CDZ Islamification of The West

ISIS is a specific group - they're fighting for a their totalitarian vision of supremacy and apocolyptic vision.
and islamic. I would bet 50% of muslims defend their actions.

You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
Are you arguing against freedom of religion?

Since you admitted that wherever Islam prevails such freedom disappears, I will leave that to you.

Answer the question - are you arguing against freedom of religion? In other words, is "tolerance" in western countries reserved for only approved religions (assuming all are acting lawfully)?

As far as freedoms - that is less dependent on religion than it is on many other factors such as governance, stability, education, culture etc. Business Insider posted a list of "Least Free" countries, and it includes non-Islamic as well as Islamic majority countries: The 15 least free countries in the world I think anytime religion begins to interfere with government freedoms begin to diminish for minorities - I'm an advocate of strict seperation between religion and governance.

If Islam is "all ABOUT" intolerance that is not universally shared among it's adherents who's views vary depending on where in the world they live.
Like it or not, the US was created as a christian country, people came here to enjoy life under that umbrella. Not to change it. So was Great Britain. Why does the country need to adopt another religious sector? What does that accomplish?

Freedom of religion is one of the pillars of our country - not freedom of some religions. Freedom of religion - that meant freedom from persecution, from a state sponsored religion. Whether or not our country was "created as a christian country" (debatable but another topic) - that is not the lens through which we determine which religions have the freedom to worship. People did not come here specifically to "enjoy life" under a Christian umbrella - they came for a variety of reasons, from a variety of faiths and ethnic backgrounds who have all enriched our culture and accepted our culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by "adopt another religious sector"?
not sure what that has to do with tearing apart countries infrastructures?

I don't care what the country was based on, yes religious freedom is a staple of the country, not enforcing them.

You've lost me - I am not sure what you mean JC by " "adopt another religious sector" and "tearing apart countries infrastructures"? Can be specific?

ISIS is a specific group - they're fighting for a their totalitarian vision of supremacy and apocolyptic vision.
and islamic. I would bet 50% of muslims defend their actions.

You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
it stated the pew poll claimed muslims disdain isis and then took the total of the ones who supported it and created their own story. 60 million. You doubt the number? they were numbers from the poll.
It's not my top priority in life. I also disagree with your claim it is "the most insidious ideology". You seem to think that our Constitution is so fragile it will fall with one Muslim puff. It has withstood over two centuries and the best efforts of the Christian majority in this country to amend religiously-based changes to it and you think Muslims will be able to innact wide-sweeping changes that will destroy our rights, culture and laws? Muslims who are immigrants to this country by and large fled oppressive regimes both political and religious, and I hardly think they will want to give up their rights and freedoms to return to that. Native Muslims have long supported our Constitution and see no conflict between our way of life and their faith, much like native Christians, Jews etc.
they got a muslim in as president and look at the things that came of that? holy crap are you kidding me? wow. that infers that you can't see he has no clothes on.

who got a muslim in as president. who is this muslim you are talking about?
yep, and his money and their money buying everyone they can. Funny, the christians won't let it happen though. it is why folks such as you hate christians, you don't like us impeding in islam progress right. How are those women's rights going anyway?
answer the question, please.
I did.
All religiously governed societies are built upon intolerance - I can't think of one that is truly egalitarian in nature or where all are truly equally tolerated, because there is one group that is the "right group".
then what are the islamic folks fighting against?

Which ones?

This thread isn't about ISIS.
it's about muslims, are you saying they're not muslims?

Why don't you read the OP and tell me how ISIS fits into the discussion.
Since you admitted that wherever Islam prevails such freedom disappears, I will leave that to you.

Answer the question - are you arguing against freedom of religion? In other words, is "tolerance" in western countries reserved for only approved religions (assuming all are acting lawfully)?

As far as freedoms - that is less dependent on religion than it is on many other factors such as governance, stability, education, culture etc. Business Insider posted a list of "Least Free" countries, and it includes non-Islamic as well as Islamic majority countries: The 15 least free countries in the world I think anytime religion begins to interfere with government freedoms begin to diminish for minorities - I'm an advocate of strict seperation between religion and governance.

If Islam is "all ABOUT" intolerance that is not universally shared among it's adherents who's views vary depending on where in the world they live.
Like it or not, the US was created as a christian country, people came here to enjoy life under that umbrella. Not to change it. So was Great Britain. Why does the country need to adopt another religious sector? What does that accomplish?

Freedom of religion is one of the pillars of our country - not freedom of some religions. Freedom of religion - that meant freedom from persecution, from a state sponsored religion. Whether or not our country was "created as a christian country" (debatable but another topic) - that is not the lens through which we determine which religions have the freedom to worship. People did not come here specifically to "enjoy life" under a Christian umbrella - they came for a variety of reasons, from a variety of faiths and ethnic backgrounds who have all enriched our culture and accepted our culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by "adopt another religious sector"?
not sure what that has to do with tearing apart countries infrastructures?

