Islamic Wars - Most Noble, Most Honored


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. This is the reason why I have not been able to actively participate in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Meanwhile, let me adress the topic of the Islamic Wars. They were most honored and most noble. Christians who use this to discredit Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) are highly hypocritical, extremely dishonest and terribly ignorant of the issues of religion. By religion, I mean any given religion. As to America, its history is a history of wars. The secession war (1861-1865) is a turning point of American history. The United States turned the course of the first World War and were an important reason for the victory of the allied forces in the second World War. The United States have been at war from the 1950s to 1991. They have been at war since 2001, ongoing. They better not find fault with Islamic wars, but perfection. War is part of the affairs of mankind.

Moses (peace on him) came with one wing. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, and so on. Jesus (peace on him) came with another wing. Turn the other cheek and look to God. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), the most perfect and the most complete came with both wings. This is why Muslims were ordered to fight those who refuse to give their hearts to God. This is why, also, Muslims are ordered to not have any hate for anyone, to not harm and to not hurt anyone. As Muhammad said: The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands others are safe. As Muhammad said: The strong one is not he who defeats others in wrestling but the one who forgives when angry.

Yes, we Muslims worship a God that lives. We serve Him and we love Him. He knows best what He likes most. So He told us His beloved was Muhammad and He told us He liked humans to worship Him. He told us He is very protective of these issues. So we fight you if you refuse to give your hearts to God, and give it to others or to yourselves. We don't take these issues lighty. That is nobility of purpose, that is Islam.

However, in this day and age, there is no more one single Muslim kingdom. There are scattered Muslim countries in different parts of the world. That is why fighting is forbidden. Only the king of a unique Muslim kingdom can declare war on the unbelievers and the infidels. But for 1200 years, the Muslim kingdom, whether the Umayyads or the Ottomans, never ceased killing the unbelievers and raising high the name of Allah (God) and the name of Muhammad in the world, peace, blessings and mercy of Allah be upon him and his family.
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Oh look, just like the Christians in the Dark Ages who used religion to justify their conquests and killings......... Looks like you have some growing up to do.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. This is the reason why I have not been able to actively participate in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Meanwhile, let me adress the topic of the Islamic Wars. They were most honored and most noble. Christians who use this to discredit Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) are highly hypocritical, extremely dishonest and terribly ignorant of the issues of religion. By religion, I mean any given religion. As to America, its history is a history of wars. The secession war (1861-1865) is a turning point of American history. The United States turned the course of the first World War and were an important reason for the victory of the allied forces in the second World War. The United States have been at war from the 1950s to 1991. They have been at war since 2001, ongoing. They better not find fault with Islamic wars, but perfection. War is part of the affairs of mankind.

Moses (peace on him) came with one wing. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, and so on. Jesus (peace on him) came with another wing. Turn the other cheek and look to God. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), the most perfect and the most complete came with both wings. This is why Muslims were ordered to fight those who refuse to give their hearts to God. This is why, also, Muslims are ordered to not have any hate for anyone, to not harm and to not hurt anyone. As Muhammad said: The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands others are safe. As Muhammad said: The strong one is not he who defeats others in wrestling but the one who forgives when angry.

Yes, we Muslims worship a God that lives. We serve Him and we love Him. He knows best what He likes most. So He told us His beloved was Muhammad and He told us He liked humans to worship Him. He told us He is very protective of these issues. So we fight you if you refuse to give your hearts to God, and give it to others or to yourselves. We don't take these issues lighty. That is nobility of purpose, that is Islam.

However, in this day and age, there is no more one single Muslim kingdom. There are scattered Muslim countries in different parts of the world. That is why fighting is forbidden. Only the king of a unique Muslim kingdom can declare war on the unbelievers and the infidels. But for 1200 years, the Muslim kingdom, whether the Umayyads or the Ottomans, never ceased killing the unbelievers and raising high the name of Allah (God) and the name of Muhammad in the world, peace, blessings and mercy of Allah be upon him and his family.

You mean rubbing Allah's nose in the dirt!! We Bulgars knew how to deal with the Ottomans....took us centuries but we got them!!! I have no sympathy for your beliefs, customs or intentions; I just sharpen my dirk!!

"Za Nami Boga"

Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. This is the reason why I have not been able to actively participate in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Meanwhile, let me adress the topic of the Islamic Wars. They were most honored and most noble. Christians who use this to discredit Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) are highly hypocritical, extremely dishonest and terribly ignorant of the issues of religion. By religion, I mean any given religion. As to America, its history is a history of wars. The secession war (1861-1865) is a turning point of American history. The United States turned the course of the first World War and were an important reason for the victory of the allied forces in the second World War. The United States have been at war from the 1950s to 1991. They have been at war since 2001, ongoing. They better not find fault with Islamic wars, but perfection. War is part of the affairs of mankind.

