Isnt it pathetic how the left pretend to care about Jews in Israel?

Most of the antisemitic comments are coming from the Left. It’s not Republicans who are marching around screaming “Kill the Jews!” and beating up anyone displaying an Israeli flag.
You don't really pay attention do you. MOST of the antisemitism comes from the right. It always has. Remember Charlottesville? Remember which party gives a home to neo-Nazis and other sub-cretins?
There can be no two state solution. Palestinians hate the Jews and only want the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel.

Indeed, it's actually in their national charter. Every time you see some leftist shitstain say they support the "Palestinian cause", this is what they're talking about:

The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)
Can you answer the questions? Why did Hamas wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Israel? Why did Putin wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Ukraine?
Because the Terrorists and Dictators alike want Benedict Donald back in office and hope gets us off the world stage so they can run amok. They're evil but they are not stupid.
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They aren't even sentient.

They support those who devote themselves to the singular purpose of killing Jews and then claim that as antisemitism comes from those who want to prevent that.

It is beyond Orwellian with these retards.
And you appear to be sub-human. Something that lies beneath the pile of dog poop on the lawn. :)
Can you answer the questions? Why did Hamas wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Israel? Why did Putin wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Ukraine?

The question is why did they wait until Trump had charges against him and his prospects for winning didn't look that good? Why did they wait 3 years into Biden's presidency? Are they colluding with Russia?

Why did Trump tell Russia Israel's secrets and why would you think Russia didn't tell Iran?
You don't really pay attention do you. MOST of the antisemitism comes from the right. It always has. Remember Charlottesville? Remember which party gives a home to neo-Nazis and other sub-cretins?

Yup, the DemoKKKrats. Always have, and always will. Or, as you people prefer to say, "segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"



If a one-state solution means getting rid of the separate Jewish and Arab states and combining it into one Holy Land country, that would make sense to me. The only alternative I see towards a one-state solution would be through a neo-conservative route which I don't see as any solution at all.
If a one-state solution means getting rid of the separate Jewish and Arab states and combining it into one Holy Land country, that would make sense to me. The only alternative I see towards a one-state solution would be through a neo-conservative route which I don't see as any solution at all.
How can there be one state with those who have been indoctrinated since birth to see being a murderer as their highest purpose in life?
You do realize 70% of American Jews vote Democratic right?

We know Trump tried to kiss Israel's ass when he was president. But then got pissed at Bibi when he didn't go along with Trump assassinating that Iranian General. Probably wise of Bibi. Is that why Trump leaked top secret shit about Israel to Russia? And you don't think Russia passed that on to Iran?

Then you stupid.

How come you don't cry that since the 1970's America gives Israel $4 billion dollars every year for the rest of eternity? You only want to cut funding off to Ukraine. You must not want the Ukrainian American vote.
ISRAEL WAS the only solid democratic state in the area, ( that's why we have supported them) until Netanyahu decided too become a want a be dictator.
Can you answer the questions? Why did Hamas wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Israel? Why did Putin wait until Biden was in the White House to attack Ukraine?
There may be some advantages to having a scary nut job idiot narcissist lying scumbag like Trump. His secretary of Defense Bolton thinks Putin was waiting for Trump to be reelected and get out of nato as far as Ukraine is concerned.... Trump's right wing cruelty against Palestinians helped lead to this....
The facts regarding the so called "wish" of a two state solution the globalist kabal pushes on the world and contaminates their minds with just more lies.

Interesting isn't how ALL OF A SUDDEN the global world have this heart felt concerns of the Palestinians only when Israel became a country isn't it?

They sure as shit didn't care about them when Jordan controlled and abused them. They sure as shit don't care about the EAST BANK controlled by Jordan or the Palestinians there.

Nor do they shed those crocodile tears for them when Egypt abused them. Nooooow, all of a sudden. Why? Cause the demons through the machine they controlled tell them to. So therefore they will do as commanded.

Such losers.

Where do you see anyone even pretending?

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