Islamic State terrorists are using civilians as human shields

And now you've just managed to convince yourself of something without understand where this came from. So you're just willing to ignore the past, pretend you don't need to know the past, pretend that Islam is just inherently violent and therefore is a problem because of this.

You're switching arguments all the time, and each time you manage to convince yourself that you're right because you've ignored everything.

The reality is that Islam doesn't need to be violent. What is written in the Koran and what people practice can be, and in most cases, are different.

Islam has become more and more violent due to the attacks from the West. Modern Jihad was born out of the British Empire's arrogance and has increased massively due to the US's attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan and the US setting up the perfect environment for them to flourish.

Had the West taken a step back, Islam would not have been like this.

Now, the question is why is this important to know? Because if we keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again, as we have been doing for more than 200 years, Islam will become more and more violent and we'll have more and more problems.

But then this plays into the hands of the right who want the violence so they can fight against it and keep the people in their place with fear, and they find it easier to get elected too, because they only need to tell the people they'll bomb ISIS, nuke Iraq and millions of people will love it.

The only mistake we are making is allowing Islam to spread. If they wish to live that way let them stay there. They refuse to assimilate in Europe. There are separate enclaves in America You can babble about fear when it is awareness and knowing the enemy will not compromise and that violence is their solution to everything.

Through out history has only been stopped militarily. It is far past time for decisive action. You go ahead and put the blame everywhere but where it belongs. While you do that more die and Islam gets stronger. Your kind of whining only enables these assholes. Snap the fuck out of it.

You don't really see the problem. You're talking about "allowing Islam to spread" as if A) you can do anything about it and B) you are somehow the world's police. This is the exact reason why Islam has become more violent in the first place.

The problem is, during this whole discussion between you and me, you've refused to look at the reality of the situation. All you see is the scaremongering and the nonsense that has been coming out about Islam, you're playing into the hands of the right wing who want this common enemy so they can spend even more of your money on the military, and put fear into your lives so you become more malleable.

You are the one who is not looking at the reality. This is a ruthless enemy that believes their belief system must rule the world. And it is widely supported by a large percentage of Muslims. Check the Pew polls and you will find out.

Islam needs to be shunned and shamed for what it is, not what we are told it is by apologists and dhimmis.

And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.
The only mistake we are making is allowing Islam to spread. If they wish to live that way let them stay there. They refuse to assimilate in Europe. There are separate enclaves in America You can babble about fear when it is awareness and knowing the enemy will not compromise and that violence is their solution to everything.

Through out history has only been stopped militarily. It is far past time for decisive action. You go ahead and put the blame everywhere but where it belongs. While you do that more die and Islam gets stronger. Your kind of whining only enables these assholes. Snap the fuck out of it.

You don't really see the problem. You're talking about "allowing Islam to spread" as if A) you can do anything about it and B) you are somehow the world's police. This is the exact reason why Islam has become more violent in the first place.

The problem is, during this whole discussion between you and me, you've refused to look at the reality of the situation. All you see is the scaremongering and the nonsense that has been coming out about Islam, you're playing into the hands of the right wing who want this common enemy so they can spend even more of your money on the military, and put fear into your lives so you become more malleable.

You are the one who is not looking at the reality. This is a ruthless enemy that believes their belief system must rule the world. And it is widely supported by a large percentage of Muslims. Check the Pew polls and you will find out.

Islam needs to be shunned and shamed for what it is, not what we are told it is by apologists and dhimmis.

And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.
You don't really see the problem. You're talking about "allowing Islam to spread" as if A) you can do anything about it and B) you are somehow the world's police. This is the exact reason why Islam has become more violent in the first place.

The problem is, during this whole discussion between you and me, you've refused to look at the reality of the situation. All you see is the scaremongering and the nonsense that has been coming out about Islam, you're playing into the hands of the right wing who want this common enemy so they can spend even more of your money on the military, and put fear into your lives so you become more malleable.

You are the one who is not looking at the reality. This is a ruthless enemy that believes their belief system must rule the world. And it is widely supported by a large percentage of Muslims. Check the Pew polls and you will find out.

