Isnt it pathetic how the left pretend to care about Jews in Israel?

ISRAEL WAS the only solid democratic state in the area, ( that's why we have supported them) until Netanyahu decided too become a want a be dictator.
I'm sure he's one of those corrupt leaders who is at war with the media. I'm sure he is using the same play book. I understand his wife is corrupt too. I shouldn't pick on them though they aren't the only husband and wife con game in town

Ahhhh, attacking the source and not the facts presented. One of many tactics the globalists have their trained monkeys like you doing. 🐒 🙈 🙊 🐒 🙈 🙊
Sources that consistently spew propaganda, especially in the form of cartoons, deserve to be attacked but I can see where you have been trained by your masters to embrace it because you want to believe it is true.
You are a subhuman.
you are on my ignore list, cretin. another conservative asswhole!
And they aren't stupid enough to fall for Trump and Bush's pandering to Israel.

Who dictated Bush's middle east policies?

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Joe Liebermann

He wasn't working on behalf of his constituents in whatever state he came from. He was defending the Iraq war because Israel liked us being there doing what we were doing. Clearly.
evangelicals were big on pushing the iraq invasion as well, something ridiculous about the "war of gog and magog" prophecy.

mrs adelson, i believe sheldon to be dead, is living somewhat comfortably in the old us embassy in tel aviv. moving the embassy was a twofer for trump who could make the fundies end times giddy and pay off his old donor with a billion dollars in real estate.

Jake Tapper has a light bulb moment about the Democrat Party​

As relentless scenes of atrocities being committed by Hamas terrorists against innocent victims in Israel continue to play out on the airwaves in real-time, many in the media are finding it hard to hide emotions or ignore reality.
One such enlightened moment occurred when CNN’s Jake Tapper commented on the evident and shocking antisemitism coming from those on the left while covering the latest on the conflict in Israel.
“These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people — a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives — in terms of antisemitism on the left,” Tapper said, speaking with a guest on his CNN show, “The Lead.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper: “These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people — a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives — in terms of antisemitism on the left.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 11, 2023

“A lot of people who seem more shocked at ‘dehumanizing’ language used by world leaders to describe Hamas than what Hamas actually perpetrated on Saturday,” Tapper continued, referring to the start of the attacks last weekend.
Indeed, the pro-Palestinian clamor from the left and many members of the Democratic Party has been stunning, leading many to publicly condemn any efforts to downplay the attackers as the victims.
I oppose Hamas.l and I oppose genocidal antisemitism.

It says more about you than it does I that you don't.
And a moron too. Who'da thunk?
Anyone who is human opposes genocide.

It's too bad you couldn't have given more of a shit about the plight of the Palestinians that led to this.

But all you know is what your media masters tell you to believe..right? :)
And a moron too. Who'da thunk?
Anyone who is human opposes genocide.

It's too bad you couldn't have given more of a shit about the plight of the Palestinians that led to this.

But all you know is what your media masters tell you to believe..right? :)
Anybody who is human opposed genocide. You support those committed to genocide.

Ipso facto, you are subhuman
Praising them as "very smart" was stupid, it was not ethical, honorable, ....... Hitler too was smart, but you didn't see opposition leaders in Europe publicly praising him as "very smart" while publicly denigrating the leaders of the Allies. It's just bad Juju. Ops was that phonically wrong?
Those afflicted with TDS will monitor, judge, and condemn the way Trump and other right wingers express themselves while forgiving those on their side pretty much anything. So there's that.

(P.S. Not even his own top military thought Hitler was smart since he went against a whole lot of what they were recommending.)

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