Islands Disappear As Ocean Levels Rise

all scientist make adjustments as technology improves .....
So next week 2+2 might equal 5? Data is data, fool, Massaging data to prove a theory is not science. It is fraud.
OK Einstein LOL every one of these jack asses are homemade Climate geniuses you are a fucking moron OK
You got your intellectually lacking ass handed to you and you call me a moron.... Yup OK If you say so....
It happened repeatedly without humans, so how can you claim they are responsible for any significant contribution now?
Think dice. Before you walked into the room I rolled 7 six times out of ten chances. You walk into the room and I roll 7. Did you have an effect on the dice?
As if knowing who or what to blame for the fact of global climate change will alter the outcome.
If humans aren't causing more than 1/10 of a percent of it, human intervention will not fix it, dolt.
And of course with all your expertise you know which scientists to believe and how to put the information into a context.....right professor?
I don't believe proven liars. It's really that simple. I have no respect for those that do either. Apparently, that includes you.
Based on the limits of your intelligence I'm sure that makes perfect sense.
Limits of MY intelligence? You would believe Michael Mann if he told you the oceans will boil off in 10 years and you question my intellect? Funny! and pathetic.
This much

Some islands are very low, we have storms and we have tides. An island that uncovers 12 hours a day is still uninhabitable Herr WxMan.
Since you seem to have rejected the best sea level data available, I'm not the one that appears to be rejecting science.
Over the span of the graph, sea level has risen 85mm which equals 3.35 inches. That was enough to submerge those islands. Under appropriate circumstances, one water molecule's height is enough to submerge an island. Look at the levee protecting the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Once water was equal to the height of the levee, how much increase did it take to flood the Ward?
Over the span of the graph, sea level has risen 85mm which equals 3.35 inches. That was enough to submerge those islands. Under appropriate circumstances, one water molecule's height is enough to submerge an island. Look at the levee protecting the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Once water was equal to the height of the levee, how much increase did it take to flood the Ward?
So 3.35 inches.
So you think a 10 foot tide with 15 foot waves on top of that has nothing to do with the islands submerging, but 3.35 inch ocean rise does.
Interesting science you have there.
Over the span of the graph, sea level has risen 85mm which equals 3.35 inches. That was enough to submerge those islands. Under appropriate circumstances, one water molecule's height is enough to submerge an island. Look at the levee protecting the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Once water was equal to the height of the levee, how much increase did it take to flood the Ward?
I've seen waves break over the bow of an aircraft carrier 60 feet above the water line. Since the ship is floating thus making sea level rise irrelevant, why are ocean waves irrelivent as compared to your 3.35 inch claim?
Over the span of the graph, sea level has risen 85mm which equals 3.35 inches. That was enough to submerge those islands. Under appropriate circumstances, one water molecule's height is enough to submerge an island. Look at the levee protecting the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. Once water was equal to the height of the levee, how much increase did it take to flood the Ward?
I've seen waves break over the bow of an aircraft carrier 60 feet above the water line. Since the ship is floating thus making sea level rise irrelevant, why are ocean waves irrelivent as compared to your 3.35 inch claim?

The waves were Denier Waves...duh

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