CDZ Islamification of The West

When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
WTF...I mean like really... Christians do far worse...right?
Perhaps you need to review how other religions fare along side Islam in Islamic nations, then come back and join the discussion.

We aren't discussing Islamic nations, we are discussing muslims in western nations.

Do try to stay on topic. :)

.....and as the populations grow with astounding rapidity throughout western Europe and European birth rates have fallen far below replacement value, then at some point, European nations will become Islamic by sheer demographic force.
When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
WTF...I mean like really... Christians do far worse...right?
Those darn Presbyterians!


I would normally link to my thread that covered this in detail, but I'm not allowed to.

It's a good one, though!
My problem isn't with muslims, its with Islam. I am fully aware not all muslims are terrorists, but ALOT are. So bad, they are willing to blow up their own fuckin children.
Violence is their religion. Conformity is their religion. Peace only seems to apply to other muslims.
Another reason why Islam is incompatible with civilization is, their religion is also a political and economic ideology. They have a certain way to tax, laws for private property.. even grooming..
It is totalitarianism. Period.
Western people don't want that bullshit.
So was Christianity. I don't consider moderate muslims to be intolerant. I know quite a few, they have never once tried to change my religious views. Nor have I seen them get political and try to change things in our community.

I think that you are generalizing quite broadly here.

Please cite where Christianity's creation is based on a totalitarian political system and continually wages war on ALL other ways of life.
Perhaps you need to review how other religions fare along side Islam in Islamic nations, then come back and join the discussion.

We aren't discussing Islamic nations, we are discussing muslims in western nations.

Do try to stay on topic. :)

.....and as the populations grow with astounding rapidity throughout western Europe and European birth rates have fallen far below replacement value, then at some point, European nations will become Islamic by sheer demographic force.
Some think France will be an Islamic republic in less than 20 years.
I do not think we are suggesting Muslims can't integrate into a Western nation's culture. The concern is with those who do not.

Who is this we to whom you refer? Dogmaphobe is clearly saying that muslims can't integrate into a western nation's culture. Gipper seems to be of the same opinion as well, as does the author of the OP.

Is there some other "we" you are speaking of?

What percentage of muslims do you believe do not integrate?

I would suggest that America's experiences with integrating diverse populations of refugees suggests that there are some initial growing pains, but that most immigrant groups assimilate fairly well.

Remember the Cuban Refugee Crisis? There were more than a few Tony Montana's in areas with high populations of Cuban refugees resettling, but things quieted down within a decade. Now Haitian refugees are being integrated in the same way...lots of haitian crime, but they will eventually settle down, as well.

There are always growing pains when we see large population shifts like this.
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the Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia, where there is no freedom of religion or tolerance.

......Which places your continuous defense of any and all things Islamic in their proper context.

You do so knowing that it will lead to a destruction of freedom of religion and tolerance.

Islam is the only religion that intensely is anti-freedom and anti-tolerance, it's also the only religion where YOU have to change for THEM to THEIR ways or else....the or else part doesn't enter the equation until they gain the majority within an existing population, I gave Lebanon as an example.

Those on the Left refuse to even THINK that Islam will ultimately do exactly the same in The West.

Beirut was called "The Paris of the Middle east" when I was a child.

Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
WTF...I mean like really... Christians do far worse...right?

Yes Christians do do worse, there's a thread here in the CDZ about all those Christian terrorists....I'm expecting a thread here in the CDZ soon to tell us about all those Quaker terrorists.

You know I'm terrified these days because you never know when a Quaker is going to commit another suicide bombing :rolleyes-41:
My problem isn't with muslims, its with Islam. I am fully aware not all muslims are terrorists, but ALOT are. So bad, they are willing to blow up their own fuckin children.
Violence is their religion. Conformity is their religion. Peace only seems to apply to other muslims.
Another reason why Islam is incompatible with civilization is, their religion is also a political and economic ideology. They have a certain way to tax, laws for private property.. even grooming..
It is totalitarianism. Period.
Western people don't want that bullshit.
Could be some on the left want totalitarianism.
My problem isn't with muslims, its with Islam. I am fully aware not all muslims are terrorists, but ALOT are. So bad, they are willing to blow up their own fuckin children.
Violence is their religion. Conformity is their religion. Peace only seems to apply to other muslims.
Another reason why Islam is incompatible with civilization is, their religion is also a political and economic ideology. They have a certain way to tax, laws for private property.. even grooming..
It is totalitarianism. Period.
Western people don't want that bullshit.
Could be some on the left want totalitarianism.
I think that is a fair assessment. And not just dealing with Islam, but that is another thread :)
Dogmaphobe is clearly saying that muslims can't integrate into a western nation's culture. .