Islam needs to be shunned and shamed for what it is, not what we are told it is by apologists and dhimmis.

And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.
You are the one who is not looking at the reality. This is a ruthless enemy that believes their belief system must rule the world. And it is widely supported by a large percentage of Muslims. Check the Pew polls and you will find out.

Islam needs to be shunned and shamed for what it is, not what we are told it is by apologists and dhimmis.

And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.
And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

I know what the Koran says. However I also know what the Bible says. And when I mentioned it you decided that you didn't want what the Bible says in this debate. How convenient.

But you've also taken what the Koran said and then placed it onto some alternative reality which doesn't represent this reality, AND you've ignored history. All of it.
And again, why are they ruthless? They're ruthless because the more fighting they do, the more they become ruthless. And the fighting has come from fighting the West IN THEIR OWN LANDS. If you go to Iraq and set up a petri dish for ISIS, and then complain that ISIS is bad and evil, then who can you blame? Well you can only really blame those who set up those conditions, and they go by the name of Bremer and Bush and they did it in the name of the USA.

Fine, let's shame Islam for what it is. There's a lot to be ashamed about in my view. But you're only looking at Islam. Why aren't you looking at your own house? The US has EVEN MORE to be ashamed about.

Going to Iraq to try and weaken OPEC and basically makes up "intelligence" to convince the people to go to war. Then once the war is won, they set about being so incompetent at rebuilding the nation that ISIS thrives.

And that's only one thing.

Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.
Islamic State terrorists are using civilians as human shields - full article

"At least 200 Iraqi families have been made to leave their homes for Mosul by Islamic State (IS) fighters and could be used as human shields, the UN warns.

A coalition of forces began an advance on the IS-held city, the second largest in Iraq, on Monday.

The UN human rights office says IS made the 200 families walk to Mosul from a nearby village on the same day."

west allies terrorist in east aleppo too
Fuck rebuilding anything. Let Islamists take care of their own. No aid humanitarian or otherwise. That will finally destroy Islam when their followers see how terrible the belief system is. And how if it cannot take what is not theirs the Islamic belief system will rot on the vine.

Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.
Well, that seemed to be Bush and Bremer's whole philosophy, and where did that end up?

Two contrasting views. One, rebuilding, the Marshall Plan. Japan, Germany etc went from enemies to allies and the rebuilding made the allies strong. Two, no rebuilding, Bush and Bremer took men who would have been allies, the Iraqi Police and Armed Forces, and kicked them out of their jobs and made them go look for other work, namely for Islamic groups, and this then made Iraq hate the US, and gave the enemy more fighters.

And seeing these two contrasting views, you think the LATTER is the best option. Holy fuck.

You think this is going to destroy Islam? How's that then? It won't.

Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.
Mohammad made Iraq hate us. Mohammad made every true Muslim(those who emulate Mohammad) hate us. You refuse to deal with the root cause. ISLAM.

No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.
No, you're just making stuff up, and trying to pass it off as the truth. You've ignored history because it doesn't suit your agenda.

Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Get yourself a Koran and the Hadith. I am not making one thing up.

Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.
Delenda Est Arabia

It's not about words, it's about swords. These subhumans are pure thrill-killers and would do so without any religious justification behind it.

"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.
"sub-humans"? Now you're talking like a real Nazi.

Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.
Now you can take back that lie. That quote about sub-humans is not from me. Do you have to lie to make your weak argument? You just made it a lot weaker.

And if anyone resembles Nazism it is Islamism. They kill who is in their way. They are supremacists, and completely devoid of respect for anything but Islam.

Again, take back that lie.

You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.

You were talking about race and species, I then comment on yo saying this, and then all of a sudden you pull Islam out of your ass from nowhere.

As for forgetting more about Islam than I ever knew, that's highly doubtful, I mean you've hardly shown any knowledge of Islam up to this point. Maybe you've lost all your knowledge of Islam. But this fake bravado and trying to somehow win arguments by making up shit doesn't wash with me.
You wrote "subhumans", you didn't put it in quotation marks, you didn't say someone else said it, you put it there. How is it a lie?

