CDZ Islamification of The West

Lucy Hamilton has nothing to "negate" at all. I stand by everything she posted. If you have a problem with that? Well, here I bring it on.


It's okay, you're taking advantage because you know you on the L have the numbers in the thread at the moment, so you're all getting in your best shots, because you know that we on the R will have the numbers soon again and then your best shots will be hit out of the ballpark....:smoke:

Note: The use of L and R so as not to offend anyone by mentioning political factions or something :eusa_doh:
Thats a really screwed up attitude to debate. Its not a popularity contest.

Provide an intellectual argument, for why The West needs to be inundated with MILLIONS more Muslims, you're so fond of Muslims you should be able to easily give an intellectual argument why The West needs MILLIONS more of them.

The West has survived for many multiple Centuries WITHOUT MILLIONS of what is it, you think The West will collapse if it doesn't have MILLIONS more Muslims foisted upon it?

So give us an intellectual argument for The West needing MILLIONS more Muslims.

I've was pounding Tommy on that in another thread.

He eventually offered as one example of a benefit to UK society, the highly talented singer Shirley Bassey.

I pointed out that Shirley took a job from a slightly less qualified native born white citizen.

He claimed she was an unique talent and that there was no "runner ups" who could have done what she did.

I linked to where Bassey was initially hired to sing a bond theme. And then they gave the job to native born White singer, Tom Jones.

I asked Tommy is the world was a worse place because Tom Jones got that job instead of the "unique talent", Shirley Bassey, and he never answered.

In response to the video that's in my OP, all we've had is a random picture of some female Muslim MPs to apparently illustrate that Islam doesn't repress women and treat women as Third Class citizens, then we had another random picture of some Muslim men somewhere assisting with some clean-up after a flood :rolleyes-41:

I posted pictures of women who've had acid thrown in their faces, and we KNOW this is a common horror within Islamic nations and I was told these are "isolated incidents" and that the Hindu's do that sort of thing also :rolleyes-41:
The apologists know this, and it's why they're so quick to either (a) try to equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam, or (b) deflect to large-scale sins of Christianity from hundreds of years ago, such as the Crusades.

The question is why.

I have listed many reasons before, but one of them is that they have no actual ideology beyond a simple-minded opposition to anything they label "conservative", all the while failing to understand that Islam is the most conservative ideology imaginable. They operate according to a conditioned response where they receive props from their little peeps if they say one thing and condemnation if they say another. It is the ultimate hive mind.

It doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to be consistent. It just has to satisfy the hive.
Hey Carla_Danger...thanks for all the 'funnies' in this thread, but where are your posts?
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a loaded question fallacy, straw man fallacy, and hasty generalization fallacy.

Tell that to the girls of Rotherham, and Derby, and Oxford, and Bristol, and Telford, and Banbury, and Aylesbury, and Keighley and Peterborough.

I'm sure they would all be absolutely FASCINATED, to have you explain why any question about Islamification is nothing but a Logical Fallacy not worthy of any real response.

Oh, and I almost forgot, be sure to include their fathers and mothers in that explanation.

I'm sure a lot of those stupid working class whites have developed stupid concerns about islamification, FOR NO GOOD REASON.

So, you are saying that English people are being Islamified?

What does that even mean?
......Which places your continuous defense of any and all things Islamic in their proper context.

You do so knowing that it will lead to a destruction of freedom of religion and tolerance.

So, tolerating Islam in western nations will lead to the destruction of freedom of religion?

the Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia, where there is no freedom of religion or tolerance.

......Which places your continuous defense of any and all things Islamic in their proper context.

You do so knowing that it will lead to a destruction of freedom of religion and tolerance.

Islam is the only religion that intensely is anti-freedom and anti-tolerance, it's also the only religion where YOU have to change for THEM to THEIR ways or else....the or else part doesn't enter the equation until they gain the majority within an existing population, I gave Lebanon as an example.

Those on the Left refuse to even THINK that Islam will ultimately do exactly the same in The West.
When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a loaded question fallacy, straw man fallacy, and hasty generalization fallacy.

Tell that to the girls of Rotherham, and Derby, and Oxford, and Bristol, and Telford, and Banbury, and Aylesbury, and Keighley and Peterborough.

I'm sure they would all be absolutely FASCINATED, to have you explain why any question about Islamification is nothing but a Logical Fallacy not worthy of any real response.

Oh, and I almost forgot, be sure to include their fathers and mothers in that explanation.

I'm sure a lot of those stupid working class whites have developed stupid concerns about islamification, FOR NO GOOD REASON.

So, you are saying that English people are being Islamified?

What does that even mean?
You might find out the hard way, when you get thrown from a building.
So, you are saying that English people are being Islamified?

What does that even mean?

42 pages into the OP that you have participated in and NOW you want to know what the key term in the title means? :lol:

I notice that you have yet to rebut the points I made earlier. Islamification in the OP appears to refer to a large population of Islamics existing in Europe. The post I responded to seemed to imply that Europeans were going to be forced to follow Islam, which is not accurate.

And you know this, because I extensively rebutted you on the issue of sharia courts in England, a subject you quickly ran away from.

Perhaps you need to review how other religions fare along side Islam in Islamic nations, then come back and join the discussion.

We aren't discussing Islamic nations, we are discussing muslims in western nations.

Do try to stay on topic. :)
So, you are saying that English people are being Islamified?

What does that even mean?

42 pages into the OP that you have participated in and NOW you want to know what the key term in the title means? :lol:

I notice that you have yet to rebut the points I made earlier. Islamification in the OP appears to refer to a large population of Islamics existing in Europe. The post I responded to seemed to imply that Europeans were going to be forced to follow Islam, which is not accurate.

And you know this, because I extensively rebutted you on the issue of sharia courts in England, a subject you quickly ran away from.

There is nothing wrong with Islam...why do you ask?
......Which places your continuous defense of any and all things Islamic in their proper context.

You do so knowing that it will lead to a destruction of freedom of religion and tolerance.

So, tolerating Islam in western nations will lead to the destruction of freedom of religion?


Tolerating the ultimate intolerance is not actually furthering tolerance.

It is simple abetting intolerance.

As Islam grows and spreads, tolerance diminishes. Islam is all ABOUT intolerance, since it was created as a quasi-religious totalitarian political system that wages continual war on all other ways of life.
Hey Carla_Danger...thanks for all the 'funnies' in this thread, but where are your posts?

I think they need to consult The Handler to tell them what to post or something....until then it's just laughing at completely sensible posts from people....I mean we know how FUNNY suicide bombs are don't we :rolleyes-41:
What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?

I do not think we are suggesting Muslims can't integrate into a Western nation's culture. The concern is with those who do not.
As Islam grows and spreads, tolerance diminishes. Islam is all ABOUT intolerance, since it was created as a quasi-religious totalitarian political system that wages continual war on all other ways of life.

So was Christianity. I don't consider moderate muslims to be intolerant. I know quite a few, they have never once tried to change my religious views. Nor have I seen them get political and try to change things in our community.

I think that you are generalizing quite broadly here.
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