CDZ Islamification of The West

Yes...they attack Christianity, while refusing to attack Islam.

Now one religion is peaceful and the other not so much.

Somebody has a mental disorder.
Christianity still has some nutters, but it is nothing like Islam. NOTHING
I mean, islam will set off a bomb over someones words! They will strap a bomb to their own children for nothing more than speech. its messed up man!

"I mean, islam will set off a bomb over someones words! They will strap a bomb to their own children for nothing more than speech. its messed up man!"

I've twice in this thread said, what would happen in ANY Western nation, if a ton of Muslim men were having one of their Praise The Prophet Mohammed Days and someone turned up in the middle of them and CRITICISED the Prophet Mohammed....we know what would happen....the Left refuse to acknowledge what we ALL know would happen.

Just look at the reaction regarding the cartoons in the Danish newspaper, the cartoonist now has to have 24/7 armed protection....look at the Charlie Hebdo massacre, again for drawing cartoons mocking the Prophet Mohammed....they also drew cartoons mocking Jesus Christ....but were Christians up in arms....did Christians commit the massacre on them?
It is very likely the Left would claim the person who confronted the Muslims, was responsible for the violence committed by the Muslims.

Well we had that with the rapes and sexual assaults in Köln, they were saying the women and girls must have "encouraged" the rapes and sexual assaults by being dressed inappropriately.

It's the modus operandi, blame the victim, whilst apologising for the perpetrator.
That excuse basically means that everyone else must assimilate to them. Bend over and take it!!
Didn't a european court let off a muslim rapist because he didn't know any better?

But but but they keep telling us that the Muslims are integrating and have already integrated and are full-on Western values now and don't live as they lived in their Islamic nations anymore....oh wait, I forgot :eusa_doh:
I think it's more accurate to say that America doesn't have just one "culture". We are a state without a real nation. There is no "American" ethnic group.

"America" is the answer to all those troll threads that ask "When has multiculturalism worked?".

Being a melting pot is not multiculturalism.
I think it's more accurate to say that America doesn't have just one "culture". We are a state without a real nation. There is no "American" ethnic group.

"America" is the answer to all those troll threads that ask "When has multiculturalism worked?".

Being a melting pot is not multiculturalism.

No it's not and also many MANY people having a justifiable concern about hordes of Muslim males, nearly all of military age angrily charging across an ENTIRE Continent, demanding in the most aggressive manner to be allowed to stay amongst us, in light of suicide bombs that we've already experienced on our streets....having a justifiable concern about where all of this is ultimately heading ISN'T us being "hysterical" or something.
It should be understood that the culture and values in Muslim nations is very different than that in Western countries. Leftists like to lecture on the importance of tolerance so please tell me if we should accept these kinds of practices:

"The United States, the European Union and Canada are appalled by the fact that 11 gay and transgender groups have been barred from the gathering under pressure from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which groups 57 mainly Muslim lands."

Is this the kind of community you want to live in?

We've had it in this thread, the usual deflection to attempt to make the thread about Christians and NOT Muslims, it happened earlier in the thread.
I earlier posted a link to my thread that dealt specifically with this, and was warned about "trolling".

It's obvious, but they don't like it pointed out.

This is one of the most heavily modded threads I have witnessed in a long time.
You really have to sanitize world history for the last thirty years to say out loud that there is not a Muslim terrorist problem.
You really have to sanitize world history for the last thirty years to say out loud that there is not a Muslim terrorist problem.

I agree, pretty much ALL of the terrorist attacks in the world during the past thirty years have been committed in the name of Allah and Islam.
Muslims are even using the internet to export hate and destruction around the world, particularly to the West.
I call out coyote for making the same source reference to argue the same point twice yesterday. Is that not spam?

There are rules in here right?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Britain First does it a lot in the UK. In the US, it's usually weird religious groups that do it.

No, the fact that you're looking at it from the inside doesn't make it a meaningless term. For the sake of this discussion, when I say "far right", I'm referring to the Nationalist organizations in Europe that focus on anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant rhetoric (and occasionally anti-semetic rhetoric too).

