Islands Disappear As Ocean Levels Rise

When I see coersion, intimidation, and fraud like I see in the AGW believer's side, it's a pretty sure bet that they are wrong.

But you haven't seen any. You're just parroting the conspiracy nuttery of your cult.

We would feel bad for humiliating you cultists, except that all you cultists are free to leave the cult at any time. Since you're staying, you must desire the humiliation.

Shall we remind you of the stupidity of the current topic? A bunch of loons is declaring that every nation in the entire world is faking sea level data.That's a claim so insane, anyone making it richly deserves humiliation. Since you're one of the jabbering morons making such claims, you have no business lecturing the sane people. You're the guy in the sandwich board screaming on the corner, and we're the people walking by and ignoring you.
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Scientists are just the same as non-scientists. They are subject to the same faults as we all are. they want the same things that we do. They are NOT above being tempted by fortune, fame, and achievement.

If you know history AND science, you know that the history of science is not one of pious devotion solely to learning. Scientists have ALWAYS been for hire. Ever since the time of the Greeks and the birth of science.

The history of science shows us that science has been wrong far more often than it has been right. Even recently. The tobacco industry has scientists in their employ who stated in court that smoking had no link to cancer. More recently, science told us that all we had to do was decrease our serum cholesterol and we wouldn't have heart attacks. That butter was bad for us, and if you have been watching the news, we find out that now, pregnant women taking extra Folic acid may be linked to autism when we had been previously told that Folic Acid needed to be taken during pregnancy.

Astrophysicists are now saying that they may have to abandon all or most of the Big Bang Theory, and Steven Hawking recently stated that he was wrong about worm holes.

Scientists are not the last word on anything, but the left wants to destroy the things that made this country great based on the CURRENT beliefs of scientists who are not able to provide actual proof of their claims.
Holy shit! Are you kidding or what? Would you now like to suggest something to replace scientific method of inquiry. Or do you reject science based on some other pretext?

It isn't "all or nothing". I'll listen to the pros and cons. If you listen closely and with an open mind you can reason out what is likely the truth. When I see coersion, intimidation, and fraud like I see in the AGW believer's side, it's a pretty sure bet that they are wrong.

The point of that is you cannot logically day that scientists say it is so, therefor it must be so. History says that's bull shit.
And here's why you are completely full of shit: If there were a scientific consensus showing the opposite of the current conventional would agree wholeheartedly.

And, were all things as they are today, you would be calling the FACT that there is NO scientific consensus AND rightfully point out all the fraud and corruption in the business.
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.
Geesus! Vienna needs elevated walkways due to climate change? Vienna averages 1,000 feet above sea level you damned fool.
People losing their homes in Florida? you do realize that a good deal of Florida coastal land is filled in swamp and open ocean, don't you? A lot of these places are being eroded by storms and normal wave action, but sea level is roughly 12 inches higher than it was in 1870 or 0.08"/year.
Maldives....... How about you educate yourself a bit, OK?
Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise? Maybe Not

Are island nations like Tuvalu, where most of the land is barely above sea level, destined to sink beneath the waves, like modern-day Atlantises?

Not necessarily, according to a growing body of evidence amassed by New Zealand coastal geomorphologist Paul Kench, of the University of Auckland's School of Environment, and colleagues in Australia and Fiji, who have been studying how reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans respond to rising sea levels.

They found that reef islands change shape and move around in response to shifting sediments, and that many of them are growing in size, not shrinking, as sea level inches upward. The implication is that many islands—especially less developed ones with few permanent structures—may cope with rising seas well into the next century.
Come on Ludley! You should be able to explain this.
Scientists are just the same as non-scientists. They are subject to the same faults as we all are. they want the same things that we do. They are NOT above being tempted by fortune, fame, and achievement.

If you know history AND science, you know that the history of science is not one of pious devotion solely to learning. Scientists have ALWAYS been for hire. Ever since the time of the Greeks and the birth of science.

