CDZ Islamification of The West

We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.


I didn't accuse you of "racism", I pointed out what your statement appears to mean. You are welcome to correct me, of course.

Feel free to point out exactly how your statement differs from my "translation".

The CDZ violations in your post will be edited.
Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Acts 2:38: Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Obama was baptized in 1988.
Repent being the key word.
Why are you for Obama being murdered as Shairah instructs?
1.if repenting is key, does it then follow that baptizing infants does not lead to the inclusion of the infant into the christian community?

2. how can you know if obama repented, or not?
We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.


I didn't accuse you of "racism", I pointed out what your statement appears to mean. You are welcome to correct me, of course.

Feel free to point out exactly how your statement differs from my "translation".

The CDZ violations in your post will be edited.

I violated nothing.

You intentionally mischaracterized my point of view and you know it.
Repent being the key word.

Who are you to judge his repentance?

Why are you for Obama being murdered as Shairah instructs?

What the hell does this even mean?
You're the one claiming Obama converted from Islam to Christianity. Shairah instructs he must be murdered.

As it instructs when to beat, whip and murder your wife as well as murder all homosexuals.
You're the one claiming Obama converted from Islam to Christianity. Shairah instructs he must be murdered.

As it instructs when to beat, whip and murder your wife as well as murder all homosexuals.

Obama was never muslim, he was agnostic before he converted to Christianity. And, I don't support killing infidels.

Sharia law also doesn't advise murdering your wife or homosexuals.
We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.


I didn't accuse you of "racism", I pointed out what your statement appears to mean. You are welcome to correct me, of course.

Feel free to point out exactly how your statement differs from my "translation".

The CDZ violations in your post will be edited.

I violated nothing.

You intentionally mischaracterized my point of view and you know it.

I characterized your point of view in the way that I see it. The fact that you think it's a "mischaracterization" is irrelevant.

You are welcome to explain why I am wrong.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Acts 2:38: Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Obama was baptized in 1988.
Repent being the key word.
Why are you for Obama being murdered as Shairah instructs?
1.if repenting is key, does it then follow that baptizing infants does not lead to the inclusion of the infant into the christian community?

2. how can you know if obama repented, or not?
1. Infant baptism is meaningless. It's a decision one must personally make.
2. I see his fruit. And the lack of it.
You're the one claiming Obama converted from Islam to Christianity. Shairah instructs he must be murdered.

As it instructs when to beat, whip and murder your wife as well as murder all homosexuals.

Obama was never muslim, he was agnostic before he converted to Christianity. And, I don't support killing infidels.

Sharia law also doesn't advise murdering your wife or homosexuals.
More lies. Shariah specifically calls for murdering all homosexuals and when to murder your wife as well as how to properly beat her.
2. I see his fruit. And the lack of it.

That's not your role. God is the judge of men's souls, not you.
Jeremiah 17:10:
"I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.
Please be specific about what this means.

I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.


I didn't accuse you of "racism", I pointed out what your statement appears to mean. You are welcome to correct me, of course.

Feel free to point out exactly how your statement differs from my "translation".

The CDZ violations in your post will be edited.

I violated nothing.

You intentionally mischaracterized my point of view and you know it.

I characterized your point of view in the way that I see it. The fact that you think it's a "mischaracterization" is irrelevant.

You are welcome to explain why I am wrong.

I have said SEVERAL times in this thread that the issue is one of ideology and not race.

You decided you would try to make me look like a racist for your own reasons, but I haven't said ANYTHING about "white" this or that.
Shariah specifically calls for murdering all homosexuals and when to murder your wife as well as how to properly beat her.

Can you cite the specific passages of this mythical law, and then explain what it has to do with Sharia [شريعة]? Thanks! :)
Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Acts 2:38: Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Obama was baptized in 1988.
Repent being the key word.
Why are you for Obama being murdered as Shairah instructs?
1.if repenting is key, does it then follow that baptizing infants does not lead to the inclusion of the infant into the christian community?

2. how can you know if obama repented, or not?
1. Infant baptism is meaningless. It's a decision one must personally make.
2. I see his fruit. And the lack of it.
1. you are declaring a big junk of the christian population to not be christians.
2. your fruit is rotten.
I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.


I didn't accuse you of "racism", I pointed out what your statement appears to mean. You are welcome to correct me, of course.

Feel free to point out exactly how your statement differs from my "translation".

The CDZ violations in your post will be edited.

I violated nothing.

You intentionally mischaracterized my point of view and you know it.

I characterized your point of view in the way that I see it. The fact that you think it's a "mischaracterization" is irrelevant.

You are welcome to explain why I am wrong.

I have said SEVERAL times in this thread that the issue is one of ideology and not race.

You decided you would try to make me look like a racist for your own reasons, but I haven't said ANYTHING about "white" this or that.

Can you explain to me why justifying your hatred of an entire religion by the "ideology" you've created and assigned to them is any better or less reprehensible than justifying hatred of an ethnic group by the attributes of their skin color that one has created and assigned to them?
A hundred women can witness the rape of a woman, but none can testify per Shariah law.

"The evidence of women is originally inadmissible on account of their weakness of understanding, want of memory and incapacity of governing."
We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

It means I oppose a quasi-religious ideology that stands rigidly opposed to every liberal principle imaginable.

Feel free to defend it under the misapprehension that your doing so is the sign of a liberal, however.

So, you're against Christian ideology?

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