CDZ Islamification of The West

On the whole, Muslims in the US seem to be much better integrated than they are in many European countries. The reasons are debatable, and may not be appropriate to discuss here, but I think it makes it difficult for many of the US posters to relate to the issues we in Europe battle with daily.
Anyway, regardless of the (anecdotal) experience of European posters here, there are countless polls that indicate that Muslims in Europe not only do not integrate well, but that they also hold views that are anti west, anti democracy, pro Islamist, and even pro terrorism - with a tendency to not report to the authorities terrorist plots that they know of.
There is a reason The UK was once labelled an exporter of Islamic terrorism, for example. Anyway, IMHO, there really seems little point in a European discussing issues related to Islam in Europe on this board. That's not to say there aren't Americans who understand these issues, there are, it's just clear that the vast majority do not understand and have no direct experience, and therefore have a penchant for assuming racism, bigotry etc are the impetus for the discussions in the first place.
In my time here, I've realised to discuss this issue as it pertains to Europe is basically an exercise in futility, even here in the CDZ, because there are too many posters who cannot get beyond their own assumptions even though they have little or no experience of how these issues express themselves in Europe first hand. So, great OP, hopeless venue, IMHO.

Of course you're absolutely correct, the Americans cannot understand, because they've not experienced it first hand, nor have they witnessed the sort of scenes we've had to witness.

For instance, they haven't experienced the so-called "Migrant Crisis", hundreds of thousands of Muslims, mainly young men of military age, shouting and being aggressive charging across our borders in chaotic and angry fashion DEMANDING to stay in Europa OR ELSE and DEMANDING to give them free stuff.

I think if Americans would have experienced and witnessed the outrageous scenes that our Continent has had to witness, then many Americans perhaps would at least pause for thought.
For whatever reason, the Regressive Left has chosen to make Islam the PC-protected religion. Evidently a part of that is convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with what you're seeing. It might be that they feel the West deserves what is happening.

Yet they'll also be quick to attack another pretty well-known religion at the drop of a hat.

They've made their choice, it is what it is

Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
Why would any Western nation want to allow itself to be subjected to Islamification?

Perhaps at some point that question will be asked to Sadiq Khan, the new Mayor of Lahore....sorry, London.

This is to give an illustration what could happen to say any town or city in the United States, think about how scary this would look to a population of any American town, who's family has lived there for generations, with it's heritage and slowly and then suddenly be subjected to Islamification.

So this is from January 2015, but they have this Muslim March each year to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, because they've slowly been able to take gradual control of the below towns.

Here's the news article, 5,000 Muslims.

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

"THOUSANDS of Muslim men marched through the streets of Blackburn and Nelson yesterday, to celebrate the birthday of the holy prophet Muhammad.

Prayers, songs and colourful flags were a feature at both events, while women and children handed out cakes to those involved in the processions. Both events picked up more followers as they moved through the streets.

Snip -

Mohammed Sadiq, one of the organisers, said: “It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

About 5,000 people attended the event in Nelson, which started at the Ghausia Mosque. Several non-Muslims also took part including Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson."

Here's the full article:

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

Here's the Cuckservative MP Andrew Stephenson, he's okay with his constituency becoming Islamic it seems:


Andrew Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why wouldn't he be, they have an Islamic Mayor also, Mayor of Pendle, Councillor Nawaz they are together, surrounded by....well more Islamic people:


Now here's the video of the January 2015 Muslim March, featuring 5,000 Muslims marching and shouting slogans, whilst vehicles drive through the streets with loud-hailer systems playing Islamic music and people shouting Islamic slogans praising Allah.

I wonder what would have happened if say anyone would have appeared suddenly and CRITICISED the Prophet Muhammad....uh-oh, well, we know the answer to that question don't we?

The duration of the video is 4 minutes and 28 seconds....why would ANY Western nation want THIS?

Would most Americans be happy with these scenes, if so, why?

I URGE you ALL to watch the below video:

I'm directly relating to my OP now.

This is for those who say Muslims integrate in Western nations, that they live on the philosophy of when in Rome, do as the Romans.

First, a side the video I posted:

Where are all the women? There are NO women in that video. Why is that do we wonder, hello Feminists? It's because in Islam women have no value except to do what the men tell them, women are THIRD CLASS citizens, essentially the only reason Islam even tolerates women is for baby-making purposes, as baby machines....if men could have babies with other men, then no doubt Islam would just completely do away with women altogether.

