Isnt it pathetic how the left pretend to care about Jews in Israel?

What the hell do these Trumpsters do -- block this stuff out? Pretend it's fake news? BLM? CGI?

BLM is the ones who came out in support of your beloved terrorists. Marvin has shown their post twice in this thread. What do you do? Pretend it’s fake news? Block out the truth? Remain an ignorant Anti-Semite.
Even the Democrat Media Bubble Cult outlets have been handing the democrats their ass on this one.
Not MSNBC of course.
They have lost 1/3 of their prime time viewers this week.
Ivy league schools are also finding out that normal people don't support Islamic Terrorism and victim blaming.
Dems have even had to come out and tell the Anti-Semitic “squad” members to STFU because they’re driving voters away in droves.
Never happened, of course.
He and Sharon are examples of right wing lying murderous swine. Martial law away from being dictators along with Trump and you're in favor of that because you are totally baffled by total BS... No one wants Israel to fail but the way their RW swine screw over the Palestinians is a recipe for this kind of suicidal terrorism. Been blockaded for 17 years now and they have no economy it's ridiculous. As they say it's the world's largest open air prison for 70 years now....
No, a terrorist lover who applauds killings kids and babies like you do is a piece of shit. You piece of shit.
No one wants Israel to fail or loves terrorists, but there is seeing the other side a bit that you people are of course totally ignorant about. Change the damn channel sometime, Hater Dupe. netanyahu is a right wing probably corrupt troublemaker....
Killing children and babies. While you morons applaud. Maybe it’s YOU who needs to change the channel dummy.
the hell we do a hater dupe. You are the person listening to hateful divisive garbage propaganda and anti American crap. The whole world and even half of your party thinks you're crazy.....
Even no less a man than George Patton complimented his enemies on the battlefield as good, smart military men.
Absolutely. I think Patton once referred to Rommel as a 'magnificent bastard.' :)

To admire an enemy's strategy doesn't mean you like your enemy or do not intend to defeat or destroy him.
Its trusting the media.

If Republicans want to stop being the leader of the free world and getting involved in these conflicts. If they don't understand why we support Ukraine and they want us to stop sending help, then PLEASE stop playing politics with what happens overseas. I don't want to see it. And stop giving Israel $4 billion dollars every year indefinitely since the 70's.

And do what I do. Don't watch the news.
No, a terrorist lover who applauds killings kids and babies like you do is a piece of shit. You piece of shit.
You know, as amusing as it is to engage in a back and forth of "no you are, but what am I", I'm going to point out that you have actually tacitly approved of the oppression and slaughter of Palestinians by Bibi and other hardliners. You haven't seemed to have a problem with Israel conducting their campaign which has resulted in thousands of Palestinian deaths over the years. Cause=>Effect.

What happened on Saturday was abhorrent. No one supports this type of shit. The fact that you equate it with a political side or party...makes you....well, not a very nice human being.
Even the Democrat Media Bubble Cult outlets have been handing the democrats their ass on this one.
Not MSNBC of course.
They have lost 1/3 of their prime time viewers this week.
Ivy league schools are also finding out that normal people don't support Islamic Terrorism and victim blaming.
Again, bet me. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for Republicans and conservatives.
You're insane and obviously ill informed.

And you just have to include Trump lol

Capitol police officer says Jan. 6 rioters used N-word against him, others
Officer Harry Dunn said other members of the force shared similar stories of the pro-Trump mob.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn testified Tuesday that he and other Black officers faced racial slurs during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

Dunn said he experienced a “torrent” of racial abuse after he exchanged words with rioters who were denigrating Joe Biden, then the president-elect, and the people who voted for him during the 2020 elections. Dunn said he was called the N-word after he felt prompted to tell the mob he had voted for Biden.

“I do my best to keep politics out of my job, but in this circumstance, I responded: ‘Well I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?’” Dunn said during the first day of the House’s select committee hearings on the events surrounding Jan. 6.

Dunn said that prompted a woman “in a pink MAGA shirt” to call out to others in the mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters to hurl abuse at Dunn, including repeated use of the hateful slur.

“You hear that guys? This n----- voted for Joe Biden” Dunn recalled the woman saying, using the full word himself to emphasize the point.

“No one had ever, ever called me a n----- while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer,” Dunn said.

He said he was not alone in experiencing racist epithets during Jan. 6, and that in the aftermath of that day other officers shared similar stories of their confrontations with the pro-Trump mob.

“One officer told me he had never in his entire 40 years life being called a n----- to his face and that streak ended on January 6. Yet another Black officer later told me he had been confronted by insurrectionists in the Capitol who told him, ‘Put your gun down, and we’ll show you what kind of n----- you really are.’”

Dunn said that after that word was used against him “the rest of the afternoon is a blur,” but he and other officers are still living with the trauma they experienced. He said he has also sought counseling in the aftermath of that day, and encouraged other officers to do so as well.

“I know so many other officers continue to hurt both physically and emotionally,” he said. “What we went through that day was traumatic.”

Officer Daniel Hodges, who also testified at Tuesday’s hearing, said that the mob was overwhelmingly white and male. Hodges, who is white, testified that he did not encounter any racial abuse that day; instead several rioters tried to recruit him to their violent cause.

“One came and said, ‘are you my brother?’” Hodges said.
Interesting isn't how ALL OF A SUDDEN the global world have this heart felt concerns of the Palestinians only when Israel became a country isn't it?
Before the Zionist Squatters stole their land, it wasn't an issue.
The facts regarding the so called "wish" of a two state solution the globalist kabal pushes on the world and contaminates their minds with just more lies.

Interesting isn't how ALL OF A SUDDEN the global world have this heart felt concerns of the Palestinians only when Israel became a country isn't it?

They sure as shit didn't care about them when Jordan controlled and abused them. They sure as shit don't care about the EAST BANK controlled by Jordan or the Palestinians there.

Nor do they shed those crocodile tears for them when Egypt abused them. Nooooow, all of a sudden. Why? Cause the demons through the machine they controlled tell them to. So therefore they will do as commanded.

Such losers.

Why must I care about Jews?
Those afflicted with TDS will monitor, judge, and condemn the way Trump and other right wingers express themselves while forgiving those on their side pretty much anything. So there's that.

(P.S. Not even his own top military thought Hitler was smart since he went against a whole lot of what they were recommending.)
What do "Trump Dick Suckers" have to do with that?
Those afflicted with TDS will monitor, judge, and condemn the way Trump and other right wingers express themselves while forgiving those on their side pretty much anything. So there's that.

(P.S. Not even his own top military thought Hitler was smart since he went against a whole lot of what they were recommending.)
Really? Because it kind of looks like to us the guy can do anything he wants and you'll forgive it. Maybe you are the one with TDS. I know you think that means I'm obsessed with him but consider you were obsessed with Obama and you are obsessed with Biden now. I think TDS should mean someone who will forgive 4 criminal cases against him on top of 3 or 4 civil cases of rape, fraud.

And that doesn't even count his impeachments you forgave, his corporation being guilty of tax fraud you forgave, his charity was a slush fund, you forgave, he got caught hiring illegals, you forgave, he obstructed justice, you can't do that ,but you forgave.

I'm sorry but we don't forgive.
You don't really pay attention do you. MOST of the antisemitism comes from the right. It always has. Remember Charlottesville? Remember which party gives a home to neo-Nazis and other sub-cretins?

Why don't you explan/show us in detail how reps 'give a home' to neo-nazis.

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