck all of religion.
Fuck all of religion.

As a leftist you say that, but you only attack two Christianity and Judaism, while your left leaning cowardness makes you protect the most brutal religion of the modern day - ISLAM!

You may say fuck all religions, but you really mean fuck Christianity and Judaism, but praise Allah!
them off the street. When they try to escape, they are found and punished—or they are murdered.
An Afghan dancing boy

Chesler Chronicles Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan?s ?Dancing Boys.?

This is extremely sad and another example of how multicuturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are equal, and not all cultures should be encouraged.

This practice, should just be made extinct.

I read the book by Ms. Chesler, and found it revealing.

She was married to an Afghan, and lived in Afghanistan.

Islam is a highly sexually repressed religion, but there are outlets such as prescribed rape.

And, contrary to the posts of our friend Kalam, the Koran has passaages which promise homosexual sex in the afterlife.

All of religion is a bunch of repressed, perverted, nonsensical bullshit. I really like seeing you Jesus loving freaks making yourself feel better by picking on your smaller crippled brother, Islam.

Fuck all of religion.

1. I'm surprised at the relapse in your vocabulary; you are usually more articlulate. Must be a particular dislike for religion.

2. "...on your smaller crippled brother, Islam" By what definition is Islam smaller than Christianity, and certainly, Judaism?

3. Would you be including the secular religion, Liberalism?

4. My surprise is extended to your lack of realization that an unbridled hedonism has, traditionally, been kept in check, within bounds, by religion, morality, law, and, often, the necessity to work hard based on the fear of want.

And, contrary to the posts of our friend Kalam, the Koran has passaages which promise homosexual sex in the afterlife.

Is that the reward or the punishment?

A reward for the observant.

I would be happy to provide the suras (verses) if you wish.

Whether it involves a reward or punishment for the boy who is used, is undisclosed, as is the same for the 72 virgins...

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