CDZ Islamification of The West

And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

Like the Irving, Texas city council meeting when a bunch of Middle Eastern muslims pitched a hissyfit because Irving would not turn over part of the city so they could turn it into a muslim safe haven? You mean stories like that?
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

Like the Irving, Texas city council meeting when a bunch of Middle Eastern muslims pitched a hissyfit because Irving would not turn over part of the city so they could turn it into a muslim safe haven? You mean stories like that?

That wasn't why the pitched a "hissyfit".
Over hyped????? Surely you must be joking! :rolleyes:

Under hyped is more like it!
The majority of the stories in Germany have been exposed as propaganda spread by neo nazis.

What like the "Propaganda" about all those women being raped and sexually assaulted you mean?

There's a part of American history that reminds me of this. The Salem witch trials. It started out with two girls claiming a woman was a witch and spread into a weird mass hysteria where multiple people came forth and started making accusations which they may have sincerely believed in some other cases, to get attention, get revenge on a neighbor - many reasons. That's what this rape hysteria reminds me off. There were certainly some confirmed accounts of molestation (groping) and assault with theft. I don't think there was an actual rape. And, there were a lot of unsubstantiated claims that went viral. The problem with things going viral is there is not "fact check" accountability and rumor grows into believability exponentially. How much is rumor and how much is fact?

And...what do people WANT to believe? They don't like the immigrants, they don't like Islam. That makes for easy choices - just like the witches.

Wow! Just "WOW".....Let's seee....the Salem witch trials were in the late 1600's? That's over three centuries how is that relevant to what we are facing today by bringing in people that do not wish to assimilate into the culture of the country that took them in but instead wish to change the culture?
Dale you are happy to dig up the Rothschilds from before the war of Independence. Its a bit rich to criticise others.

Those that have the gold, makes the rules...pointing to a small, tiny town in Massachusetts to make some partisan point makes no sense. BTW, Hitler wasn't a christian at all and he fashioned his S.S after the Jesuit order. You are not well versed on have a ways to go.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?

Because I've known many thousands of Muslims in my life, and none of them look like your pictures.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

Happy stories aren't newsworthy. The other irony is that some of the photos of acid scarred women gone viral aren't even Muslim, they are Hindu.
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.

I personally think that a secular society is the best, I'm not opposed to any religion, just so long as it's peaceful and not issuing demands.

People can be religious and/or spiritual without taking it to the streets.
I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort
Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?

Because I've known many thousands of Muslims in my life, and none of them look like your pictures.

Well thankfully I've never had to be confronted by someone who's had acid thrown in their face, but that doesn't mean I've got my head in the sand like many who seem to think such horrors are isolated and random incidents....or worse Propaganda from "Fascists"
Over hyped????? Surely you must be joking! :rolleyes:

Under hyped is more like it!
The majority of the stories in Germany have been exposed as propaganda spread by neo nazis.

What like the "Propaganda" about all those women being raped and sexually assaulted you mean?

There's a part of American history that reminds me of this. The Salem witch trials. It started out with two girls claiming a woman was a witch and spread into a weird mass hysteria where multiple people came forth and started making accusations which they may have sincerely believed in some other cases, to get attention, get revenge on a neighbor - many reasons. That's what this rape hysteria reminds me off. There were certainly some confirmed accounts of molestation (groping) and assault with theft. I don't think there was an actual rape. And, there were a lot of unsubstantiated claims that went viral. The problem with things going viral is there is not "fact check" accountability and rumor grows into believability exponentially. How much is rumor and how much is fact?

And...what do people WANT to believe? They don't like the immigrants, they don't like Islam. That makes for easy choices - just like the witches.

Wow! Just "WOW".....Let's seee....the Salem witch trials were in the late 1600's? That's over three centuries how is that relevant to what we are facing today by bringing in people that do not wish to assimilate into the culture of the country that took them in but instead wish to change the culture?
Dale you are happy to dig up the Rothschilds from before the war of Independence. Its a bit rich to criticise others.

Off Topic, The Rothschilds have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

Your posts are no less "propaganda" than Tommy's, and accusing him of being a Muslim or propagandist with ulterior motives is itself a violation of the CDZ rules, as well as generally being a sign of a weak argument.

I was just asking a question.
Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?

Because I've known many thousands of Muslims in my life, and none of them look like your pictures.

Well thankfully I've never had to be confronted by someone who's had acid thrown in their face, but that doesn't mean I've got my head in the sand like many who seem to think such horrors are isolated and random incidents....or worse Propaganda from "Fascists"

They are very rare events when you look at the big picture, and millions of people. They're just extreme events, and that makes them stand out. Attacking women for "honor" or lack of chastity is not unique to Islamic cultures. Hindu cultures in India have the same problem. Yet Muslims in western cultures and Hindus in western cultures do not. It's culture more than it is religion.
Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?

Because I've known many thousands of Muslims in my life, and none of them look like your pictures.

Well thankfully I've never had to be confronted by someone who's had acid thrown in their face, but that doesn't mean I've got my head in the sand like many who seem to think such horrors are isolated and random incidents.

But acid attacks are isolated incidents, and many aren't motivated by religion. A few hundred occur each year, usually in Southeast Asia.
I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"
When there are so many "horror stories" to choose from? Well, it looks like there might be a little somethin' somethin' to

There are more happy stories than horror stories.

How can you know that?

Because I've known many thousands of Muslims in my life, and none of them look like your pictures.

Well thankfully I've never had to be confronted by someone who's had acid thrown in their face, but that doesn't mean I've got my head in the sand like many who seem to think such horrors are isolated and random incidents....or worse Propaganda from "Fascists"

They are very rare events when you look at the big picture, and millions of people. They're just extreme events, and that makes them stand out. Attacking women for "honor" or lack of chastity is not unique to Islamic cultures. Hindu cultures in India have the same problem. Yet Muslims in western cultures and Hindus in western cultures do not. It's culture more than it is religion.

Do Hindu's commit suicide bomb attacks in The West?
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

Your posts are no less "propaganda" than Tommy's, and accusing him of being a Muslim or propagandist with ulterior motives is itself a violation of the CDZ rules, as well as generally being a sign of a weak argument.

I was just asking a question.

No, you weren't. You were trying to delegitimize his post by making it appear that he had secret ulterior motives.

When did you stop beating your wife? is "just a question", too.

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