BNP, Britain First, NF, Svoboda, Tricolour Flame and Jobbik are examples of what I'm talking about.

Seems like these groups would fade away quickly if it were not for some shred of truth in what is happening in Europe.
No, they would just move on to another group. Blacks,Gays ,Jews any minority really. Some people have to have someone to hate,someone to blame.

Argue the points, you've provided NO intellectual argument at all, just posted cherry-picked items with NO intellectual argument to refute what many others have posted.
It is a good idea NOT to debate an idiot Limey.

.... well ..... those of us who ARE idiots, anyway ... !! ....

Some of us have remained immune to all the decades of Socialist rot we've been force-fed with. 'Sorry', Tommy ...

Bulldog Drummond :smile:
The Melting Pot concept bears an expanded view. It is true many cultures came to the US over the years. They maintained traditions and culture within their communities. They ALSO integrated and accepted America. What we ended up with is a new collective culture with a little added from the noobs. The noobs however, are Americans.

The Muslims systematically set up their culture within the new nation and push for parallel courts and ethnic zones. Not the same at all.
You really have to sanitize world history for the last thirty years to say out loud that there is not a Muslim terrorist problem.
Or you are just plain CRAZY!!!

... or .. Socialist. Which, admittedly, is just about as crazy as it gets .......

There's only three reasons why they're so fanatical about promoting the Islam into The West memo.

I. There's a nefarious motive, they know that Islam has shown itself to be a danger to The West, but they don't care because of the nefarious motive.

II. They actually are completely ignorant of said dangers and/or they actually are completely ignorant of Islam in general ie. it's NOT just a religion, it also has a political aspect that runs in tandem with the religious aspect, that Islam is in The West to ultimately take the Middle East we already know what happens when Islam takes a foothold, think of how Lebanon USED to be pre-Islam, just for one example.

III. They're a Muslim themselves, either born or converted.
I saw. But that disclaimer doesn't negate the rest of your posts.

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:
Thats a really screwed up attitude to debate. Its not a popularity contest.

Provide an intellectual argument, for why The West needs to be inundated with MILLIONS more Muslims, you're so fond of Muslims you should be able to easily give an intellectual argument why The West needs MILLIONS more of them.

The West has survived for many multiple Centuries WITHOUT MILLIONS of what is it, you think The West will collapse if it doesn't have MILLIONS more Muslims foisted upon it?

So give us an intellectual argument for The West needing MILLIONS more Muslims.

I've was pounding Tommy on that in another thread.

He eventually offered as one example of a benefit to UK society, the highly talented singer Shirley Bassey.

I pointed out that Shirley took a job from a slightly less qualified native born white citizen.

He claimed she was an unique talent and that there was no "runner ups" who could have done what she did.

I linked to where Bassey was initially hired to sing a bond theme. And then they gave the job to native born White singer, Tom Jones.

I asked Tommy is the world was a worse place because Tom Jones got that job instead of the "unique talent", Shirley Bassey, and he never answered.
Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:
Thats a really screwed up attitude to debate. Its not a popularity contest.

Provide an intellectual argument, for why The West needs to be inundated with MILLIONS more Muslims, you're so fond of Muslims you should be able to easily give an intellectual argument why The West needs MILLIONS more of them.

The West has survived for many multiple Centuries WITHOUT MILLIONS of what is it, you think The West will collapse if it doesn't have MILLIONS more Muslims foisted upon it?

So give us an intellectual argument for The West needing MILLIONS more Muslims.

I've was pounding Tommy on that in another thread.

He eventually offered as one example of a benefit to UK society, the highly talented singer Shirley Bassey.

I pointed out that Shirley took a job from a slightly less qualified native born white citizen.

He claimed she was an unique talent and that there was no "runner ups" who could have done what she did.

I linked to where Bassey was initially hired to sing a bond theme. And then they gave the job to native born White singer, Tom Jones.

I asked Tommy is the world was a worse place because Tom Jones got that job instead of the "unique talent", Shirley Bassey, and he never answered.

Wow bizarre stuff....and I'm not surprised there was no answer, there's never any intellectual argument, I've asked him in this thread now to provide an intellectual argument, this should be interesting.

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