Moses (peace on him) came with one wing. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, and so on. Jesus (peace on him) came with another wing. Turn the other cheek and look to God. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), the most perfect and the most complete came with both wings. This is why Muslims were ordered to fight those who refuse to give their hearts to God. This is why, also, Muslims are ordered to not have any hate for anyone, to not harm and to not hurt anyone. As Muhammad said: The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands others are safe. As Muhammad said: The strong one is not he who defeats others in wrestling but the one who forgives when angry.

Yes, we Muslims worship a God that lives. We serve Him and we love Him. He knows best what He likes most. So He told us His beloved was Muhammad and He told us He liked humans to worship Him. He told us He is very protective of these issues. So we fight you if you refuse to give your hearts to God, and give it to others or to yourselves. We don't take these issues lighty. That is nobility of purpose, that is Islam.

However, in this day and age, there is no more one single Muslim kingdom. There are scattered Muslim countries in different parts of the world. That is why fighting is forbidden. Only the king of a unique Muslim kingdom can declare war on the unbelievers and the infidels. But for 1200 years, the Muslim kingdom, whether the Umayyads or the Ottomans, never ceased killing the unbelievers and raising high the name of Allah (God) and the name of Muhammad in the world, peace, blessings and mercy of Allah be upon him and his family.

So what you're saying is Islam is only a religion of peace if everyone is Muslim?
Questions to Muslims.
I named my dog Muhammad because he is a pitbull / boxer cross am I Supposed to say that stupid (peace be upon him and his family)
thing everytime I say his name ? it seems like a real hassle but.. I do not want to offend anyone
Oh look, just like the Christians in the Dark Ages who used religion to justify their conquests and killings......... Looks like you have some growing up to do.

You don't know what you are speaking about, that's why you are calling the middle ages "dark". No one needs a religion to do wars or to justify conquests and killings. That's nonsense. There was not a modern time coming to teach the people not to be murderers any longer. This law is unbelievable old. It was exactly in the opposit. More and more war and murder came with the modern times. Today for example the ISIS-terrorists are members of the new modern and confused world. Take a look what Didier François says: ISIS captors cared little about religion says former hostage -

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Ever seen Cat/Dog on the Cartoon Network? That inspired me to give my dog two names. I call the half where the food goes in, "Woof", and the half where the food comes out, "Obama."
Oh look, just like the Christians in the Dark Ages who used religion to justify their conquests and killings......... Looks like you have some growing up to do.

You don't know what you are speaking about, that's why you are calling the middle ages "dark". No one needs a religion to do wars or to justify conquests and killings. That's nonsense. There was not a modern time coming to teach the people not to be murderers any longer. This law is unbelievable old. It was exactly in the opposit. More and more war and murder came with the modern times. Today for example the ISIS-terrorists are members of the new modern and confused world. Take a look what Didier François says: ISIS captors cared little about religion says former hostage -

There is more than one name for the Middle Ages, if you were a historian you would know that. If you even remotely attempted to read between the lines of my post you would also understand why I chose to use the term "Dark Ages"....... :eusa_whistle:
People use all kinds of justifications for war and conquest, again you miss my point completely, you focused on religion not justification.
There's a whole big world out there beyond your nose, try focusing further out.

So what you're saying is Islam is only a religion of peace if everyone is Muslim?

Before World War II lived in Turkey (asia minor) 1/3 Christians. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) spoke with a very high respect about the Osman empire. We had indeed good relations. Sure they tried to conquer Europe - sure we defended Europe. But this doesn't mean we were not full of respect for the achievement potential of the civilisation of Muslims.

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... There is more than one name for the Middle Ages, if you were a historian you would know that.

Here, where I live, we never call the middle ages "dark ages". We call it for exampokle "early middle age" or "holy empire" and so on. Hitler and the Nazis were for example a dark age in our history.

If you even remotely attempted to read between the lines

Why not? Some of our ancestors prefered to fight with tomahawks.

of my post you would also understand why I chose to use the term "Dark Ages"....... :eusa_whistle:

So you had a choice and took a prejudice.

People use all kinds of justifications for war and conquest,

During the middle ages the quality of a duke, king or emperor was his ability to keep peace. Someone who made war was a bad sovereign.

again you miss my point completely, you focused on religion not justification.
There's a whole big world out there beyond your nose, try focusing further out.

I am myselve the whole big world out there and my nose is focused in the moment in the english speaking world.

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... There is more than one name for the Middle Ages, if you were a historian you would know that.

Here, where I live, we never call the middle ages "dark ages". We call it for exampokle "early middle age" or "holy empire" and so on. Hitler and the Nazis were for example a dark age in our history.