I very clearly DID NOT say they can't. Some do, indeed, integrate.

The problem here is that as population of Muslims have grown, integration has diminished, and this is the pattern played out over and over whenever Islamic demographics overtake native populations. .
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So, you are saying that English people are being Islamified?

What does that even mean?

42 pages into the OP that you have participated in and NOW you want to know what the key term in the title means? :lol:

I notice that you have yet to rebut the points I made earlier. Islamification in the OP appears to refer to a large population of Islamics existing in Europe. The post I responded to seemed to imply that Europeans were going to be forced to follow Islam, which is not accurate.

And you know this, because I extensively rebutted you on the issue of sharia courts in England, a subject you quickly ran away from.


An argument you lost as I cited a vast network of Sharia courts. The fact a Muslim woman has no say in what court is used should have ended it, but you chose to ignore that.
the Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia, where there is no freedom of religion or tolerance.

......Which places your continuous defense of any and all things Islamic in their proper context.

You do so knowing that it will lead to a destruction of freedom of religion and tolerance.

Islam is the only religion that intensely is anti-freedom and anti-tolerance, it's also the only religion where YOU have to change for THEM to THEIR ways or else....the or else part doesn't enter the equation until they gain the majority within an existing population, I gave Lebanon as an example.

Those on the Left refuse to even THINK that Islam will ultimately do exactly the same in The West.

Beirut was called "The Paris of the Middle east" when I was a child.

Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Yes Beirut was a very beautiful city. Yes to those who refuse to learn from history, The West has been here numerous times with Islam and numerous times Islam was fought back and for good the Left just want The West to roll over and either submit or die, because thats what happens when Islam gains a foothold, they force people to submit or die and we have historical evidence of this occurring time and time again across multiple Centuries.

Islam itself isn't compatible with Modern Society, it's a religion that hasn't been adapted since the 7th Century.
Perhaps you need to review how other religions fare along side Islam in Islamic nations, then come back and join the discussion.

We aren't discussing Islamic nations, we are discussing muslims in western nations.

Do try to stay on topic. :)

Apparently you don't even know what that is, as you parrot what is Islamification. I merely offered you a good example to familiarize yourself with it.
When people realise that folks are just folks the world will be a happier place.
The "haters" in the main are just scared of the changes going on in their world. Those who would exploit those fears are the real problem.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
WTF...I mean like really... Christians do far worse...right?
Those darn Presbyterians!


I would normally link to my thread that covered this in detail, but I'm not allowed to.

It's a good one, though!
IKR? And don't even get me started on those damn Baptists! They are the devil!
I do not think we are suggesting Muslims can't integrate into a Western nation's culture. The concern is with those who do not.

Who is this we to whom you refer? Dogmaphobe is clearly saying that muslims can't integrate into a western nation's culture. Gipper seems to be of the same opinion as well, as does the author of the OP.

Is there some other we you are speaking of?

What percentage of muslims do you believe do not integrate?

I would suggest that America's experiences with integrating diverse populations of refugees suggests that there are some initial growing pains, but that most immigrant groups assimilate fairly well.

Remember the Cuban Refugee Crisis? There were more than a few Tony Montana's in areas with high populations of Cuban refugees resettling, but things quieted down within 5-6 years. Now Haitian refugees are being integrated in the same way...lots of haitian crime, but they will eventually settle down, as well.

There are always growing pains when we see large population shifts like this.
I do not believe Muslims can't integrate into our nation. I lived near Dearborn MI, the largest population of Muslims in the US, and found many have integrated successfully. I would guess they were very happy to be here and out of their murderous home countries.

Are you claiming ALL Muslims will integrate successfully. If so, tell me about these two.
Please cite where Christianity's creation is based on a totalitarian political system and continually wages war on ALL other ways of life.
Exodus 20:1-4

1. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
3. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

From its inception, the Judeo Christian faith was based on intolerance of all other beliefs, and waging war on them.

I'd advise reading the old testament.
Its awfully quaint you say that in a thread about muslims ;)

The "haters" are just scared of the changes going on in their world....changes like what? Oh that's right, suicide bombs happening in the heart of the European Continent.

But let's not talk about that, that's "racist" or something :rolleyes-41:

What percentage of muslims do you believe have been involved in suicide bombings? I think the point that people are making is that you are painting all muslims with an awfully broad brush, and expressing fears about muslims gathering, muslims worshipping, and muslims being present in your country.

How many Islamics would you be willing to have reside in your country? Should it be an Islamic free zone?
WTF...I mean like really... Christians do far worse...right?
Those darn Presbyterians!


I would normally link to my thread that covered this in detail, but I'm not allowed to.

It's a good one, though!
IKR? And don't even get me started on those damn Baptists! They are the devil!


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