CDZ Islamification of The West

Are you under the impression that you're not "cherry-picking" by posting these horror stories?

I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.
I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

So rape is just a Muslim thing then ?
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I'm giving the other side, because that poster never does and he doesn't like people showing ANY horror EVER.

He wants EVERYONE to think it's all happy clappy....and it's not and millions of people know it's not.

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
As in not lopping heads off? Yes.
I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

So rape is just a Muslim thing then ?

When the country's police don't do anything about it because it would be politically incorrect? Yeah...I would say that is the case.
So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.

How about you bring on some evidence?
I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.

How about you bring on some evidence?

So if you're only giving one side (the bad one), how can you attack him for doing exactly the same thing as you?

I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.

It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
As in not lopping heads off? Yes.

I've never understood this particular obsession with lopping off if it's somehow more barbaric than killing a man by frying him with electricity, or hanging him by a rope, or stabbing him. Either way - prior to the secular concept of human rights, religions were not tolerant - it was not considered a virtue.
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.
The troubles in Germany have been over hyped. Time and again their have been scare stories that have been proven to be false.


Over hyped????? Surely you must be joking! :rolleyes:

Under hyped is more like it!
The majority of the stories in Germany have been exposed as propaganda spread by neo nazis.

What like the "Propaganda" about all those women being raped and sexually assaulted you mean?

It reminds me a lot of the Cuban Boat Crisis when everyone in the U.S. was freaking out about Cuban criminals washing up on US shores, and how they were going to destroy our country. In the end, we assimilated over a million Cuban refugees, and somehow managed to survive.

And those Cubans have become quite productive members of society.
I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.

How about you bring on some evidence?

I might be labouring a point here.

However the OP specifically referred to the "Islamification of the West".

That isnt happening. People are living together quite nicely and only the extremists on either side are trying to rock the boat.

These Muslims were living a few miles away from the Guys featured in the OP. Good neighbours in my opinion.

Cumbria floods: Preston Muslim volunteers deliver aid and help clear up effort

Yeah, these people are a REAL blessing......(snicker)

Why would you hate a bunch of Muslim volunteers helping out in Cumbria's horrific flooding?
I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.

How about you bring on some evidence?

Hmm, I see what you mean. That's exactly the same as Hindu men throwing acid in their women's faces.
I'm not attacking him, but he attacks anyone and everyone on a daily basis who disagrees with him, very often including name calling.

I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous....however, that poster appears to not be able to post anything but happy clappy images of Muslims and is devoid and intolerant of any poster who doesn't adhere to his one sided pushing of the happy clappy narrative.

I understand what you're saying, but from my perspective you are doing exactly the same thing from the other side.

Your posts in this thread have been significantly "intolerant" of any positive images of Muslims, you have only posted horror stories and terrible crimes, and have fought tooth and nail against any suggestions that broad-brushing all Muslims for the actions of the few is a bad idea.

Yes and I also commented this:

"I'm fully aware that not ALL Muslims are Radical Muslims, to think such a thing would be ridiculous"

I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:
It isn't that is it Islam, who cares about the belief system itself, it is Islam's intolerance and rejection for any believe system or culture that is not Islam, no matter how welcoming to the Islamic Culture, belief system and tradition.

Is any monotheistic tradition tolerant?

Only when it is domesticated by secularists.
As in not lopping heads off? Yes.

I've never understood this particular obsession with lopping off if it's somehow more barbaric than killing a man by frying him with electricity, or hanging him by a rope, or stabbing him. Either way - prior to the secular concept of human rights, religions were not tolerant - it was not considered a virtue.
Nice try at rationalization.

Today it is happening in the name of Allah.

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