Islamic Wars - Most Noble, Most Honored

All these lands of Muslims received Islam thanks to them, they spread Islam with the sword, and how great they were !

So you finally admit that Islam was spread with a sword. But unlike your romanticised view I see it as nothing but barbaric murderous attacks by bandits. Muhammad was not a messenger of God he was a blaspheming Arab cutthroat who only pretended to get a message from God. He undermined the great message of Jesus and caused many wars that are still going on today.
Hawkins, Zaangalewa,

God forgives and cares for His creation, but


not easily. One has to earn it.

He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew chapter 5)

God cares for any given ant, because He created it, He knows what it needs at any instant. That is glory. God is above any kind of humanness.

"Make it like god - become human" (original: "Mach es wie Gott - werde menschlich") wrote a demonstrant here a short time ago on his shield. A wonderful sentence.

He does not sleep,

I remember now a Jew from the area here who survived the shoa. He wrote a book with the title: "When god and the world slept". (original: Als Gott und die Welt schliefen)

He does not think,

God does to think? Friedrich Schiller said: "The universe is a thought of god" (original: Das Universum ist ein Gedanke Gottes)

He does not have a form,

Normally we don't associate formlessness with god. Water is for example formless substance. In the Genesis is written "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters".

Exalted is He above any sort of humanness.

We call him "our father in heaven". I remember in this context a prayer for peace from Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims here in the area a short time before the desaster in Iraq started under George W. Bush - what seems to be still not finished yet. A Muslim spoke the words of the Lords prayer. How can our father not be in the center of humanity, if he has so many human children?

God is very protective. That is why there is Hell.

Hell is a result of our freedom. Some are hell for others with their bad deeds - so they will suffer hell. That's a consequence.

That is also why He does not let just anybody to believe in Him, to really believe in Him. That is the jealousy of God (I don't mean the evil jealousy, but the protective jealousy). Also part of His jealousy is that people don't do things He does not like..

Everyone is responsible for his deeds - no one else.

So the Muslims were ordered to fight those who refuse to give their hearts to God and to Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family.

Short and clear answer: "Sick!"

You find countless occurrences in the Qur'an and the Hadiths enjoining, encouraging believers, emulating the virtues of fighting in the name of Allah (God), in the name of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. A Martyr, one whose life was taken while he was fighting in the name of Allah is much extoled in Islam. How great these men were ! They would kill and get killed in the name of God, out of love for Him.

Are you an atheist who tries to provocate people in the name of Muslims? The fighters against god in Syria and Iraq from the organisation "IS" are murderers. They are the looking worldwide for heroic people who like to become their canon fodder.

They raised Islam in all the world,

IS is slaughtering Muslims too.

and the name of Allah Almighty (God Almighty) and the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), in all the world. All these lands of Muslims received Islam thanks to them, they spread Islam with the sword, and how great they were !

"War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is satisfied that the enemy too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost."
Karl Kraus
(original: "Krieg ist zuerst die Hoffnung, daß es einem besser gehen wird, hierauf die Erwartung, daß es dem anderen schlechter gehen wird, dann die Genugtuung, daß es dem anderen auch nicht besser geht, und hernach die Überraschung, daß es beiden schlechter geht.")

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