CDZ Islamification of The West

did I claim there was a poll? they used the same one that coyote shared in here. I explained what that was. do you get confused easily? Just curious.

Who is the muslim president that you keep referring to?
See how does one in a clean zone respond. Well if you don't know, then I guess you don't know. it's quite obvious to the rest of the country who the muslim in charge is in the US.
I kind of figured you were just trolling. Anyone that claims Obama is a Muslim is trolling or doesn't belong in a sane thread.
why cause his father was one, doesn't make him one? I'm sorry, how does that work?

No, that's not how it works. :rolleyes:
yeah it sort of does. i have irish blood from my father. It is the way it works.
Who is the muslim president that you keep referring to?
See how does one in a clean zone respond. Well if you don't know, then I guess you don't know. it's quite obvious to the rest of the country who the muslim in charge is in the US.
I kind of figured you were just trolling. Anyone that claims Obama is a Muslim is trolling or doesn't belong in a sane thread.
why cause his father was one, doesn't make him one? I'm sorry, how does that work?

No, that's not how it works. :rolleyes:
yeah it sort of does. i have irish blood from my father. It is the way it works.

You seem to be confusing religion with ethnic identity.
Here's what Ronald Reagan said about attending church as president:

“The answer to your question is very simple about why I don’t go to church. I have gone to church regularly all my life, and I started to here in Washington. And now, in the position I hold and in the world in which we live, where Embassies do get blown up in Beirut … but I pose a threat to several hundred people if I go to church. “I know the threats that are made against me. We all know the possibility of terrorism. We have seen the barricades that have had to be built around the White House. And, therefore, I don’t feel – and my minister knows this and supports me in this position – I don’t feel that I have a right to go to church, knowing that my being there could cause something of the kind that we have seen in other places, in Beirut, for example. And I miss going to church, but I think the Lord understands.”
Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Why do Christians always think they're in a position to judge whether others are "real" Christians?
Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Acts 2:38: Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

Obama was baptized in 1988.
Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Why do Christians always think they're in a position to judge whether others are "real" Christians?
Why do non Muslims make pronouncements on whether something is "Islamic" or not?
It is no shock to see that Muslims condemn ISIS.
They kill far more Muslims than any other religion.
It just doesnt make great TV so we never hear about it.
Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Why do Christians always think they're in a position to judge whether others are "real" Christians?
Why do non Muslims make pronouncements on whether something is "Islamic" or not?

Can you provide an example?

Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Why do Christians always think they're in a position to judge whether others are "real" Christians?
Why do non Muslims make pronouncements on whether something is "Islamic" or not?

I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I'm going by what I've heard from many Muslim scholars and legal experts.
We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

I think it means something along the lines of "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Uh, no.

XXX... when it comes to hitting well below the belt by making snide accusations of racism when you are unable to address any points that have been made.

Obama is a practicing Christian, as are his wife and kids.
Prove it.
When's the last time Obama skipped golf and even attended a Church?

Going to church does not make you a Christian. See Romans 10:9.
There is zero evidence Obama is a Christian. See Acts 2.

Why do Christians always think they're in a position to judge whether others are "real" Christians?
It's a club, we are handed an instruction book and badge.
We can either defend our western liberalism or allow it to disappear under a demographic tide.

Please be specific about what this means.

It means I oppose a quasi-religious ideology that stands rigidly opposed to every liberal principle imaginable.

Feel free to defend it under the misapprehension that your doing so is the sign of a liberal, however.

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