Now for those who say Muslims integrate in Western nations. In that video in the OP, those who actually watched it should have noticed three fundamental things:

I. The green flag of Islam being waved by a multitude of the men.

II. The chanting and shouting to each other was in Urdu.

III. The men are all wearing Islamic dress.

So IF the Muslims integrate, which we know the majority of them don't and have no intention of doing, but if they did integrate, what they should be displaying in that video is.

I. The Union Jack....aren't they supposed to be British now....they're NOT in Pakistan anymore are they?

II. The chanting and shouting to each other should be in English and NOT in Urdu....they're NOT in Pakistan anymore are they?

III. They should be wearing Western clothing and NOT Islamic clothing....they're NOT in Pakistan anymore are they?

Many Islamic sects feel the same way about women as conservative Christians do. Stupid, but not illegal, what are you, the thought police?

As to the flags, language, and dress I will submit for comparison the Quebecers that litter our shores during the winter. You would think you were in a foreign land to hear them and see them. But they have every right to act like themselves.
And the difference is we let people become citizens and have birth right citizenship thus creating loyal Americans. Much of Europe lets their immigrants become stateless peoples.
Why would any Western nation want to allow itself to be subjected to Islamification?

Perhaps at some point that question will be asked to Sadiq Khan, the new Mayor of Lahore....sorry, London.

This is to give an illustration what could happen to say any town or city in the United States, think about how scary this would look to a population of any American town, who's family has lived there for generations, with it's heritage and slowly and then suddenly be subjected to Islamification.

So this is from January 2015, but they have this Muslim March each year to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, because they've slowly been able to take gradual control of the below towns.

Here's the news article, 5,000 Muslims.

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

"THOUSANDS of Muslim men marched through the streets of Blackburn and Nelson yesterday, to celebrate the birthday of the holy prophet Muhammad.

Prayers, songs and colourful flags were a feature at both events, while women and children handed out cakes to those involved in the processions. Both events picked up more followers as they moved through the streets.

Snip -

Mohammed Sadiq, one of the organisers, said: “It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

About 5,000 people attended the event in Nelson, which started at the Ghausia Mosque. Several non-Muslims also took part including Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson."

Here's the full article:

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

Here's the Cuckservative MP Andrew Stephenson, he's okay with his constituency becoming Islamic it seems:


Andrew Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why wouldn't he be, they have an Islamic Mayor also, Mayor of Pendle, Councillor Nawaz they are together, surrounded by....well more Islamic people:


Now here's the video of the January 2015 Muslim March, featuring 5,000 Muslims marching and shouting slogans, whilst vehicles drive through the streets with loud-hailer systems playing Islamic music and people shouting Islamic slogans praising Allah.

I wonder what would have happened if say anyone would have appeared suddenly and CRITICISED the Prophet Muhammad....uh-oh, well, we know the answer to that question don't we?

The duration of the video is 4 minutes and 28 seconds....why would ANY Western nation want THIS?

Would most Americans be happy with these scenes, if so, why?

I URGE you ALL to watch the below video:

Unless you'd like to ban all celebrations of religious figures in a city in a country where you don't live, I wonder what the point of this thread is.

Do you feel threatened by a celebration of Muhammad's birthday? I can't imagine how you must feel at Christmas and Easter.
Why would any Western nation want to allow itself to be subjected to Islamification?

Perhaps at some point that question will be asked to Sadiq Khan, the new Mayor of Lahore....sorry, London.

This is to give an illustration what could happen to say any town or city in the United States, think about how scary this would look to a population of any American town, who's family has lived there for generations, with it's heritage and slowly and then suddenly be subjected to Islamification.

So this is from January 2015, but they have this Muslim March each year to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, because they've slowly been able to take gradual control of the below towns.

Here's the news article, 5,000 Muslims.

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

"THOUSANDS of Muslim men marched through the streets of Blackburn and Nelson yesterday, to celebrate the birthday of the holy prophet Muhammad.

Prayers, songs and colourful flags were a feature at both events, while women and children handed out cakes to those involved in the processions. Both events picked up more followers as they moved through the streets.

Snip -

Mohammed Sadiq, one of the organisers, said: “It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

About 5,000 people attended the event in Nelson, which started at the Ghausia Mosque. Several non-Muslims also took part including Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson."