If you even remotely attempted to read between the lines

Why not? Some of our ancestors prefered to fight with tomahawks.

of my post you would also understand why I chose to use the term "Dark Ages"....... :eusa_whistle:

So you had a choice and took a prejudice.

People use all kinds of justifications for war and conquest,

During the middle ages the quality of a duke, king or emperor was his ability to keep peace. Someone who made war was a bad sovereign.

again you miss my point completely, you focused on religion not justification.
There's a whole big world out there beyond your nose, try focusing further out.

I am myselve the whole big world out there and my nose is focused in the moment in the english speaking world.

Sooooo, the Middle Ages was an age of peace and prosperity eh? No wars? The ruling classes (to include the Pope) never used religion to justify (make an excuse for) conquest, control and power eh?
The Muslims never attempted to extend their rule over all of Europe? I guess Charles Martel didn't stop the army of Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman at Tours in 732.
I'm sorry, where'd you study history? Kintergarten?
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... Sooooo, the Middle Ages was an age of peace and prosperity eh? No wars?

Depends. The Middle Ages are a wide area and a long time. When Genghis Khan felt from his horse no one in the Middle of Europe was sad about.

The ruling classes (to include the Pope) never used religion to justify (make an excuse for) conquest, control and power eh?

War was (and is) only allowed on reasons of self defense. That's why the concept of the crusades was used in a perverted way. In a similiar way for example George W. Bush used the concept of "preemptive strikes" to do a war against the Iraq - what caused reactions like ISIS - ISIS once started as a kind of freedom movement and perverted into an extremly agressive and criminal organisation.

The Muslims never attempted to extend their rule over all of Europe? I guess Charles Martel didn't stop the army of Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman at Tours in 732.

He was a German - so what do you expect? He attacked a very well trained modern army with some stupid farmers and lost. Ah sorry - he won. Strange. He won. Why? How?

I'm sorry, where'd you study history?



I was not in the Kindergarden. I escaped.

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Tribe against tribe, town against town, city against city, state against state.......all because of the legal tender of the it hunting grounds or Lebensraum. It's about the money, stupid!

Tribe against tribe, town against town, city against city, state against state.......all because of the legal tender of the it hunting grounds or Lebensraum. It's about the money, stupid!


Stupid is it to use the modern darwinistic concept "Lebensraum" (habitat, space to live) in context with the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages for examole 1/3 of a year were holy-days. The people went on pilgrimage sometimes for years. And to take a bath together with a lover in a vat was for sure also not a bad thing. The fairy tales from "1001 nights" are by the way not fairy tales for children.

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Tribe against tribe, town against town, city against city, state against state.......all because of the legal tender of the it hunting grounds or Lebensraum. It's about the money, stupid!


Stupid is it to use the modern darwinistic concept "Lebensraum" (habitat, space to live) in context with the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages for examole 1/3 of a year were holy-days. The people went on pilgrimage sometimes for years. And to take a bath together with a lover in a vat was for sure also not a bad thing. The fairy tales from "1001 nights" are by the way not fairy tales for children.

If you look up you'll see these concepts flying out of sight!! You are clueless!!

"The fairy tales from "1001 nights" are by the way not fairy tales for children."

They're Mullah Porn???

... If you look up you'll see these concepts flying out of sight!! You are clueless!!

"The fairy tales from "1001 nights" are by the way not fairy tales for children."

They're Mullah Porn???


Your mirror. I don't think it makes sense to try to be now the mirror of your mírror. Geronimo for example was a mirror of the anglo-american way to live. His violence was not he or the violence of red indians in general - his violence was what your world made with him.

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Islam repeatedly had its way through far ends of Europe (France, Spain, etc...). That is its glory.

Jesus (peace on him) taught compassion and kindness and like good deeds. For one thing, when you are good to all, no one can harm you. When the Church promoted Crusades, that was different, just like the Church had immense problems with science.

These types of war are not just of Islam. David killed Goliath.

"It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): In the name of Allah (God), Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (to the true Religion)."

Out of love of God, the Muslims waged war on the infidels. The infidels did not like to give their hearts to God. So the Muslims were ordered to fight them and kill them so as to raise the Name of Allah in all the world. We know from Muhammad that "Paradise is under the shade of swords." How great these men were!

Of course, fighting is forbidden in our age. This is an age of peace.

There must be both wings: the one Moses came with, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life and so on; and the one Jesus came with: turn the other cheek, forgive. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) completed prophethood coming with both wings. To give your life in an effort to please God and out of love for God, that is the pinnacle of faith.
The fundamental difference is WHY!