I don't care what the country was based on, yes religious freedom is a staple of the country, not enforcing them.

You've lost me - I am not sure what you mean JC by " "adopt another religious sector" and "tearing apart countries infrastructures"? Can be specific?
changing our money, that is happening now. that's what I'm saying. The muslim in office did that. our currency, not voted on or anything dictated. That isn't our society or are constitution.
All religiously governed societies are built upon intolerance - I can't think of one that is truly egalitarian in nature or where all are truly equally tolerated, because there is one group that is the "right group".
.......and as Islam continues to grow in Europe , then European countries will be governed by religious intolerance eventually.
And they're telling us it's what they're gonna do.

Evidently some folks think they're "kidding".


Members of polite society in the 1920s were equally incredulous that those funny little Germans who wore brown shirts could possibly mean what they said, too.

So, what do you recommend that we do with those funny little brown turban wearers?
ISIS is a specific group - they're fighting for a their totalitarian vision of supremacy and apocolyptic vision.
and islamic. I would bet 50% of muslims defend their actions.

You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
it stated the pew poll claimed muslims disdain isis and then took the total of the ones who supported it and created their own story. 60 million. You doubt the number?

But it has no links to any pew poll, and is an extremist hate site. Got anything credible?
changing our money, that is happening now. that's what I'm saying. The muslim in office did that. our currency, not voted on or anything dictated. That isn't our society or are constitution.

Are you actually saying that Obama is a muslim?

Because, if so, :lol:.
Answer the question - are you arguing against freedom of religion? In other words, is "tolerance" in western countries reserved for only approved religions (assuming all are acting lawfully)?

As far as freedoms - that is less dependent on religion than it is on many other factors such as governance, stability, education, culture etc. Business Insider posted a list of "Least Free" countries, and it includes non-Islamic as well as Islamic majority countries: The 15 least free countries in the world I think anytime religion begins to interfere with government freedoms begin to diminish for minorities - I'm an advocate of strict seperation between religion and governance.

If Islam is "all ABOUT" intolerance that is not universally shared among it's adherents who's views vary depending on where in the world they live.
Like it or not, the US was created as a christian country, people came here to enjoy life under that umbrella. Not to change it. So was Great Britain. Why does the country need to adopt another religious sector? What does that accomplish?

Freedom of religion is one of the pillars of our country - not freedom of some religions. Freedom of religion - that meant freedom from persecution, from a state sponsored religion. Whether or not our country was "created as a christian country" (debatable but another topic) - that is not the lens through which we determine which religions have the freedom to worship. People did not come here specifically to "enjoy life" under a Christian umbrella - they came for a variety of reasons, from a variety of faiths and ethnic backgrounds who have all enriched our culture and accepted our culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by "adopt another religious sector"?
not sure what that has to do with tearing apart countries infrastructures?

I don't care what the country was based on, yes religious freedom is a staple of the country, not enforcing them.

You've lost me - I am not sure what you mean JC by " "adopt another religious sector" and "tearing apart countries infrastructures"? Can be specific?
changing our money, that is happening now. that's what I'm saying. The muslim in office did that. our currency, not voted on or anything dictated. That isn't our society or are constitution.
What Muslim in office?
Answer the question - are you arguing against freedom of religion? In other words, is "tolerance" in western countries reserved for only approved religions (assuming all are acting lawfully)?

As far as freedoms - that is less dependent on religion than it is on many other factors such as governance, stability, education, culture etc. Business Insider posted a list of "Least Free" countries, and it includes non-Islamic as well as Islamic majority countries: The 15 least free countries in the world I think anytime religion begins to interfere with government freedoms begin to diminish for minorities - I'm an advocate of strict seperation between religion and governance.

If Islam is "all ABOUT" intolerance that is not universally shared among it's adherents who's views vary depending on where in the world they live.
Like it or not, the US was created as a christian country, people came here to enjoy life under that umbrella. Not to change it. So was Great Britain. Why does the country need to adopt another religious sector? What does that accomplish?

Freedom of religion is one of the pillars of our country - not freedom of some religions. Freedom of religion - that meant freedom from persecution, from a state sponsored religion. Whether or not our country was "created as a christian country" (debatable but another topic) - that is not the lens through which we determine which religions have the freedom to worship. People did not come here specifically to "enjoy life" under a Christian umbrella - they came for a variety of reasons, from a variety of faiths and ethnic backgrounds who have all enriched our culture and accepted our culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by "adopt another religious sector"?
not sure what that has to do with tearing apart countries infrastructures?

I don't care what the country was based on, yes religious freedom is a staple of the country, not enforcing them.

You've lost me - I am not sure what you mean JC by " "adopt another religious sector" and "tearing apart countries infrastructures"? Can be specific?
changing our money, that is happening now. that's what I'm saying. The muslim in office did that. our currency, not voted on or anything dictated. That isn't our society or are constitution.
ISIS is a specific group - they're fighting for a their totalitarian vision of supremacy and apocolyptic vision.
and islamic. I would bet 50% of muslims defend their actions.

