Isnt it pathetic how the left pretend to care about Jews in Israel?

Sources that consistently spew propaganda, especially in the form of cartoons, deserve to be attacked but I can see where you have been trained by your masters to embrace it because you want to believe it is true.

Then debunk what it said, should be easy. We all know how you're so much smarter than the rest of us. :dunno:
All well documented.

The right wing has only excuses for this behavior.
If they don't con-demn that behavior, they agree with it. Like the saying....If there are ten people at a table and one makes racist/anti-semitic statements and the others say nothing, there are really ten racists/anti-semites at the table.
If they don't con-demn that behavior, they agree with it. Like the saying....If there are ten people at a table and one makes racist/anti-semitic statements and the others say nothing, there are really ten racists/anti-semites at the table.

You two are insane - that's the deal there.
Most of the antisemitic comments are coming from the Left. It’s not Republicans who are marching around screaming “Kill the Jews!” and beating up anyone displaying an Israeli flag.

The US has no influence over Bibi's government... neither Republicans nor Democrats.

Now there are threats to Jewish people world wide. Since oil and gas fields were discovered in Gaza's coastal waters things have gotten worse.

Remember before 2005 7,000 Jewish settlers in Gaza were being guarded by 20,000 IDF troops
Really? Because it kind of looks like to us the guy can do anything he wants and you'll forgive it. Maybe you are the one with TDS. I know you think that means I'm obsessed with him but consider you were obsessed with Obama and you are obsessed with Biden now. I think TDS should mean someone who will forgive 4 criminal cases against him on top of 3 or 4 civil cases of rape, fraud.

And that doesn't even count his impeachments you forgave, his corporation being guilty of tax fraud you forgave, his charity was a slush fund, you forgave, he got caught hiring illegals, you forgave, he obstructed justice, you can't do that ,but you forgave.

I'm sorry but we don't forgive.
Wow. I didn't think you could beat some of the others with strong TDS but you managed. Or the cognitive dissonance and other convoluted thinking in that one not to mention really stupid assumptions. Too many topics to bother with since it would be a colossal waste of time but do have a pleasant day.
If you think that is civil debate or clever I feel really REALLY sorry for you. Do have a nice day.
I don't particularly think anyone using the term TDS should whine about debating with civility. I don't feel sorry for your hurt feelings. But do have a wonderful weekend.
I don't particularly think anyone using the term TDS should whine about debating with civility. I don't feel sorry for your hurt feelings. But do have a wonderful weekend.
Do you feel sorry for the 1,000 innocent Jews, including children and babies, that antisemitic Muslim fundamentalists hunted down, going door to door, to set them on fire, cut their heads off, and stab them to death?

And do you recognize the difference between Muslim terrorists intentionally killing as many innocent Jews as possible, and Jews issuing warnings so that as few as possible innocent Muslims are killed?
Do you feel sorry for the 1,000 innocent Jews, including children and babies, that antisemitic Muslim fundamentalists hunted down, going door to door, to set them on fire, cut their heads off, and stab them to death?

And do you recognize the difference between Muslim terrorists intentionally killing as many innocent Jews as possible, and Jews issuing warnings so that as few as possible innocent Muslims are killed?

Every injury and death is being caused by Hamas on each side.
They are keeping their people in Gaza, refusing to let them escape.
Every injury and death is being caused by Hamas on each side.
They are keeping their people in Gaza, refusing to let them escape.
Unfortunately, Democrats will use that to blame the Jews. Their decision as to who is in the wrong is how many are killed.
I don't care about the Swed's in Sweden.
I don't care about the Jews in Israel.
I don't care about the liar marvin martian

Fair enough.
The facts regarding the so called "wish" of a two state solution the globalist kabal pushes on the world and contaminates their minds with just more lies.

Interesting isn't how ALL OF A SUDDEN the global world have this heart felt concerns of the Palestinians only when Israel became a country isn't it?

They sure as shit didn't care about them when Jordan controlled and abused them. They sure as shit don't care about the EAST BANK controlled by Jordan or the Palestinians there.

Nor do they shed those crocodile tears for them when Egypt abused them. Nooooow, all of a sudden. Why? Cause the demons through the machine they controlled tell them to. So therefore they will do as commanded.

Such losers.

It's not by chance that the vast majority of American Jews support the Democratic Party...

nor that authoritarian rightists can't handle it.
Do you feel sorry for the 1,000 innocent Jews, including children and babies, that antisemitic Muslim fundamentalists hunted down, going door to door, to set them on fire, cut their heads off, and stab them to death?

And do you recognize the difference between Muslim terrorists intentionally killing as many innocent Jews as possible, and Jews issuing warnings so that as few as possible innocent Muslims are killed?
I feel sorry for all the innocent people killed in this 100+ years conflict. Especially those recently massecred by the inhuman horde from Gaza.

Do you recognize that both sides have intentional killed innocent people in the tic for tac cycle fo violence that is plauging the so called Holy land.

I feel sympathy for the innocent people in gaza. But aIso feel sympathy for the innocent people in Dresden in 1945 or even Tokyo when we fire bombed the hell out of them. It was war.
There is no Palestine state / country .. why is this so hard to recognize? It's like the trans community pretending they are something which they arent.
Is it battered voter syndrome,
Or Stockholm syndrome?
Republicans contrive multiple excuses why Jewish Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, female Americans, and better-educated Americans vote Democratic.

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