Islands Disappear As Ocean Levels Rise

huh? Sorry, I don't speak that language.
don't I know it LOL
yeah because what you post is nonsense and I don't do nonsense. But hey stick with that correlation thingy, as it confuses the hell out of you.
Hell you out rank NASA and NOAA combined when it comes to Climate ...wooo hooooo

The biggest problem with loserterians is the reality that they believe themselves to be smarter than economist, political scientist, scientist and anyone with a solid grasp on modern society. They'll honestly say without a ounce of evidence to disprove something that the experts in their fields are wrong.

This is how they can sit their in the economic and political forum of this board and argue for the 18th century, the destruction of most of our government and other retarded things. It doesn't have to make sense as they most certainly don't.

Probably the two greatest assets this nation has outside of military research in the science sector are nasa and the noaa. You can bet you last dollar that they hate them as they're logical and make sense within a context that separates society from the 18th century.
huh? Sorry, I don't speak that language.
don't I know it LOL
yeah because what you post is nonsense and I don't do nonsense. But hey stick with that correlation thingy, as it confuses the hell out of you.
Hell you out rank NASA and NOAA combined when it comes to Climate ...wooo hooooo

The biggest problem with loserterians is the reality that they believe themselves to be smarter than economist, political scientist, scientist and anyone with a solid grasp on modern society. They'll honestly say without a ounce of evidence to disprove something that the experts in their fields are wrong.

This is how they can sit their in the economic and political forum of this board and argue for the 18th century, the destruction of most of our government and other retarded things. It doesn't have to make sense as they most certainly don't.

Probably the two greatest assets this nation has outside of military research in the science sector are nasa and the noaa. You can bet you last dollar that they hate them as they're logical and make sense within a context that separates society from the 18th century.
just curious if you were looking into a mirror when you wrote this? I assume the loserterians are the warmers. Cause they is losing like crazy.
Trump believes in AGW ...who knew ?
He is the master when it comes to knowing how to appeal to the lowest common denominators.
Took a page out of "Dreams From My Father"?
Are you people this stupid and dishonest by purpose or design?

LIberterians and super far right wing people don't live within reality and certainly don't like to challenge their belief system.
Trump believes in AGW ...who knew ?
He is the master when it comes to knowing how to appeal to the lowest common denominators.
Took a page out of "Dreams From My Father"?
Are you people this stupid and dishonest by purpose or design?

LIberterians and super far right wing people don't live within reality and certainly don't like to challenge their belief system.
Hey Matty, tell us how Co2 affects temperature post that stuff would you?
Trump believes in AGW ...who knew ?
He is the master when it comes to knowing how to appeal to the lowest common denominators.
Took a page out of "Dreams From My Father"?
Are you people this stupid and dishonest by purpose or design?

LIberterians and super far right wing people don't live within reality and certainly don't like to challenge their belief system.
Same goes for Hilary supporters. Feel the Bern.
huh? Sorry, I don't speak that language.
don't I know it LOL
yeah because what you post is nonsense and I don't do nonsense. But hey stick with that correlation thingy, as it confuses the hell out of you.
Hell you out rank NASA and NOAA combined when it comes to Climate ...wooo hooooo

The biggest problem with loserterians is the reality that they believe themselves to be smarter than economist, political scientist, scientist and anyone with a solid grasp on modern society. They'll honestly say without a ounce of evidence to disprove something that the experts in their fields are wrong.

This is how they can sit their in the economic and political forum of this board and argue for the 18th century, the destruction of most of our government and other retarded things. It doesn't have to make sense as they most certainly don't.

Probably the two greatest assets this nation has outside of military research in the science sector are nasa and the noaa. You can bet you last dollar that they hate them as they're logical and make sense within a context that separates society from the 18th century.
Oh we like NASA and NOAA, we just don't much like that they've been turned into the propaganda wings of the DNC.
They were created to explore space and predict weather, not to fudge data and create mass hysteria about something man has zero control over.
I don't believe "scientists" with a proven history of lying, so yes I guess I do, to a certain extent know which scientists to believe.
Based on your extensive understanding of climate science.
Based on educating myself in regards to the politics of AGW.
In other words: You don't know anything about it.
Based on logic. Once you lie to me, I don't trust you.
(you either, lemming.
I don't believe "scientists" with a proven history of lying, so yes I guess I do, to a certain extent know which scientists to believe.
Based on your extensive understanding of climate science.
Based on educating myself in regards to the politics of AGW.
In other words: You don't know anything about it.
Based on logic. Once you lie to me, I don't trust you.
(you either, lemming.
You are slow to learn.
huh? Sorry, I don't speak that language.
don't I know it LOL
yeah because what you post is nonsense and I don't do nonsense. But hey stick with that correlation thingy, as it confuses the hell out of you.
Hell you out rank NASA and NOAA combined when it comes to Climate ...wooo hooooo

The biggest problem with loserterians is the reality that they believe themselves to be smarter than economist, political scientist, scientist and anyone with a solid grasp on modern society. They'll honestly say without a ounce of evidence to disprove something that the experts in their fields are wrong.

This is how they can sit their in the economic and political forum of this board and argue for the 18th century, the destruction of most of our government and other retarded things. It doesn't have to make sense as they most certainly don't.

Probably the two greatest assets this nation has outside of military research in the science sector are nasa and the noaa. You can bet you last dollar that they hate them as they're logical and make sense within a context that separates society from the 18th century.
Oh we like NASA and NOAA, we just don't much like that they've been turned into the propaganda wings of the DNC.
They were created to explore space and predict weather, not to fudge data and create mass hysteria about something man has zero control over.
Try to be smarter than you are now.
Loserterians and anti-government far righters can't believe in global warming even if the planet was warming at 10c per decade as they can't admit that their anti-government bs is wrong. If they admitted it then they'd also have to admit that we need a organized effort to stop the problem. So they'd rather not believe or even consider it and keep on screaming out bs.
So... if it happened before without humans, it can't be caused by humans now?
It happened repeatedly without humans, so how can you claim they are responsible for any significant contribution now?
Think dice. Before you walked into the room I rolled 7 six times out of ten chances. You walk into the room and I roll 7. Did you have an effect on the dice?
As if knowing who or what to blame for the fact of global climate change will alter the outcome.
If humans aren't causing more than 1/10 of a percent of it, human intervention will not fix it, dolt.
And of course with all your expertise you know which scientists to believe and how to put the information into a context.....right professor?
I don't believe proven liars. It's really that simple. I have no respect for those that do either. Apparently, that includes you.
So... if it happened before without humans, it can't be caused by humans now?
It happened repeatedly without humans, so how can you claim they are responsible for any significant contribution now?
Think dice. Before you walked into the room I rolled 7 six times out of ten chances. You walk into the room and I roll 7. Did you have an effect on the dice?
As if knowing who or what to blame for the fact of global climate change will alter the outcome.
If humans aren't causing more than 1/10 of a percent of it, human intervention will not fix it, dolt.
And of course with all your expertise you know which scientists to believe and how to put the information into a context.....right professor?
I don't believe proven liars. It's really that simple. I have no respect for those that do either. Apparently, that includes you.
Based on the limits of your intelligence I'm sure that makes perfect sense.

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