Here's the full article:

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

Here's the Cuckservative MP Andrew Stephenson, he's okay with his constituency becoming Islamic it seems:


Andrew Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why wouldn't he be, they have an Islamic Mayor also, Mayor of Pendle, Councillor Nawaz they are together, surrounded by....well more Islamic people:


Now here's the video of the January 2015 Muslim March, featuring 5,000 Muslims marching and shouting slogans, whilst vehicles drive through the streets with loud-hailer systems playing Islamic music and people shouting Islamic slogans praising Allah.

I wonder what would have happened if say anyone would have appeared suddenly and CRITICISED the Prophet Muhammad....uh-oh, well, we know the answer to that question don't we?

The duration of the video is 4 minutes and 28 seconds....why would ANY Western nation want THIS?

Would most Americans be happy with these scenes, if so, why?

I URGE you ALL to watch the below video:

Unless you'd like to ban all celebrations of religious figures in a city in a country where you don't live, I wonder what the point of this thread is.

Do you feel threatened by a celebration of Muhammad's birthday? I can't imagine how you must feel at Christmas and Easter.

Sorry, do you have a point for posting in this thread?

Your random comment is ludicrous and utterly not related to the OP topic.

Why would any Western nation want to allow itself to be subjected to Islamification?

Perhaps at some point that question will be asked to Sadiq Khan, the new Mayor of Lahore....sorry, London.

This is to give an illustration what could happen to say any town or city in the United States, think about how scary this would look to a population of any American town, who's family has lived there for generations, with it's heritage and slowly and then suddenly be subjected to Islamification.

So this is from January 2015, but they have this Muslim March each year to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, because they've slowly been able to take gradual control of the below towns.

Here's the news article, 5,000 Muslims.

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

"THOUSANDS of Muslim men marched through the streets of Blackburn and Nelson yesterday, to celebrate the birthday of the holy prophet Muhammad.

Prayers, songs and colourful flags were a feature at both events, while women and children handed out cakes to those involved in the processions. Both events picked up more followers as they moved through the streets.

Snip -

Mohammed Sadiq, one of the organisers, said: “It’s a bit like Christians celebrating Christmas, it’s about bringing the community together and hopefully getting young people to engage as well. We had a full programme in the mosque afterwards with international scholars.”

Imam Shahed Tameez said: “We celebrate because, after God, Muhammad is the most important in the Muslim faith. When he came he changed everything through the law of Sharia. He forbade killing and any form of terrorism or oppression, and gave equal rights to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.”

About 5,000 people attended the event in Nelson, which started at the Ghausia Mosque. Several non-Muslims also took part including Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson."

Here's the full article:

Muslim birthday celebrations enjoyed by thousands in Blackburn and Nelson

Here's the Cuckservative MP Andrew Stephenson, he's okay with his constituency becoming Islamic it seems:


Andrew Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why wouldn't he be, they have an Islamic Mayor also, Mayor of Pendle, Councillor Nawaz they are together, surrounded by....well more Islamic people:


Now here's the video of the January 2015 Muslim March, featuring 5,000 Muslims marching and shouting slogans, whilst vehicles drive through the streets with loud-hailer systems playing Islamic music and people shouting Islamic slogans praising Allah.

I wonder what would have happened if say anyone would have appeared suddenly and CRITICISED the Prophet Muhammad....uh-oh, well, we know the answer to that question don't we?

The duration of the video is 4 minutes and 28 seconds....why would ANY Western nation want THIS?

Would most Americans be happy with these scenes, if so, why?

I URGE you ALL to watch the below video:

Unless you'd like to ban all celebrations of religious figures in a city in a country where you don't live, I wonder what the point of this thread is.

Do you feel threatened by a celebration of Muhammad's birthday? I can't imagine how you must feel at Christmas and Easter.

Sorry, do you have a point for posting in this thread?

Your random comment is ludicrous and utterly not related to the OP topic.


Using Christianity as a comparison is not "unrelated" to the topic.
On the whole, Muslims in the US seem to be much better integrated than they are in many European countries. The reasons are debatable, and may not be appropriate to discuss here, but I think it makes it difficult for many of the US posters to relate to the issues we in Europe battle with daily.
Anyway, regardless of the (anecdotal) experience of European posters here, there are countless polls that indicate that Muslims in Europe not only do not integrate well, but that they also hold views that are anti west, anti democracy, pro Islamist, and even pro terrorism - with a tendency to not report to the authorities terrorist plots that they know of.
There is a reason The UK was once labelled an exporter of Islamic terrorism, for example. Anyway, IMHO, there really seems little point in a European discussing issues related to Islam in Europe on this board. That's not to say there aren't Americans who understand these issues, there are, it's just clear that the vast majority do not understand and have no direct experience, and therefore have a penchant for assuming racism, bigotry etc are the impetus for the discussions in the first place.
In my time here, I've realised to discuss this issue as it pertains to Europe is basically an exercise in futility, even here in the CDZ, because there are too many posters who cannot get beyond their own assumptions even though they have little or no experience of how these issues express themselves in Europe first hand. So, great OP, hopeless venue, IMHO.