Islam kills whoever is in their way, so does the US. Oh, OPEC is annoying us, let's invade Iraq and bomb Libya and make sure their leaders both get killed, and lets cause loads of problems in Iraq and Libya too so that ISIS comes about. Who cares about the lives that get lost in these places?

The US is the biggest threat to global security right now.

That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.

You were talking about race and species, I then comment on yo saying this, and then all of a sudden you pull Islam out of your ass from nowhere.

As for forgetting more about Islam than I ever knew, that's highly doubtful, I mean you've hardly shown any knowledge of Islam up to this point. Maybe you've lost all your knowledge of Islam. But this fake bravado and trying to somehow win arguments by making up shit doesn't wash with me.

All you need to know about Islam is Mohammad.
That was the sage of main street that wrote that{post 46}. Come on back when you learn to read. Now acknowledge I did not say that.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.

You were talking about race and species, I then comment on yo saying this, and then all of a sudden you pull Islam out of your ass from nowhere.

As for forgetting more about Islam than I ever knew, that's highly doubtful, I mean you've hardly shown any knowledge of Islam up to this point. Maybe you've lost all your knowledge of Islam. But this fake bravado and trying to somehow win arguments by making up shit doesn't wash with me.

All you need to know about Islam is Mohammad.

And you've just shown how little you know, and how little you bother to have decent arguments.

You've just destroyed thousands of years of history, in order to just decide what you think is important, and you don't even know most things in order to make that judgement in the first place.

I doubt you've even been to a Muslim country.
Survival of the Misfittest Is the Transnationalists' Commandment

The human race is not all of the same species. Some groups are overstaying their evolutionary expiration date. The ruling classes want to humiliate us by saying we are no better than the obviously obsolete savages.

Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.

You were talking about race and species, I then comment on yo saying this, and then all of a sudden you pull Islam out of your ass from nowhere.

As for forgetting more about Islam than I ever knew, that's highly doubtful, I mean you've hardly shown any knowledge of Islam up to this point. Maybe you've lost all your knowledge of Islam. But this fake bravado and trying to somehow win arguments by making up shit doesn't wash with me.

All you need to know about Islam is Mohammad.

And you've just shown how little you know, and how little you bother to have decent arguments.

You've just destroyed thousands of years of history, in order to just decide what you think is important, and you don't even know most things in order to make that judgement in the first place.

I doubt you've even been to a Muslim country.

Why would that matter? What would that change? Islam is a cult, not a religion. The facts are the Koran is to be interpreted literally. That is what ISIS is doing. And if you bothered to look at the Pew polls they have a lot of support.

And how did I destroy history? Islam was advanced by conquering tribes killing the men enslaving the women and converting the children. That has not changed. And what Mohammad said and did is the example to follow, the Koran says over 90 times he is the perfect man. The way Islam is taught will ensure that Islam will churn out monsters like Mohammad like Ford does cars.

You need to understand Islam is completely intolerant of anything un-Islamic and compromise is forbidden by Mohammad. He said nothing about coexisting that has not been abrogated(if you know what that is). And he made it an obligation and the greatest deed to fight and die to advance Islam. Is that not what ISIS is doing?
“I believe it is foolish to insist, as Western leaders habitually do, that the violent acts committed in the name of Islam, can somehow be divorced from the religion itself…Islam is not a religion of peace…There are many millions of peaceful Muslims in the world…The call to violence and justification for it are explicitly stated in the sacred text of Islam. Moreover, this theologically-sanctioned violence is there to be activated by any number of offences including, but not limited to, adultery, blasphemy, homosexuality and apostasy…Those who tolerate this intolerance do so at their peril.

Hit the nail on the head.
Former Muslim warns that if Islam continues as is, the West will not
Yeah, you just peddle the racist crap.... I'll just ignore your uneducated nonsense.

Islam is not a race, Einstien. And I have forgotten more about Islam than you will ever know.

You were talking about race and species, I then comment on yo saying this, and then all of a sudden you pull Islam out of your ass from nowhere.

As for forgetting more about Islam than I ever knew, that's highly doubtful, I mean you've hardly shown any knowledge of Islam up to this point. Maybe you've lost all your knowledge of Islam. But this fake bravado and trying to somehow win arguments by making up shit doesn't wash with me.

