Isnt it pathetic how the left pretend to care about Jews in Israel?

Wow. I didn't think you could beat some of the others with strong TDS but you managed. Or the cognitive dissonance and other convoluted thinking in that one not to mention really stupid assumptions. Too many topics to bother with since it would be a colossal waste of time but do have a pleasant day.
I want to give you Republicans a lot of credit. I remember which of my friends were conservative long before we were old enough to vote. Today they are super Christians and anti abortion. Us Liberals are godless, remember? Even though 70% of Jewish Americans are liberals, but that's another conversation.

The point is, you've come a long way from the days you picked on your classmates and accused them of killing your messiah.

So I don't care how or why, but I'm glad today you defend the Jewish people. You didn't always.
Republicans contrive multiple excuses why Jewish Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and better-educated Americans vote Democratic.
Contrive excuses? The successful support democrats because they profit from their policies and the unsuccessful support democrats because they get freebies and government benefits.

Not very difficult to understand, and the results are evident.
It’s underdog syndrome.
I think it comes down to Every Man For Himself vs We The People mentality.

I'll give you a great example. A liberal says they like social security. It's a good wise program to have. A conservative thinks they would do better in the stock market. And the fact is, most of you are wrong. Then we'll have to take care of your sorry asses. Social Security forces us all to save something for when you are too old to work. So we don't have to start a go fund me for you. We're doing you a favor.

And if you die early, so what? You're dead.

Trump gave you a tax break. Did you save it? No you did not. Inflation ate it up.
Contrive excuses? The successful support democrats because they profit from their policies and the unsuccessful support democrats because they get freebies and government benefits.

Not very difficult to understand, and the results are evident.
Well the only one "profiting" from your way is the rich and corporations.

College educated people like me are doing okay but college is becoming unaffordable. And I think it's sad the Republicans solution to that is not everyone should go to college and go become a plumber. It's sad.

All my rich friend are Republicans. Stop lying.
Well the only one "profiting" from your way is the rich and corporations.

College educated people like me are doing okay but college is becoming unaffordable. And I think it's sad the Republicans solution to that is not everyone should go to college and go become a plumber. It's sad.

All my rich friend are Republicans. Stop lying.

My way? What is my way? Sounds like a broad brush of accusation without any substance.
Contrive excuses? The successful support democrats because they profit from their policies and the unsuccessful support democrats because they get freebies and government benefits.

Not very difficult to understand, and the results are evident.
If you don't like how most Jewish Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and college-educated Americans choose to vote, schemes to nullify their votes are not the answer.

Can losers in the Republicans' futile search for House leadership blame Dominion Voting Systems?
The facts regarding the so called "wish" of a two state solution the globalist kabal pushes on the world and contaminates their minds with just more lies.

Interesting isn't how ALL OF A SUDDEN the global world have this heart felt concerns of the Palestinians only when Israel became a country isn't it?

They sure as shit didn't care about them when Jordan controlled and abused them. They sure as shit don't care about the EAST BANK controlled by Jordan or the Palestinians there.

Nor do they shed those crocodile tears for them when Egypt abused them. Nooooow, all of a sudden. Why? Cause the demons through the machine they controlled tell them to. So therefore they will do as commanded.

Such losers.

And for those who support the occupation, you are no different than Nazi Germany!
If they don't con-demn that behavior, they agree with it. Like the saying....If there are ten people at a table and one makes racist/anti-semitic statements and the others say nothing, there are really ten racists/anti-semites at the table.
Well, that is the game the right wing plays. I don’t read much of what AOC says but according to the right wing, I agree with her 100%; even though I’ve called her a terrible congresswoman at least once. I wonder though; does every conservative poster here think Hamas is smart because the blob said they were?

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