Isn't it Refreshing to See Obama's Legacy Dismantled

Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


Amen. Seriously, what will be in Obama's Library? Everything he did is being dismantled because most of it was Executive Orders.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.
Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump


Amen. Seriously, what will be in Obama's Library? Everything he did is being dismantled because most of it was Executive Orders.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Amen. Seriously, what will be in Obama's Library? Everything he did is being dismantled because most of it was Executive Orders.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.
I'll tell you what it is that's more refreshing.....watching a man do absolutely nothing and I mean nothing but create carnage and mayhem around the planet and you dumb shit for brains idiots are all in for it....what is refreshing about all this....finally the world has seen what we all knew....white america is racist, stupid, clueless and will swallow!!

You can relax now.

Obama hasn't been "president" since last January.

Good to see you out of the coma!
All he wants to do is undo Obama's legacy at any cost. Obama will be judged better by history than the reality tv host will.
His pen and his phone.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
Obama's legacy

The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
The aca is going nowhere. Repeal and replace is a lie even considering the bills they are failing at passing. They dont actually repeal or replace anything. And they have nothing better to replace with anyway.

You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
This is on drudge app not in the source of the article. Maybe you have a different version or are on iPhone. What i posted is nothing compared to any article on black people or obama. The n word on many posts, etc. Hopefully I don't get banned for posting this but it's evidence you needed.

The attention whore got what she wanted, attention. Lots of it!

But because it wasn't 100% praise and adoration, now she's the victim. :rofl:

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

I am not thrilled with the disregard Trump is showing for the climate and wanting to keep our WORLD safe. Why have a protected USA when the rest of the world is dying. I'm talking nature, climate, animals, etc.

It has all been used as a method to tax us all Gracie. What better way to bilk millions off the population by creating a scenario to guilt trip people into feeling bad about the environment.

The plan worked look how we have people who go solar ( look at the money generated to those companies that deal with solar, the panels, the creation of those panels) look how big the stock markets are on these.

Look how they guilt tripped the public into solar wind ------------it worked look at the millions generated by getting people to want to do that" huge bucks made same way, same reason , same methods.

It's all been a con job. That's not to say there aren't real issues that need taken care of because there are.
But selling us out to the UN , making us pay huge taxes on their plan not the US plan but a global plan that once again would have made billions for the world globalist................ It's all a circle to create billions for them while enslaving the population into poverty.
You've been watching MSNBC and reading the NYT haven't you? You might want to come out into the sunlight and stretch a little to find out what is really going on. Or not. I think you are pretty comfortable being told what to believe and say.
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
View attachment 130449View attachment 130450

You do realize that those comments are from the dailymail website's article, correct? You got there from a link on Drudge. The comments are not part of Drudge. Please tell me you understand.
Say Amen.

Thank you Mr Trump



And history will say......Yeah, who was that guy who was President before Donald Trump....he had a funny sounding name and he gave nuclear weapons to Iran...I can't remember his name, but it sounded funny, wasn't he the first Affirmative Action President?
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
View attachment 130449View attachment 130450

You do realize that those comments are from the dailymail website's article, correct? You got there from a link on Drudge. The comments are not part of Drudge. Please tell me you understand.

I doubt it. :rofl:
I use phone apps drudge, Google news, Samsung's news app, occasionally huff post, fox news, economist. Would read wallstreet journal but it's not free. Anything I want more info on I Google.

My favorite past time is reading drudge comments and the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity. It's chilling on a hot spring day like today.

Do tell? Could you give me a link to "drudge comments" where " the very real racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, narrow mindedness of the right that comes to light with anonymity" resides.......since no such animal exists? But if you want to see the unhinged left's comments, swing on over to the NYT. I'm a member there and they actually do have a comment section per story. You don't have to be a subscriber to post comments.
Did you think I made it up? Sad.

Download the drudge app, open comments of the next article headlining something Obama did or said or any article picking on black people, muslims, or a liberal lady. Let it simmer first. Scroll throw and witness the hate. Pretty simple. I will check out NYT but I doubt it's as bad.

I hate to break it to you, but there is no commenting on the drudge website or app. What you may think are comments in the drudge app are the comment sections of the news site stories that drudge has linked to.
View attachment 130449View attachment 130450

You do realize that those comments are from the dailymail website's article, correct? You got there from a link on Drudge. The comments are not part of Drudge. Please tell me you understand.
Incorrect. Daily mail is moderated and requires a login. Also the comments are different. Baseless accusation.
All he wants to do is undo Obama's legacy at any cost. Obama will be judged better by history than the reality tv host will.
Trump was elected to undo obamas legacy.
And so far everything Trump has done can be erased twice as easy, save the stolen scotus seat, and maybe the quickly diminishing relations with our long time allies. Why? Because republicans are inept at governing even when they command the admin, and both houses of congress.
All he wants to do is undo Obama's legacy at any cost. Obama will be judged better by history than the reality tv host will.
Trump was elected to undo obamas legacy.
And so far everything Trump has done can be erased twice as easy, save the stolen scotus seat, and maybe the quickly diminishing relations with our long time allies. Why? Because republicans are inept at governing even when they command the admin, and both houses of congress.
You have 8 years or more before you get your first chance.

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