The history of science shows us that science has been wrong far more often than it has been right. Even recently. The tobacco industry has scientists in their employ who stated in court that smoking had no link to cancer. More recently, science told us that all we had to do was decrease our serum cholesterol and we wouldn't have heart attacks. That butter was bad for us, and if you have been watching the news, we find out that now, pregnant women taking extra Folic acid may be linked to autism when we had been previously told that Folic Acid needed to be taken during pregnancy.

Astrophysicists are now saying that they may have to abandon all or most of the Big Bang Theory, and Steven Hawking recently stated that he was wrong about worm holes.

Scientists are not the last word on anything, but the left wants to destroy the things that made this country great based on the CURRENT beliefs of scientists who are not able to provide actual proof of their claims.
Holy shit! Are you kidding or what? Would you now like to suggest something to replace scientific method of inquiry. Or do you reject science based on some other pretext?

It isn't "all or nothing". I'll listen to the pros and cons. If you listen closely and with an open mind you can reason out what is likely the truth. When I see coersion, intimidation, and fraud like I see in the AGW believer's side, it's a pretty sure bet that they are wrong.

The point of that is you cannot logically day that scientists say it is so, therefor it must be so. History says that's bull shit.
And here's why you are completely full of shit: If there were a scientific consensus showing the opposite of the current conventional would agree wholeheartedly.

No dumbass, "full of shit" is when you tell me what I'm thinking and doing.

You don't seem to be actually thinking about anything..

Like I said, it is obvious that YOU are the one full of shit. You cannot respond to my argument because it's well thought out, factual, and logical. All you can do is use childish insults.
When I see coersion, intimidation, and fraud like I see in the AGW believer's side, it's a pretty sure bet that they are wrong.

But you haven't seen any. You're just parroting the conspiracy nuttery of your cult.

We would feel bad for humiliating you cultists, except that all you cultists are free to leave the cult at any time. Since you're staying, you must desire the humiliation.

Shall we remind you of the stupidity of the current topic? A bunch of loons is declaring that every nation in the entire world is faking sea level data.That's a claim so insane, anyone making it richly deserves humiliation. Since you're one of the jabbering morons making such claims, you have no business lecturing the sane people. You're the guy in the sandwich board screaming on the corner, and we're the people walking by and ignoring you.

Bull, I've seen it everywhere. I notice you take one of my sentences, and post it out of context. There is some deceit on your side right there. Thanks for offering yourself as exhibit A.
Scientists are just the same as non-scientists. They are subject to the same faults as we all are. they want the same things that we do. They are NOT above being tempted by fortune, fame, and achievement.

If you know history AND science, you know that the history of science is not one of pious devotion solely to learning. Scientists have ALWAYS been for hire. Ever since the time of the Greeks and the birth of science.

The history of science shows us that science has been wrong far more often than it has been right. Even recently. The tobacco industry has scientists in their employ who stated in court that smoking had no link to cancer. More recently, science told us that all we had to do was decrease our serum cholesterol and we wouldn't have heart attacks. That butter was bad for us, and if you have been watching the news, we find out that now, pregnant women taking extra Folic acid may be linked to autism when we had been previously told that Folic Acid needed to be taken during pregnancy.

Astrophysicists are now saying that they may have to abandon all or most of the Big Bang Theory, and Steven Hawking recently stated that he was wrong about worm holes.

Scientists are not the last word on anything, but the left wants to destroy the things that made this country great based on the CURRENT beliefs of scientists who are not able to provide actual proof of their claims.
Holy shit! Are you kidding or what? Would you now like to suggest something to replace scientific method of inquiry. Or do you reject science based on some other pretext?

Too Funny;

Your side long ago left the real science reservation. They have now gone mad.. They believe that their models are more accurate than real observations and cant tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

When climate science returns to actually doing the scientific method, which would have thrown this failed hypothesis in the trash bin long ago, then I might take and listen to them. They have proven that they are clueless and that their understanding of the climatic system is shit by their failed modeling of it.

