Isn't it Refreshing to See Obama's Legacy Dismantled

And another mouth breather joins in.
What? You breathe wit yer ass?
No, I breathe with my lungs, exhaling and inhaling via my nostrils.

You on the other hand are just another slack-jawed moron mouth breather.
And another mouth breather joins in.
What? You breathe wit yer ass?
No, I breathe with my lungs, exhaling and inhaling via my nostrils.

You on the other hand are just another slack-jawed moron mouth breather.
Your breath stench must be awful. Ass breathing is not the proper way! You should stop.
And another mouth breather joins in.
What? You breathe wit yer ass?
No, I breathe with my lungs, exhaling and inhaling via my nostrils.

You on the other hand are just another slack-jawed moron mouth breather.
And another mouth breather joins in.
What? You breathe wit yer ass?
No, I breathe with my lungs, exhaling and inhaling via my nostrils.

You on the other hand are just another slack-jawed moron mouth breather.
Your breath stench must be awful. Ass breathing is not the proper way! You should stop.
And you also don't know how to post. LOL. Go back to sleep goober.
Were is Al Gore?


HOUSE # 1:

A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and
natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern “snow belt,” either. It’s in the South.

HOUSE # 2:

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.)
heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater
from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as “the Texas White House,” it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

So whose house is gentler on the environment? Yet another story you WON’T hear on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC or read about in the New York Times or the Washington Post. Indeed, for Mr. Gore, it’s truly “an inconvenient truth.”

Al is in House #1, what a model Eco Citizen...
Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


And nothing will change for you hill billy hicks in trailer park land, no industries are going to come into poorly educated jesus land ,, except maybe a toxic waste dump , make 'murika great again,USA USA USA! grunt gtunt
They're too stupid to even care.
And the educated parts of the country will continue to laugh at them and mock them
It was a beautiful election, wasn't it?
Are you so simple that you think a geographical map such as this accounts for population distribution? Steve, I really want to say you're better than this if you post this much.
I can understand why trump would want to diminish Pres. Obama's presence..
trump's primitive brain understands that only the truly stupid of America voted for him and even then he lost the popular people's vote by millions.
trump is extremely insecure and jealous of Pres. Obama and it borders on obsession, trump has the lowest approval rating of any President in almost half a century.
World leaders are laughing at him on one hand and concerned at his ignorance of the office on the other.

Poor, uneducated ignorant serfs foolishly believe that he is going to revive industries dead for years because he cares for
These same serfs are too stupid or lazy to go to school and become marketable so they blame everyone under the sun for their woes except themselves.
Yes...for some it's fun to watch someone like trump help them lamely attempt to malign their betters...
Obama is a shameful stain on Americas legacy. As the libs continues to wipe out history, like removing statues, we'll continue to wipe out their worshiped God Obamas legacy

I'll tell you what it is that's more refreshing.....watching a man do absolutely nothing and I mean nothing but create carnage and mayhem around the planet and you dumb shit for brains idiots are all in for it....what is refreshing about all this....finally the world has seen what we all knew....white america is racist, stupid, clueless and will swallow!!
The Iran agreement needs to go, even though the money is gone forever. The Cuba deal has to be overturned. All of what obama did has to be undone and unraveled.
I'll tell you what it is that's more refreshing.....watching a man do absolutely nothing and I mean nothing but create carnage and mayhem around the planet and you dumb shit for brains idiots are all in for it....what is refreshing about all this....finally the world has seen what we all knew....white america is racist, stupid, clueless and will swallow!!

I will personally buy you a plane ticket to Venezuela as I believe that socialist mecca will be much more to your liking. Bonus, it's full of brown people and you won't have to suffer living under the racist oppression in the US. Deal?
Yeah. Me and almost everyone I know is top 1% in the world but we're all brainwashed to think otherwise and hate the snake left. Aka MAGA.

Anyone who has the capacity to THINK hates the left.

Brainwashed bed wetters pissing and moaning about %1ers are part of the "snake left" that is deliberately undermining the prosperity of the US in favor of a globalist collective. A cabal of elitist sociopaths hell bent on ruling the entire planet and erasing the rights granted by God and enforced by The Constitution.

If living in a country with the fattest "poor" people in the world, where the greatest innovations in human history were created because people had the freedom to exploit their own efforts, where in just 200 years the standards of living for the common man left all of Europe in the dust, try going to developing counties and preaching marxist dogma.

Oh wait..... most developing countries as well as the euroweenies are still desperately trying to make marxism work, thats why they're still "developing". Our own regressive sociopaths are busily destroying our cities with marxist policy but apparently there is no limit to the failures allowed by regressive but the existence of one homeless US citizen is treated as proof that free market capitalism is a failure.

Millions of people dependent on regressive government is somehow considered "compassionate".

That's why people HATE regressive parasites and their sociopath "leaders".

Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


And nothing will change for you hill billy hicks in trailer park land, no industries are going to come into poorly educated jesus land ,, except maybe a toxic waste dump , make 'murika great again,USA USA USA! grunt gtunt
They're too stupid to even care.
And the educated parts of the country will continue to laugh at them and mock them
Well you got us there. It so bothers me when tigerred and you other lefty idiots laugh and mock us.
Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


Amen. Seriously, what will be in Obama's Library? Everything he did is being dismantled because most of it was Executive Orders.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.
Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


Amen. Seriously, what will be in Obama's Library? Everything he did is being dismantled because most of it was Executive Orders.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.

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