All you need to know about Islam is Mohammad.

And you've just shown how little you know, and how little you bother to have decent arguments.

You've just destroyed thousands of years of history, in order to just decide what you think is important, and you don't even know most things in order to make that judgement in the first place.

I doubt you've even been to a Muslim country.

Why would that matter? What would that change? Islam is a cult, not a religion. The facts are the Koran is to be interpreted literally. That is what ISIS is doing. And if you bothered to look at the Pew polls they have a lot of support.

And how did I destroy history? Islam was advanced by conquering tribes killing the men enslaving the women and converting the children. That has not changed. And what Mohammad said and did is the example to follow, the Koran says over 90 times he is the perfect man. The way Islam is taught will ensure that Islam will churn out monsters like Mohammad like Ford does cars.

You need to understand Islam is completely intolerant of anything un-Islamic and compromise is forbidden by Mohammad. He said nothing about coexisting that has not been abrogated(if you know what that is). And he made it an obligation and the greatest deed to fight and die to advance Islam. Is that not what ISIS is doing?

You're very good at just choosing the interpretation for things that suits your own agenda, but it's still bullshit.

What's the difference between a cult and a religion? Nothing, except one is accepted and the other not. One is negative and the other not. So when a religion doesn't want to accept another, it flings shit, ie "it's a cult" at it to try and make people believe.

cult - definition of cult in English | Oxford Dictionaries

1) A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

2) A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

So, well, you think it's dangerous, I think all religions are dangerous, so I should just start calling them all cults.

Remember, top 40 cities in the world for murder, they're ALL Christian cities.

Number of country for invading other countries is the USA, every President has been a Christian, the majority of government has been Christian

What is ISIS doing? ISIS is going around killing people. Who set up the situation where they could exist? The USA. Who is more dangerous, the US or ISIS? The US. The only country to have dropped Atomic Bombs on people, the country that likes to invade, the country that likes to mess things up, yep, it's the USA.

You're taking what Islam was 1400 years ago, and then deciding you know everything about Islam from then to now, based on one thing. That's ridiculous.

It's like saying you know about Jesus, therefore you don't need to know what has happened in the last 2000 years.
You don't need to know about the brutal conquest of the Americas, you don't need to know about the brutal conquest of half of Africa and more.
You don't need to know about the invasions, interference, killings, slavery etc of almost all Muslim countries.
You don't need to know about the splits which formed the Catholic Church and then Protestantism.

No, you only need to know one thing, because you don't have time to look back at history.

I'm sorry, but you're not dumbing down history and then trying to pass it off as the truth.

the Bible says to kill Adulterers.

Also the Bible says "thou shalt not kill" and yet Christianity has the highest levels of killing in the world. Does that mean that people follow their religious book?

Indonesia has a murder rate 15 times lower than the US's murder rate. Does this mean they're constantly going around murdering because the Koran says so? No it does not

Malaysia has Majority (just) Muslim population and then lots of Chinese and Indians with lots of religions, do the Malaysians go around killing all the time? No, it's a safer country than the US by a long way.

Your argument doesn't stand up to reality. This is why you have to ignore reality, because it's the ONLY way your argument could be accepted by anyone. But I KNOW reality and I'm not letting you come up with bullshit and trying to pass it off as the truth.

No, I don't need to understand that Islam is completely intolerant. I've been to Muslim countries on three continents and find people who are just as tolerant as those in other countries, I've been to Malaysia and seen the tolerance they have for other religions around them.

Some Muslims aren't tolerant, and some Christians aren't tolerant either. My father worked for a Christian church and saw major intolerance. Christians are intolerant of gays, as are many Muslims, there is intolerance.
However in Spain Muslims were tolerant of other religions. When Christianity took over they were not tolerant of other religions and kicked the people out. Go to La Mezquita in Cordoba and see how the Catholic Church tries to hide the fact it was built as a Mosque.

Again, you're trying to pass off bullshit you just made up as reality, when you don't know reality and don't seem to be tolerant enough to even bother to find it out, and then you shout "intolerance" at others.

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