Until you come to terms with your fantasies, you will always be a moron shill for the left.. a useful idiot.. This place is full of left wing useful idiots these days..
I recently saw the VICE documentary which showed footage of Vienna that was just heartbreaking. They now have elevated walkways and vendors sell rain booties. Businesses have to close because they're flooded.

Footage of NYC was similar and people are losing their homes in Florida.

The small islands are the saddest though. Past president of the Maldives was shown holding a meeting underwater to draw attention to their plight. Thousands have been made homeless and as always, its those who can afford it the least to hit the hardest.

Other countries are pushing green energy but of course, the US can't lead the way. Instead, the RWNJs whine about coal companies going under as though that's a bad thing.

Other countries are training their people in modern day jobs but not the US. Other countries are producing so much green energy, they're able to sell it but not the US.

If we are to survive, we MUST treat the idiot deniers like what they are and move forward without them.
Geesus! Vienna needs elevated walkways due to climate change? Vienna averages 1,000 feet above sea level you damned fool.
People losing their homes in Florida? you do realize that a good deal of Florida coastal land is filled in swamp and open ocean, don't you? A lot of these places are being eroded by storms and normal wave action, but sea level is roughly 12 inches higher than it was in 1870 or 0.08"/year.
Maldives....... How about you educate yourself a bit, OK?
Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise? Maybe Not

Are island nations like Tuvalu, where most of the land is barely above sea level, destined to sink beneath the waves, like modern-day Atlantises?

Not necessarily, according to a growing body of evidence amassed by New Zealand coastal geomorphologist Paul Kench, of the University of Auckland's School of Environment, and colleagues in Australia and Fiji, who have been studying how reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans respond to rising sea levels.

They found that reef islands change shape and move around in response to shifting sediments, and that many of them are growing in size, not shrinking, as sea level inches upward. The implication is that many islands—especially less developed ones with few permanent structures—may cope with rising seas well into the next century.
Come on Ludley! You should be able to explain this.

It's the lies and deceit that is all over the AGW side of the argument that just goes to show how big the scam is.
So funny you had to quote it twice?

Would you care to show us an example of climate science (not blogs, not newspaper & magazine articles) failing to use the scientific method?

And how about an example of someone defending your views with the scientific method? Where is some of that real science that comes to the conclusions you hold to be true? For that matter, what DO you hold to be true regarding global warming, its causes and the behavior of climate scientists?
Scientists are just the same as non-scientists. They are subject to the same faults as we all are. they want the same things that we do. They are NOT above being tempted by fortune, fame, and achievement.

If you know history AND science, you know that the history of science is not one of pious devotion solely to learning. Scientists have ALWAYS been for hire. Ever since the time of the Greeks and the birth of science.

The history of science shows us that science has been wrong far more often than it has been right. Even recently. The tobacco industry has scientists in their employ who stated in court that smoking had no link to cancer. More recently, science told us that all we had to do was decrease our serum cholesterol and we wouldn't have heart attacks. That butter was bad for us, and if you have been watching the news, we find out that now, pregnant women taking extra Folic acid may be linked to autism when we had been previously told that Folic Acid needed to be taken during pregnancy.

Astrophysicists are now saying that they may have to abandon all or most of the Big Bang Theory, and Steven Hawking recently stated that he was wrong about worm holes.

Scientists are not the last word on anything, but the left wants to destroy the things that made this country great based on the CURRENT beliefs of scientists who are not able to provide actual proof of their claims.
Holy shit! Are you kidding or what? Would you now like to suggest something to replace scientific method of inquiry. Or do you reject science based on some other pretext?

Too Funny;

Your side long ago left the real science reservation. They have now gone mad.. They believe that their models are more accurate than real observations and cant tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

When climate science returns to actually doing the scientific method, which would have thrown this failed hypothesis in the trash bin long ago, then I might take and listen to them. They have proven that they are clueless and that their understanding of the climatic system is shit by their failed modeling of it.

