'Islamic State' tries to stop refugees from leaving


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Would any decent person want to stay with these psychotics?

'Islamic State' tries to stop refugees from leaving

Every day, people flee from the regions that "IS" has declared as its territory. The extremists have problems accepting this, as the fact of people leaving the caliphate does not fit with their worldview.

It is a photo that shocked the world: the young refugee boy Aylan lying on the beach of the Turkish town of Bodrum. His red T-shirt has ridden up a little; his shoes are soaked through. At first glance, it looks as if Aylan is sleeping. But his face is in the water. The boy is dead.

In September, this picture was printed by newspapers the world over and shared on social networks thousands of times. The fate of this three-year-old who drowned while fleeing to Greece encapsulates the dramatic nature of the current refugee catastrophe.

'IS' propaganda magazine

"Dabiq," the English-language propaganda magazine put out by the terror organization "Islamic State," also published the photo in its Internet edition - but not to draw attention to the desperate plight of refugees who, like Aylan's family, had fled from terror.

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'Islamic State' tries to stop refugees from leaving | Middle East | DW.COM | 11.12.2015?

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