CDZ Islamification of The West

I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

Why would you hate a bunch of Muslim volunteers helping out in Cumbria's horrific flooding?

Who's hating them?
I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I don't care which "side" has more people on it, I'm just responding to the posts I see.
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
As in not lopping heads off? Yes.

I've never understood this particular obsession with lopping off if it's somehow more barbaric than killing a man by frying him with electricity, or hanging him by a rope, or stabbing him. Either way - prior to the secular concept of human rights, religions were not tolerant - it was not considered a virtue.
Nice try at rationalization.

Today it is happening in the name of Allah.

Not at all.

The point stands. Prior to domestication, seperating religion from government - there was little tolerance in either the Christian dominated world or the Islamic dominated world.

But don't you find it ironic that the first thing that comes out of people's mouths when it comes to Muslims is....but but they lop peoples heads off!...meanwhile their own legislatures are discussing bringing back the electric chair and they don't seem to have a problem with that.
Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I don't care which "side" has more people on it, I'm just responding to the posts I see.

I completely failed there, the CDZ I now realise ruins my ability to utilise my ability to use humour.

Okay, I have my serious hat on again now.
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
As in not lopping heads off? Yes.

I've never understood this particular obsession with lopping off if it's somehow more barbaric than killing a man by frying him with electricity, or hanging him by a rope, or stabbing him. Either way - prior to the secular concept of human rights, religions were not tolerant - it was not considered a virtue.
Nice try at rationalization.

Today it is happening in the name of Allah.

In the name of terrorists making that claim, you mean. Interesting that you agree with them.


RAHAT HUSAIN: Muslims donate 30,000 bottles of water to Flint, Michigan, during water crisis
I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

Why would you hate a bunch of Muslim volunteers helping out in Cumbria's horrific flooding?

Who's hating them?

Person I responded to.
And these oppressed Muslim women are now MPs. No doubt with their husbands approval.Obviously the jolly fellow on the end isnt a female. Well probably not.

Cherry picking.....when did you convert to Islam? I mean you must have, because you post daily pro-Islam Propaganda and you never miss a chance to apologise for anything Islamic, even playing down ISIL/ISIS/Daesh horrors.

What about these Muslim women? Is this Propaganda from "Fascists"?






Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

Have you ever started a thread with anything positive to say Muslims? I seriously doubt you have, but maybe I'm wrong.

That could be why Tommy responds with happy clappy images.
On the whole, Muslims in the US seem to be much better integrated than they are in many European countries. The reasons are debatable, and may not be appropriate to discuss here, but I think it makes it difficult for many of the US posters to relate to the issues we in Europe battle with daily.
Anyway, regardless of the (anecdotal) experience of European posters here, there are countless polls that indicate that Muslims in Europe not only do not integrate well, but that they also hold views that are anti west, anti democracy, pro Islamist, and even pro terrorism - with a tendency to not report to the authorities terrorist plots that they know of.
There is a reason The UK was once labelled an exporter of Islamic terrorism, for example. Anyway, IMHO, there really seems little point in a European discussing issues related to Islam in Europe on this board. That's not to say there aren't Americans who understand these issues, there are, it's just clear that the vast majority do not understand and have no direct experience, and therefore have a penchant for assuming racism, bigotry etc are the impetus for the discussions in the first place.
In my time here, I've realised to discuss this issue as it pertains to Europe is basically an exercise in futility, even here in the CDZ, because there are too many posters who cannot get beyond their own assumptions even though they have little or no experience of how these issues express themselves in Europe first hand. So, great OP, hopeless venue, IMHO.

Of course you're absolutely correct, the Americans cannot understand, because they've not experienced it first hand, nor have they witnessed the sort of scenes we've had to witness.

For instance, they haven't experienced the so-called "Migrant Crisis", hundreds of thousands of Muslims, mainly young men of military age, shouting and being aggressive charging across our borders in chaotic and angry fashion DEMANDING to stay in Europa OR ELSE and DEMANDING to give them free stuff.

I think if Americans would have experienced and witnessed the outrageous scenes that our Continent has had to witness, then many Americans perhaps would at least pause for thought.
For whatever reason, the Regressive Left has chosen to make Islam the PC-protected religion. Evidently a part of that is convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with what you're seeing. It might be that they feel the West deserves what is happening.

Yet they'll also be quick to attack another pretty well-known religion at the drop of a hat.

They've made their choice, it is what it is

Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.
Seemed clear to me you weren't willing to converse.
When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Open your doors, you racist, islamophobic bastards!!!

There have probably been more convictions for New Years Eve offence in Irving,Texas than there have been in Cologne.

Wanna bet on that? How much? Irving isn't that big of a town.....

I know, I went to Irving when I was staying with my friend in Dallas, so I know it's not a big town.

Yep, Irving has always had a reputation for taking in illegals and it worked out well because they had tax dollars that the Dallas Cowboys football team paid the city for their stadium. Now that they are in Arlington, the city of Irving has become a big time shithole and middle eastern refugees elbowed their way in and decided that they should have part of that town as their own.....un-friggin' real.
I personally think that a secular society is the best, I'm not opposed to any religion, just so long as it's peaceful and not issuing demands.

People can be religious and/or spiritual without taking it to the streets.

You're right. These religionists really should show some restraint and stay home.

Reenactment Of Walk To Crucifixion Stock Photo | Getty Images

This is an image from Good Friday, we don't have these sort of scenes frequently....are you offended somehow by the Good Friday Reenactment of Jesus Christ's walk to Crucifixion?
I personally think that a secular society is the best, I'm not opposed to any religion, just so long as it's peaceful and not issuing demands.

People can be religious and/or spiritual without taking it to the streets.

You're right. These religionists really should show some restraint and stay home.

Reenactment Of Walk To Crucifixion Stock Photo | Getty Images

This is an image from Good Friday, we don't have these sort of scenes frequently....are you offended somehow by the Good Friday Reenactment of Jesus Christ's walk to Crucifixion?

What is the difference between that and the birthday march in your OP?

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