Until you come to terms with your fantasies, you will always be a moron shill for the left.. a useful idiot.. This place is full of left wing useful idiots these days..

Exactly. I am a lover of science and have made science my life long career. The advantage I have over these morons is that I also love history. Knowing history prevents me from falling for the AGW scam. These idiots who don't know a thing about history are, as the saying goes, doomed to repeat it, and falling for it is something that people like them have been repeating throughout history.

the real problem is that they have a corrupt asshole in the White House helping these frauds and idiots do actual damage to the country and the world by trying to make this scam law. That is why we cannot just laugh at these dumb saps.
So funny you had to quote it twice?

Would you care to show us an example of climate science (not blogs, not newspaper & magazine articles) failing to use the scientific method?

And how about an example of someone defending your views with the scientific method? Where is some of that real science that comes to the conclusions you hold to be true? For that matter, what DO you hold to be true regarding global warming, its causes and the behavior of climate scientists?

You are asking us to prove a negative, if you had the ability to think on your own, you'd know that what you are asking is ridiculous.
Hardly. I am asking you to identify a published study that fails to use the scientific method. If you think it impossible to prove a negative, don't bother trying to show us that you're not an idiot.
Hardly. I am asking you to identify a published study that fails to use the scientific method. If you think it impossible to prove a negative, don't bother trying to show us that you're not an idiot.

Again with the deceit so prevalent among you believers. Let me remind you of what you said:

"And how about an example of someone defending your views with the scientific method? Where is some of that real science that comes to the conclusions you hold to be true?"

We cannot use the scientific method to prove the non-existence of AGW. You are asking us to prove a negative.
Are you actually that ignorant of science? Show us properly conducted studies that refute GHG warming, or the anthropogenic origin of the atmosphere's increased CO2. Show us science that suggests a BETTER explanation for the warming of the last 150 years. If you plan on falling back on "cannot prove a negative" very often, prepare to frequently be the butt of laughter.
Are you actually that ignorant of science? Show us properly conducted studies that refute GHG warming, or the anthropogenic origin of the atmosphere's increased CO2. Show us science that suggests a BETTER explanation for the warming of the last 150 years. If you plan on falling back on "cannot prove a negative" very often, prepare to frequently be the butt of laughter.

Well, now you have reworded the question to something more reasonable. Now you have to remember that extraordinary claims require proof, I am not responsible for disproving AGW, you are responsible for proving it and so far your side only has computer models that do not reflect reality.

The only response I need to make is to refer you to the already established fact that solar activity is the main driving force in our climate. YOUR side has to prove that man is over-riding that. And so far, your side has failed. Instead, you have fraud, coersion, and corruption.
So funny you had to quote it twice?

Would you care to show us an example of climate science (not blogs, not newspaper & magazine articles) failing to use the scientific method?

And how about an example of someone defending your views with the scientific method? Where is some of that real science that comes to the conclusions you hold to be true? For that matter, what DO you hold to be true regarding global warming, its causes and the behavior of climate scientists?

You are asking us to prove a negative, if you had the ability to think on your own, you'd know that what you are asking is ridiculous.
Crick has been shown the IPCC's own words and shown real data which shreds their hypothesis over and over again. He and many others here refuse to acknowledge the real world data showing their religion false. They have now resorted to falsification of the historical record because it shows the fraud so easily.
Are you actually that ignorant of science? Show us properly conducted studies that refute GHG warming, or the anthropogenic origin of the atmosphere's increased CO2. Show us science that suggests a BETTER explanation for the warming of the last 150 years. If you plan on falling back on "cannot prove a negative" very often, prepare to frequently be the butt of laughter.

There has been lots of peer reviewed papers that have been shown to have used faulty methodologies and/or faulty data. Even more prevalent are exaggerated conclusions reached without being backed up by the evidence presented, faulty or not

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