You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
it stated the pew poll claimed muslims disdain isis and then took the total of the ones who supported it and created their own story. 60 million. You doubt the number? they were numbers from the poll.
And from that poll, only 28% of Pakistanis disapprove of Isis. Most of the UKs Muslim population is Pakistani and have close ties to Pakistan and their family there, often taking their (underage) daughters there to marry Pakistani men.
Like it or not, the US was created as a christian country, people came here to enjoy life under that umbrella. Not to change it. So was Great Britain. Why does the country need to adopt another religious sector? What does that accomplish?

Freedom of religion is one of the pillars of our country - not freedom of some religions. Freedom of religion - that meant freedom from persecution, from a state sponsored religion. Whether or not our country was "created as a christian country" (debatable but another topic) - that is not the lens through which we determine which religions have the freedom to worship. People did not come here specifically to "enjoy life" under a Christian umbrella - they came for a variety of reasons, from a variety of faiths and ethnic backgrounds who have all enriched our culture and accepted our culture.

I'm not sure what you mean by "adopt another religious sector"?
not sure what that has to do with tearing apart countries infrastructures?

I don't care what the country was based on, yes religious freedom is a staple of the country, not enforcing them.

You've lost me - I am not sure what you mean JC by " "adopt another religious sector" and "tearing apart countries infrastructures"? Can be specific?
changing our money, that is happening now. that's what I'm saying. The muslim in office did that. our currency, not voted on or anything dictated. That isn't our society or are constitution.
What Muslim in office?
According to his answer, that muslim is "yep"
yeah, women are freely choosing. yep you go with that. I will laugh though. here we all know you women love to be suppressed. So much so that we fight for them everyday for equality in the US. yeppers.

Are you saying that women are being forced to use the sharia courts? Only in the sense that they are trying to remain inside of Islam.

How is that different from trying to obtain a divorce if you are Catholic?
And from that poll, only 28% of Pakistanis disapprove of Isis. Most of the UKs Muslim population is Pakistani and have close ties to Pakistan and there family there, often taking their (underage) daughters there to marry Pakistani men.

What does this number suggest to you in terms of addressing Pakistani refugees in the UK?
and islamic. I would bet 50% of muslims defend their actions.

You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
it stated the pew poll claimed muslims disdain isis and then took the total of the ones who supported it and created their own story. 60 million. You doubt the number? they were numbers from the poll.
And from that poll, only 28% of Pakistanis disapprove of Isis. Most of the UKs Muslim population is Pakistani and have close ties to Pakistan and their family there, often taking their (underage) daughters there to marry Pakistani men.

And what pew poll is that? I didn't see any links to any pew poll.
they got a muslim in as president and look at the things that came of that? holy crap are you kidding me? wow. that infers that you can't see he has no clothes on.

who got a muslim in as president. who is this muslim you are talking about?
yep, and his money and their money buying everyone they can. Funny, the christians won't let it happen though. it is why folks such as you hate christians, you don't like us impeding in islam progress right. How are those women's rights going anyway?
answer the question, please.
I did.
who got a muslim in as president. who is this muslim you are talking about?
yep, and his money and their money buying everyone they can. Funny, the christians won't let it happen though. it is why folks such as you hate christians, you don't like us impeding in islam progress right. How are those women's rights going anyway?
answer the question, please.
I did.

Who is the muslim president that you are referring to?
You'd lose that bet sweetie :)

According to newly released data that the Pew Research Center collected in 11 countries with significant Muslim populations, people from Nigeria to Jordan to Indonesia overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS.
funny stuff, it is one poll. along with that is this:

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Pew poll claims most Muslims "disdain" ISIS -- but is 60 million really "a small minority" of terror supporters?

Where's the link to the Pew poll? That's an extremist site, btw.
it stated the pew poll claimed muslims disdain isis and then took the total of the ones who supported it and created their own story. 60 million. You doubt the number? they were numbers from the poll.
And from that poll, only 28% of Pakistanis disapprove of Isis. Most of the UKs Muslim population is Pakistani and have close ties to Pakistan and their family there, often taking their (underage) daughters there to marry Pakistani men.

And what pew poll is that? I didn't see any links to any pew poll.
did I claim there was a poll? they used the same one that coyote shared in here. I explained what that was. do you get confused easily? Just curious.
All religiously governed societies are built upon intolerance - I can't think of one that is truly egalitarian in nature or where all are truly equally tolerated, because there is one group that is the "right group".
.......and as Islam continues to grow in Europe , then European countries will be governed by religious intolerance eventually.
And they're telling us it's what they're gonna do.

Evidently some folks think they're "kidding".


Members of polite society in the 1920s were equally incredulous that those funny little Germans who wore brown shirts could possibly mean what they said, too.

So, what do you recommend that we do with those funny little brown turban wearers?
This has nothing to do with clothing or skin color.

It has to do with ideology and culture.

We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

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