Islands Disappear As Ocean Levels Rise

You'll have to point out where I said waves were irrelevant. But I will point out that a wave last, perhaps, 8-12 seconds. Sea level rise will last for centuries.
Another lie. You joined the anti science cult in insisting a 3 inch rise in the ocean has submerged oceans without ever mentioning tides, waves and erosion.

So because I didn't mention the terms when stating what sea level rise had been, you think can claim I said they were irrelevant? You're a fucking idiot.
Yes, your claim is a laughable unscientific joke.

What claim would that be?
You'll have to point out where I said waves were irrelevant. But I will point out that a wave last, perhaps, 8-12 seconds. Sea level rise will last for centuries.
Who you talking to?
This is a map of the Bering Bridge, which existed 16,500 years ago, but is now underwater. Native Americans used this land bridge to walk from Asia to North America, a journey that stopped being possible 11,000 years ago when waters rose and swallowed it up.

Beringia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the oceans of the world have been rising and falling for billions of years, and Luddly Neddite, you and your liberal friends aren't going to stop this process even if you shut down every factory, pull the engine out of every car, and send us back to the Stone Ages.

Do facts matter to you? Because these are facts. There is nothing mankind can do to stop waters from rising, or to stop waters from falling. This has been happening since long before we got here, and will continue long after we are gone.
This should've ended the thread.
What's ironic is that leftists demand constant changes in society, but counsel us to fear changes in the environment, as if a temperature rise of one degree Celcius will somehow drive all life extinct on this planet.

What they are hoping for is that we will act like cowards, and cave in to their constant demands that we shut down energy plants and factories. The goal is to destroy industry and capitalism, it has nothing to do with saving the environment. If leftists cared about the environment, they would go after Communist China for killing its people with coal pollution.

They don't give a single fuck about people or the planet, they're diehard EnviroMarxists bent on destroying the US economy
What's ironic is that leftists demand constant changes in society, but counsel us to fear changes in the environment, as if a temperature rise of one degree Celcius will somehow drive all life extinct on this planet.

What they are hoping for is that we will act like cowards, and cave in to their constant demands that we shut down energy plants and factories. The goal is to destroy industry and capitalism, it has nothing to do with saving the environment. If leftists cared about the environment, they would go after Communist China for killing its people with coal pollution.

They don't give a single fuck about people or the planet, they're diehard EnviroMarxists bent on destroying the US economy
Exactly. Like DiCaprio just the other week flying 8,000 miles in his private jet to get an environmental award and flying home the next day. None of them believe in the BS they spew.
Really? Do you believe the ocean rises identically everywhere?

Guess what this is

Your lack of understanding of basic physics really makes me wonder why you keep coming back to this arena to get disembowled over and over.

I bet I know more physics than you do weather boy. How many mistakes have I corrected you on now?
“The sea levels are now reducing in the "hotspots of acceleration” of Washington and New York

Hopefully everybody remember Sallenger’s “hot spots” of sea level acceleration along the East Coast of the US.

Asbury H. Sallenger Jr, Kara S. Doran & Peter A. Howd, Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America, Nature Climate Change 2, 884–888 (2012), doi:10.1038/nclimate1597

This was one of the many examples of bad science misinterpreting the sea level oscillations by cherry picking the time window.

As 6 more years of data have been collected, let see if the hotspots are now the “hottest on record” or if they have cooled down.

The logic of Sallenger & co. was based on the comparison of the rate of rise of sea levels over the first and second half of time windows of 60, 50 and 40 years, i.e. the comparison of the rate of rise over the first and the last 30, 25 and 20 years respectively of these 60, 50 and 40 years windows.

This did not make any sense to me, as if you do have sinusoidal oscillations of periodicity 60 years, positive and negative phases of 30 years, and you select the end of the time widows at the end of one positive phase, this way you will always have “positive acceleration” even if there is none, and everybody knew about periods and phasing of the natural oscillations.

The logic was clearly flawed, but obviously Nature did not accepted any comment. The science is settled, and can’t be discussed.
Really? Do you believe the ocean rises identically everywhere?

Guess what this is

Your lack of understanding of basic physics really makes me wonder why you keep coming back to this arena to get disembowled over and over.

I bet I know more physics than you do weather boy. How many mistakes have I corrected you on now?
“The sea levels are now reducing in the "hotspots of acceleration” of Washington and New York

Hopefully everybody remember Sallenger’s “hot spots” of sea level acceleration along the East Coast of the US.

Asbury H. Sallenger Jr, Kara S. Doran & Peter A. Howd, Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America, Nature Climate Change 2, 884–888 (2012), doi:10.1038/nclimate1597

This was one of the many examples of bad science misinterpreting the sea level oscillations by cherry picking the time window.

