CDZ Islamification of The West

"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?
“It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

What's wrong with it, Lucy?
We have big Chinese New Year parades in New York, etc. We have Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick's Day parades, BIG Italian festivals.... If the Muslims are of the belief that "Muhammad forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike" what is to object to? We like celebrations in America; especially when they're like Christmas. Or Hannukah. Or Kwanza. The more the merrier.

Well the Chinese, the Italians and Jews don't tend to want to blow Infidels up in suicide attacks do they?

Can't you understand the difference?

I've known many Muslims in my life - I have no doubt exponentially more than you have, and none of them have ever "tended" to want to blow anyone up.

Apparently you haven't known that many because I've known, or at least been aware of, a few that would definitely like to see Western infidels die.
Post Edited. You do not get to determine what topics are valid in the CDZ.

There is a real amount of hate and ignorance directed at Muslim communities that is as stupid as it is offensive.

Nobody holds Christianity responsible for Hitler so why hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few savages ?

I suspect that many of the most virulent haters have never met a Muslim and that this ignorance feeds their hatred.

The UK is generally a well integrated society and Muslims play a full part in that. There is still work to be done but full integration will be impossible in the face of so much hate.

The rhetoric around this issue is something that should have died with hitler. Sadly it seems that we have yet to learn that lesson. I could respond to many of the postings on here but tbh I find it a bit too depressing.
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"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?

In every city where you find Muslims.
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.

The subject is not a CDZ topic. The views of the OP are well known on the board and it is obvious to me that she is,once again, trying to stir up hatred.

There is a real amount of hate and ignorance directed at Muslim communities that is as stupid as it is offensive.

Nobody holds Christianity responsible for Hitler so why hold all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few savages ?

I suspect that many of the most virulent haters have never met a Muslim and that this ignorance feeds their hatred.

The UK is generally a well integrated society and Muslims play a full part in that. There is still work to be done but full integration will be impossible in the face of so much hate.

The rhetoric around this issue is something that should have died with hitler. Sadly it seems that we have yet to learn that lesson. I could respond to many of the postings on here but tbh I find it a bit too depressing.

I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.


Like your Hoaxmap has already been debunked in about four separate threads.

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How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.
Christians did NOT behead that woman in Oklahoma, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill those people in California, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill the homosexual in Seattle, Islam did.

The anger is NOT misplaced. The guilt is simply being denied by the group.

A Christian blew up the Oklahoma City federal building. Are you angry at Christians for that?
Christians have killed thousands of people in California in the past 10 years. Are you angry at Christians for that?
Christians have killed gays all over the U.S. Are you angry at Christianity for that?

There was even a beheading in Oklahoma, done by a Christian.
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.


Over hyped????? Surely you must be joking! :rolleyes:

Under hyped is more like it!
"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?

In every city where you find Muslims.

Traveled to all of them, have you? Done extensive research? Show us your evidence.
"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?

In every city where you find Muslims.

Traveled to all of them, have you? Done extensive research? Show us your evidence.

No you show us YOUR evidence that NONE of ANY of this is happening.
Islamification means equality goes out the window. Seems like there were gays killed and hung out as reminders of how that would be tolerated by ISIS. If it were simply a matter of celebrating a birth and religion it would be one thing. This comes with a whole set of anti western civilization aspects. Sorry Dhara, you are going to have to choose Islam or LBGT on this one, not both.

And equality goes out the window with the Teabaggers.

Tea Party Candidate Says It's OK To Stone Gays To Death
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.

Who are these liberals that are against the vetting process?
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.


Like your Hoaxmap has already been debunked in about four separate threads.

Next you'll say no women have been raped by your pets :uhoh3:
No it has never been debunked.

Here are some more.

The Case of the Murdered Goats: Exploring Germany's Far-Right Rumor Mill - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Fake photos flood Internet after sexual assaults in Germany

You have also spammed up this board with made up stories. you are not alone in that. There have been several in the last week. The muslim marchers smashing up a London pub was the winner last week. All in celebration of Sadiq Khans election win.
The fact that it was a muslim march being 2014,,,,,,,in Cardiff didnt seem to bother anybody. Its just modern fascism and we know where that leads.

And its not just a third world thing either. Its only 20 years since the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans. A modern European state torn apart by fascists.
Let me make a few things clear.

This is a CDZ thread. That means no personal attacks or off-topic posts are allowed.

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2. Accusing others of trolling.
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If you see what you believe to be a CDZ violation, report it. Don't comment on it. Don't respond to it.
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.


Over hyped????? Surely you must be joking! :rolleyes:

Under hyped is more like it!
The majority of the stories in Germany have been exposed as propaganda spread by neo nazis.
"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?

In every city where you find Muslims.

Traveled to all of them, have you? Done extensive research? Show us your evidence.

No you show us YOUR evidence that NONE of ANY of this is happening.

That isn't what I said.
Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.

In London?

In every city where you find Muslims.

Traveled to all of them, have you? Done extensive research? Show us your evidence.

No you show us YOUR evidence that NONE of ANY of this is happening.

That isn't what I said.

No you're saying, or suggesting, that none of these things are happening, you keep asking various people to show evidence.

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