After Adam every human dies once anyway. A natural death has not much advantage over an unnatural one. Moreover, God's priority is to save souls. Unlike humans who count bodies, God counts souls. He counts overall how many souls will be saved along the timeline of humanity. Israel is God's planted seed for the salvation of humans (today's humans also). If the Jews are not allowed to kill, they will be the first to vanish in history and God's plan for human salvation will thus come to an end. The salvation of human souls (God's harvest) can only be maximized when the Jews can successfully be settled in Canaan. Whoever tries to stop this will thus be eradicated.

When grown up, children are the same force to stop God's plan and to kill the Israelites. An eradication means to put an end to a force trying to kill the Jews and possibly wipe out Israel as a whole. God eradicate them before hand, that is, before they can endanger the survival of Israel itself. Moreover, if the Canaanites die as adults they enter hell. If they die as children they won't be in hell, as there are no children in hell (perhaps because they are not mature enough to be judged). In the end, God counts souls.

The Canaanites are the dead and unsaved. To allow them to live longer won't save their souls. To allow them to live longer could only endanger the existence of the Jews thus affects God's salvation plan for humans. Only under this circumstance that God allows the Jews to be in a state of "eye for eye, and tooth for tooth" to keep the Jews surviving their cruel and brutal enemies, and to facilitate the continuity of God's salvation plan for later humans.

It's completely different from the "holy wars" raged by humans towards another religion. Mohammad is a clueless copy cat.
Islam repeatedly had its way through far ends of Europe (France, Spain, etc...). That is its glory.

Jesus (peace on him) taught compassion and kindness and like good deeds. For one thing, when you are good to all, no one can harm you. When the Church promoted Crusades, that was different, just like the Church had immense problems with science.

The [holy catholic] church had no problems with science - that's a myth too. Indeed the catholic church was and is a motor of science and arts.
And the first crusade - a christian form of the jihad - was a result of a very simple fact: In the Middle East the Seljuks - Muslims too - had conquered Jersusalem and Mekka. In nearly the same time the Normans had conquered England (1066). In those days everyone saw in Jerusalem the center of the world. They had the feeling this center of the world was suddenly lost for the christian world.

These types of war are not just of Islam. David killed Goliath.

Who is David and who is Goliath in this context?

"It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): In the name of Allah (God), Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (to the true Religion)."

Ah - grandpa Solomo. I'm sure god would answer you now: "I don't ask for submission - I ask for compassion."

Out of love of God, the Muslims waged war on the infidels.

infidels ... Ungläubige ... Infidels are not really existing. Not everyone believes [now] in god - that's all. Sometimes there are good reasons why someone is not able to believe in god.

The infidels did not like to give their hearts to God. So the Muslims were ordered to fight them and kill them so as to raise the Name of Allah in all the world.

That's not the will of god. Only [extended] self-defense is a reason for war. Indeed god expects from everyone even to defend the life of enemies if possible. God himselve needs for sure no one who is fighting for him. He's allmighty - a little more mighty than only endless mighty.

We know from Muhammad that "Paradise is under the shade of swords." How great these men were!

Lazybones are using swords - real men are using ploughshares. Swords are producing death - ploughshares are producing life. Death is ugly - life is beautyful.

Of course, fighting is forbidden in our age. This is an age of peace.

Maybe better to say: The real fights for our all lifes are far from the battlefields.

There must be both wings: the one Moses came with, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life and so on;

Not more than an eye for an eye or one life for another life - but much better is it to replace an eye with an eye or a lost life with life.

and the one Jesus came with: turn the other cheek, forgive.

Give someone a second chance. Don't use automatisms.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) completed prophethood coming with both wings. To give your life in an effort to please God and out of love for God, that is the pinnacle of faith.

Imagine you are not dead and you take the risk to love someone and nothing goes wrong.

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Hawkins, Zaangalewa,

God forgives and cares for His creation, but not easily. One has to earn it. God cares for any given ant, because He created it, He knows what it needs at any instant. That is glory. God is above any kind of humanness. He does not sleep, He does not think, He does not have a form, Exalted is He above any sort of humanness.

God is very protective. That is why there is Hell. That is also why He does not let just anybody to believe in Him, to really believe in Him. That is the jealousy of God (I don't mean the evil jealousy, but the protective jealousy). Also part of His jealousy is that people don't do things He does not like.

So the Muslims were ordered to fight those who refuse to give their hearts to God and to Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. You find countless occurrences in the Qur'an and the Hadiths enjoining, encouraging believers, emulating the virtues of fighting in the name of Allah (God), in the name of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. A Martyr, one whose life was taken while he was fighting in the name of Allah is much extoled in Islam. How great these men were ! They would kill and get killed in the name of God, out of love for Him. They raised Islam in all the world, and the name of Allah Almighty (God Almighty) and the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), in all the world. All these lands of Muslims received Islam thanks to them, they spread Islam with the sword, and how great they were !

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