As 6 more years of data have been collected, let see if the hotspots are now the “hottest on record” or if they have cooled down.

The logic of Sallenger & co. was based on the comparison of the rate of rise of sea levels over the first and second half of time windows of 60, 50 and 40 years, i.e. the comparison of the rate of rise over the first and the last 30, 25 and 20 years respectively of these 60, 50 and 40 years windows.

This did not make any sense to me, as if you do have sinusoidal oscillations of periodicity 60 years, positive and negative phases of 30 years, and you select the end of the time widows at the end of one positive phase, this way you will always have “positive acceleration” even if there is none, and everybody knew about periods and phasing of the natural oscillations.

The logic was clearly flawed, but obviously Nature did not accepted any comment. The science is settled, and can’t be discussed.

EnviroMarxists don't care about science
The Earth's gravity field is not uniform. The gravitic effect of the moon and sun swing the tides round and round in a complex dance. Dominant ocean currents create regional gyres and pile water up against contintental barriers. As a result of all of that and more, the ocean surface is a great long ways from "level". Observing sea level at a single site - the Isle of the Dead, for instance - and thinking it has global significance, is simply asinine.
The Earth's gravity field is not uniform. The gravitic effect of the moon and sun swing the tides round and round in a complex dance. Dominant ocean currents create regional gyres and pile water up against contintental barriers. As a result of all of that and more, the ocean surface is a great long ways from "level". Observing sea level at a single site - the Isle of the Dead, for instance - and thinking it has global significance, is simply asinine.

Sure it's complex but you just assumed away any fluctuations because....AGW
What do you mean?

Your hysterical increase in average sea level is less than the margin of error in a very complex system, but you simply assumed no other variables than increases in the Great Glacier Eating CO2 Spaghetti Monster

Real scientists try to eliminate and control variables, certainly long before they tell us "settled science"

This is why I don't take your science seriously and am convinced you're an EnviroMarxist
What do you mean?

Your hysterical increase in average sea level is less than the margin of error in a very complex system, but you simply assumed no other variables than increases in the Great Glacier Eating CO2 Spaghetti Monster

It is not "my" increase in average sea level. It comes from the University of Colorado's Sea Level Research Lab who are widely regarded as the world's leading experts on the subject. Have you some data from someone of equivalent regard that says anything significantly different? If you do not, than I am curious how you conclude their numbers are "hysterical".

Real scientists try to eliminate and control variables, certainly long before they tell us "settled science"

I have not seen the term "settled science" used with regard to sea level rise. However, since it is a complex measurement and not a field of ongoing research, it's likely a great deal more settled than most of the topics here. However, the folks at U of C Sea Level deal with more variables that you could possibly imagine in their calculations. Your frequent attempts to belittle scientists - particularly given your own severe shortcomings - are pathetically ridiculous.

This is why I don't take your science seriously and am convinced you're an EnviroMarxist

Since you have demonstrated over and over and over again that you haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about, this does not unduly concern me.
Too funny.

The Global Warming "desperates" forget one thing, though even told, they cannot comprehend..."The Art of the Deal".

One of the first rules of negotiating is that you never, ever tell your opponent what you will NOT do. You also want to know what the things are that your opponent wants the most, and you are willing to give up.

In our state, Florida, planning commissions are made up of unpaid, volunteers. The majority of people are greenies, tree huggers. To tell them that you believe Global Warming is a hoax is the quickest way to have your project shot down. Telling them you want a sea wall, because of your concern about Global Warming is like a nice, cozy hug. It FEELS SO GOOD! A sea wall protects against normal erosion which the greenies would not normally approve, automatically becomes a tolerable tradeoff when weighed against the BIGGER THREAT...GLOBAL WARMING.

Being a real estate professional, not in the same world as Donald Trump or course, I read his book when it came out. Very educational!
Too funny.

The Global Warming "desperates" forget one thing, though even told, they cannot comprehend..."The Art of the Deal".

One of the first rules of negotiating is that you never, ever tell your opponent what you will NOT do. You also want to know what the things are that your opponent wants the most, and you are willing to give up.

In our state, Florida, planning commissions are made up of unpaid, volunteers. The majority of people are greenies, tree huggers. To tell them that you believe Global Warming is a hoax is the quickest way to have your project shot down. Telling them you want a sea wall, because of your concern about Global Warming is like a nice, cozy hug. It FEELS SO GOOD! A sea wall protects against normal erosion which the greenies would not normally approve, automatically becomes a tolerable tradeoff when weighed against the BIGGER THREAT...GLOBAL WARMING.

Being a real estate professional, not in the same world as Donald Trump or course, I read his book when it came out. Very educational!

What kind of a superficial non entity would find anything allegedly written by Donald Trump to be in any way compelling on any subject? What kind of a shallow niitwit would you have to be?

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