Of course you're absolutely correct, the Americans cannot understand, because they've not experienced it first hand, nor have they witnessed the sort of scenes we've had to witness.

For instance, they haven't experienced the so-called "Migrant Crisis", hundreds of thousands of Muslims, mainly young men of military age, shouting and being aggressive charging across our borders in chaotic and angry fashion DEMANDING to stay in Europa OR ELSE and DEMANDING to give them free stuff.

I think if Americans would have experienced and witnessed the outrageous scenes that our Continent has had to witness, then many Americans perhaps would at least pause for thought.
For whatever reason, the Regressive Left has chosen to make Islam the PC-protected religion. Evidently a part of that is convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with what you're seeing. It might be that they feel the West deserves what is happening.

Yet they'll also be quick to attack another pretty well-known religion at the drop of a hat.

They've made their choice, it is what it is

Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.

Are you a PEGIDA member?
A country ANY country has the RIGHT to limit immigration as set by the people OF that country. Unless you live there you have no say nor a right to such.

Leading the charge in Britain is Tommy Robinson, founder and former leader of notorious far-right street group the English Defence League (EDL). Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon , is now heading up PEGIDA’s fledgling U.K. group. Sitting in a pub on the outskirts of Luton, a town northwest of London, he tells Newsweek he has been misunderstood. “I’m not far-right. I’m just opposed to Islam. I believe it’s backward and it’s fascist,” Robinson, 33, says. “The current refugee crisis is nothing to do with refugees. It’s a Muslim invasion of Europe.”

Robinson has a lot of work to do to repair his reputation. From the group’s founding in 2009 to 2013, Robinson and the EDL staged semiregular demonstrations in several British towns and cities. The EDL leadership always said it was running a peaceful, democratic protest movement opposed only to Islamic ideology. But whatever its stated intentions, angry crowds, often drunk, would turn up at the group’s marches and cause havoc. Videos posted by the Guardian in 2010 showed young men attacking police at an EDL rally in the town of Stoke-on-Trent. One video showed supporters elsewhere shouting racist abuse about people of South Asian origin. EDL protests, which sometimes drew as many as 2,000 supporters, were often marked by violent clashes with anti-fascist groups.
Robinson is actually banned from the US for trying to enter the country on a false passport.
On the whole, Muslims in the US seem to be much better integrated than they are in many European countries. The reasons are debatable, and may not be appropriate to discuss here, but I think it makes it difficult for many of the US posters to relate to the issues we in Europe battle with daily.
Anyway, regardless of the (anecdotal) experience of European posters here, there are countless polls that indicate that Muslims in Europe not only do not integrate well, but that they also hold views that are anti west, anti democracy, pro Islamist, and even pro terrorism - with a tendency to not report to the authorities terrorist plots that they know of.
There is a reason The UK was once labelled an exporter of Islamic terrorism, for example. Anyway, IMHO, there really seems little point in a European discussing issues related to Islam in Europe on this board. That's not to say there aren't Americans who understand these issues, there are, it's just clear that the vast majority do not understand and have no direct experience, and therefore have a penchant for assuming racism, bigotry etc are the impetus for the discussions in the first place.
In my time here, I've realised to discuss this issue as it pertains to Europe is basically an exercise in futility, even here in the CDZ, because there are too many posters who cannot get beyond their own assumptions even though they have little or no experience of how these issues express themselves in Europe first hand. So, great OP, hopeless venue, IMHO.

Of course you're absolutely correct, the Americans cannot understand, because they've not experienced it first hand, nor have they witnessed the sort of scenes we've had to witness.

For instance, they haven't experienced the so-called "Migrant Crisis", hundreds of thousands of Muslims, mainly young men of military age, shouting and being aggressive charging across our borders in chaotic and angry fashion DEMANDING to stay in Europa OR ELSE and DEMANDING to give them free stuff.

