Isn't It Interesting That Kamala Is The One Calling For Gun Control?

If Trump didn't turn his head he would be dead right now so I think that it was a very big life changer because it literally saved his life.
And if your aunt had balls, she would be your uncle.

That's not logical thinking.

The assassination attempt was taken seriously. But no minds were changed. The irony you are looking for does not exist.
It is when you’re on the receiving end. At the mere suggestion of the possibility of that happening to you, you reacted with violence. I’m thinking you have a severe case of double standards.
Indy's very generous with other people's lives.

some of you may die sacrifice dems willing to make.jpg
Clearly! As shown by all the times Trump doesn't even mention it.

He got over it.

Now you can too. Just like he told the parents of dead children in Iowa to do.
Now that your hypocrisy has been pointed you’re just going full retard for any deflection you can make up.

Link to him saying dead children’s parents should get over it.
Why do you ask?
Well I was addressing the OP because I suspect that she hasn't been paying attention for very long or she could be rather young, or both.

I only started paying attention because I had to but have been doing so for about 25 years now. So I have seen some of the things that have been tried, the things that have succeeded and those that haven't. I never thought I'd see the day that the state of California would be found to be in violation of the U.S. Constitution by being a "may issue" state after they've had authority to unequivocally deny the right to grant a carry permit to those who may need one while dishing them out to their "associates", celebrities and others with clout.

And then, as you pointed out, those who work in law enforcement and are prosecutors tend to push for more gun control, while those who do defense work are usually left trying to find the happy medium between the two extremes.

Funny thing, I saw an news snippet about ASAP Rocky & Riana recently and it was a very nice portrayal of their careers & family life together. I remembered that at one point he had pending firearm charges against him and I was thinking how so many people in society equate a firearm + a black man as "automatically" a criminal. As opposed to some others, who are not Black, have risen to folk hero status.

Our world is pretty crazy right now but nonetheless I still don't like seeing people suffer needlessly and the OP seems way too worried and stressed over things that are not out of the ordinary, in the context of history and not just political history.
Now that your hypocrisy has been pointed you’re just going full retard for any deflection you can make up.

Link to him saying dead children’s parents should get over it.
I don't feed the sealions. You can find it.

Oh no, a Trumpanzee called me a hypocrite.

Ok, a Lil earnick is worse than that. I'll give ya that one.
Well I was addressing the OP because I suspect that she hasn't been paying attention for very long or she could be rather young, or both.

I only started paying attention because I had to but have been doing so for about 25 years now. So I have seen some of the things that have been tried, the things that have succeeded and those that haven't. I never thought I'd see the day that the state of California would be found to be in violation of the U.S. Constitution by being a "may issue" state after they've had authority to unequivocally deny the right to grant a carry permit to those who may need one while dishing them out to their "associates", celebrities and others with clout.

And then, as you pointed out, those who work in law enforcement and are prosecutors tend to push for more gun control, while those who do defense work are usually left trying to find the happy medium between the two extremes.

Funny thing, I saw an news snippet about ASAP Rocky & Riana recently and it was a very nice portrayal of their careers & family life together. I remembered that at one point he had pending firearm charges against him and I was thinking how so many people in society equate a firearm + a black man as "automatically" a criminal. As opposed to some others, who are not Black, have risen to folk hero status.

Our world is pretty crazy right now but nonetheless I still don't like seeing people suffer needlessly and the OP seems way too worried and stressed over things that are not out of the ordinary, in the context of history and not just political history.
Answer: 30 years or so

The world sometimes gets crazy. Have you read much about unrest in the 1960s? We're not even in that galaxy, yet. We'll be fine.
Answer: 30 years or so

The world sometimes gets crazy. Have you read much about unrest in the 1960s? We're not even in that galaxy, yet. We'll be fine.
I was a child then but I do remember the Watts riots & overhearing my parents discussing whether or not it was safe to let me attend my piano lessons on Saturday.

I got to go to my lessons but you could see the smoke rising from Watts
I wouldn't have to worry about getting shot at.

And if your aunt had balls, she would be your uncle.

That's not logical thinking.

The assassination attempt was taken seriously. But no minds were changed. The irony you are looking for does not exist.

I can't figure out if you're just being cocky or if you are a cock. Either way if that has been you in the line of fire you probably wouldn't get back up to your feet again and start chanting fight! Fight! Fight! You would probably run away crying.

Link to him saying dead children’s parents should get over it.

He/she/it is talking about the time where Trump was saying that a school shooting was horrible but they had to get over it so he did say it but it's completely out of context.
I can't figure out if you're just being cocky or if you are a cock. Either way if that has been you in the line of fire you probably wouldn't get back up to your feet again and start chanting fight! Fight! Fight! You would probably run away crying.

He/she/it is talking about the time where Trump was saying that a school shooting was horrible but they had to get over it so he did say it but it's completely out of context.

There isn't irony in someone calling for gun control her entire career suddenly talking about gun control.

The only irony here is the targeted candidate and his supporters not budging an inch on gun control. When he is the one who got shot. One would expect that to move the needle a bit.
Not at all. It's very expected.

Prosecutors and law enforcement generally support more gun control.

Trump's Lil' Earnick wasn't even a blip on the radar of her life.

From the National Library of Medicine

The Views of Police Officers Toward Gun Legislation and Public Health Policies Driven by Firearm Safety Concerns

[snippet from the abstract] We surveyed police from three jurisdictions to establish a baseline understanding of officers' views about potential gun legislation and identify possible resistance and implementation barriers of firearms laws. The findings suggest that those responsible for enforcing new laws show limited or mixed support for the same. Officers were most supportive of laws that increase the presence of trained gun owners within certain contexts and ensure that individuals with criminal backgrounds or mental health concerns do not have access to firearms. Most officers support prohibiting gun ownership following conviction of a domestic violence offense. However, officers generally opposed gun legislation banning assault weapons, large capacity magazines, and internet ammunition purchases.
From the National Library of Medicine
Yes, interesting. The individuals poll as not favoring assault weapons bans, for example.

But yes on taking away guns after domestic violence.

And if you're deemed loony.

So we see how their personal.experience might affect their personal answers.

But orgs like the IACP and prosecutors orgs' support stronger gun control.
When she's not even the one who took a bullet to the ear? I just realized that I haven't heard Trump say anything about it after he got shot.
tRump didn't really get shot.

Plus even if he was even he isn't stupid enough to forget the backlash last time he mention gun control. MAGA heads exploded all across the country.
When she's not even the one who took a bullet to the ear? I just realized that I haven't heard Trump say anything about it after he got shot.
With the statist left marxinazis it's all about Divide & Conquer. They have their agenda & the same ole worn out propaganda to back it, like what other road could they take? Like their agenda/propaganda is simply out of touch, out of time.


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