I think if Americans would have experienced and witnessed the outrageous scenes that our Continent has had to witness, then many Americans perhaps would at least pause for thought.
For whatever reason, the Regressive Left has chosen to make Islam the PC-protected religion. Evidently a part of that is convincing themselves that there is nothing wrong with what you're seeing. It might be that they feel the West deserves what is happening.

Yet they'll also be quick to attack another pretty well-known religion at the drop of a hat.

They've made their choice, it is what it is

Is it Islam that is behind the spurious restrictions on women's health clinics throughout red states?
Is it Islam that is behind the ridiculous discrimination laws being passed in Mississippi and NC?
Is it Islam that's been fighting marriage equality for decades?
Was Islam the religion of choice for most Slavers in the U.S.?
Was it Islam that was behind the philosophy associated with segregation and jim crow laws?
Is it Allah we're being asked to pray to in schools by the right wing element in the U.S.?
Is it Allah we're being asked to praise on our money, in our pledge, and in our court oaths?
Is it transcriptions from the Quran that justices are trying to put on display in our courthouses?

Yeah, didn't think so.

I find the intolerance and hatred of Muslims in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan to be deplorable, but based on the scripture you supposedly follow, we're supposed to take the plank out of our own eye first....
I'd like to continue our conversation, but I'm being threatened.
That ties in nicely with the OP. You are claiming victim status where it doesn't exist.
I'M ASKING THE QUESTION IN MY DON'T respond to a question by asking a QUESTION.


You don't respond to a question with a question, if you can't understand that, that's your problem.

Really? Someone should tell Socrates.

I'll remove the scary question mark, then: You obviously feel threatened by a peaceful celebration of the birthday of a religious figure who is not Christian. If you can explain why, I'd be interested. If you cannot, I'll understand why.
I'M ASKING THE QUESTION IN MY DON'T respond to a question by asking a QUESTION.


You don't respond to a question with a question, if you can't understand that, that's your problem.

Really? Someone should tell Socrates.

I'll remove the scary question mark, then: You obviously feel threatened by a peaceful celebration of the birthday of a religious figure who is not Christian. If you can explain why, I'd be interested. If you cannot, I'll understand why.

Where did I say that I was "threatened" by some celebration of a religious figure who isn't Christian? That's right I didn't.

Would I feel threatened by a group of Buddhists? No....Buddha isn't a Christian religious figure either.

Post edited.
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I'M ASKING THE QUESTION IN MY DON'T respond to a question by asking a QUESTION.


You don't respond to a question with a question, if you can't understand that, that's your problem.

Really? Someone should tell Socrates.

I'll remove the scary question mark, then: You obviously feel threatened by a peaceful celebration of the birthday of a religious figure who is not Christian. If you can explain why, I'd be interested. If you cannot, I'll understand why.

Where did I say that I was "threatened" by some celebration of a religious figure who isn't Christian? That's right I didn't.

Would I feel threatened by a group of Buddhists? No....Buddha isn't a Christian religious figure either.

I notice that once one troll appears, we seem to get a litter of trolls appearing....strange that isn't it. I have no intention of responding to any of the trolls, so they're wasting their time.

It could be entertaining though observing them attempting to control themselves from their usual name calling....which is second nature to them, like breathing.
Labeling people trolls is cowardice on your part. Especially since said trolls have made valid points, methinks you want an echo chamber.
Where did I say that I was "threatened" by some celebration of a religious figure who isn't Christian? That's right I didn't.

Would I feel threatened by a group of Buddhists? No....Buddha isn't a Christian religious figure either.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere.

What specifically is it that caused you to take the mental leap from "a group of people peacefully celebrating a birthday" to "Islamification of an entire nation"?
"Islamification" is a bugaboo of weak minds. It's a boogeyman to stoke jingoistic fears.

Why should anyone be upset that 5,000 Muslims had a march in London?

Perhaps they're upset about their wives and daughters being raped. Perhaps their upset about Sharia being imposed on their community. Perhaps they're upset about bombings and mass slaughter of civilians.
I see so many leftards touting islamic refugees and that we should "embrace" them with no vetting whatsoever. Just open up the border and "come on in...cause we're "libruls". We will be standing outside the gates of the airports to offer free hugs!

They did that in Germany only to find that these people had no intention of acclimating to their new home or respecting the ones that took them in. What they did find was a bunch of thugs roaming their streets committing crimes while the cops looked the other way. Liberals seem to want that here...and by the way, it would be safer if your turned in your guns.

Liberalism HAS to be a mental disorder just slightly above those that suffer from mental retardation.

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