Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

That's productive. Arsonists help contractors, too. Right?

Absolutely, when a new structure is needed.


And dare I say it? A rationalization.

This is like those people who throw around the Jefferson quote about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But everyone backs away when a Congressperson actually gets shot.

You dare say it, you are correct: It is a rationalization.

And I may say: Zero fucks given. :banana:

Don't complain when the next President that you don't vote for is acting like a Fifth Grade bully. The precedent has been set.

Zero fucks given, indeed.

That's exactly what Obama did. Used the weight of the Fed government to ram through faggotry and Obamacare, despite what the states wanted.

The difference between Obama and Trump is that unlike Obama, whose promise was "the most transparent government", and then went directly against that; Trump promised good things for the people that are doable, and is working to make good on the promises.

Actually, healthcare was passed after negotiations and compromise from both parties. No bullying.

Now we have a President who calls names for no other reason but to soothe his own hurt feelings.
you pretty much define your pwn nationality and race RChicky .
not going to argue but heck , look at you , new yorker' democrat , nothing American about that . And that being said , i sum things up neatly by saying , we will never work politely work together RChicky .

NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.
If you are anti-Constitutional, you're un-American in my book.

But I'm not anti-Constitutional.
NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.

Well gee, that's a tough one. How about the fact that the Soros fascist democrats seek to end the United States Constitution and establish an authoritarian socialist state? I mean, that is one guess...

It's a bad guess.
Absolutely, when a new structure is needed.


And dare I say it? A rationalization.

This is like those people who throw around the Jefferson quote about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But everyone backs away when a Congressperson actually gets shot.

You dare say it, you are correct: It is a rationalization.

And I may say: Zero fucks given. :banana:

Don't complain when the next President that you don't vote for is acting like a Fifth Grade bully. The precedent has been set.

Zero fucks given, indeed.

That's exactly what Obama did. Used the weight of the Fed government to ram through faggotry and Obamacare, despite what the states wanted.

The difference between Obama and Trump is that unlike Obama, whose promise was "the most transparent government", and then went directly against that; Trump promised good things for the people that are doable, and is working to make good on the promises.

Actually, healthcare was passed after negotiations and compromise from both parties. No bullying.

Now we have a President who calls names for no other reason but to soothe his own hurt feelings.
-------------------------------- TRUMP can say as he likes , same as me . You 'fifth column people' in the USA oughta quit crying RChicky !!
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Why don't you fascists start by stopping the daily slander and libel that you engage in? Stop openly lying in your hate filled pogrom against Trump. "CNN Caught Cold" In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Fake News Story Pushed For Ratings | Zero Hedge

Stop the absurd witch hunt that you fascists launched based on your anger that you lost power.

Behave like adults and Americans, rather than the traitorous Nazi scum that you are.

Project Veritas?

You DO grasp that CNN admitted to the whole thing. right?

You may hate that Veritas exposes the lies and treason of your fascist party, but they are right virtually every time.
NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.

Well gee, that's a tough one. How about the fact that the Soros fascist democrats seek to end the United States Constitution and establish an authoritarian socialist state? I mean, that is one guess...

It's a bad guess.

A fact is not a "bad guess."
But everyone backs away when a Congressperson actually gets shot.

WOW! You're equating a nutcase trying to massacre unarmed Legislators with a Jefferson quote implies that a BLM radical killing police officers is patriotic.

Link to one assassination in the U.S. that has EVER been commonly considered to have done by a "Patriot"!

You're going to pull John Wilkes Booth out of your ass, but I don't believe he was a Patriot. JWB was not representing the United States, but a movement to try to force the continuation of an illegal and immoral practice.
not going to argue but heck , look at you , new yorker' democrat , nothing American about that . And that being said , i sum things up neatly by saying , we will never work politely work together RChicky .

NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.
If you are anti-Constitutional, you're un-American in my book.

But I'm not anti-Constitutional.
Do you think the Constitution grants us rights or that it limits government and we have all the rights naturally?

Do you support banning people from things for their own good such as 36 oz drinks, drugs and being able to commit suicide assisted or alone?

Do you support states rights or an all-powerful Federal government? Does the Federal government know best and should we turn in all or most of our money to it so they can decide on how it best be spent or should those decisions primarily be local?
not going to argue but heck , look at you , new yorker' democrat , nothing American about that . And that being said , i sum things up neatly by saying , we will never work politely work together RChicky .

NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.

It's the leading or second to leading most communist American state.

State income tax, state welfare, draconian restrictions. No home ownage in the city.

A socialist's wet dream.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Why don't you fascists start by stopping the daily slander and libel that you engage in? Stop openly lying in your hate filled pogrom against Trump. "CNN Caught Cold" In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Fake News Story Pushed For Ratings | Zero Hedge

Stop the absurd witch hunt that you fascists launched based on your anger that you lost power.

Behave like adults and Americans, rather than the traitorous Nazi scum that you are.

Project Veritas?

You DO grasp that CNN admitted to the whole thing. right?

You may hate that Veritas exposes the lies and treason of your fascist party, but they are right virtually every time.

I know what one producer told someone over drinks. I know that Project Veritas uses heavy editing to change meaning.
not going to argue but heck , look at you , new yorker' democrat , nothing American about that . And that being said , i sum things up neatly by saying , we will never work politely work together RChicky .

NY is an American state. Democrats belong to an American political party. I was born in America.

Sorry, pismoe. You don't get to define my nationality.

But just for fun, tell me how being a NY democrat makes me un-American.

It's the leading or second to leading most communist American state.

State income tax, state welfare, draconian restrictions. No home ownage in the city.

A socialist's wet dream.

What city?

I own my home. I pay taxes gladly. I like that NY has a safety net.
If it's libel and slander, how come Crooked Donnie Small Hands isn't threatening to sue?

We do accept that Drumph won the electoral college (in a stunning 48th place as far as EC victories go). Why can't Twitler accept he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes?

A final reason the President shouldn't - and won't - sue comes from the current state of the law with respect to suits that could be brought against him, in his personal (not official) capacity.

The famous Clinton v. Jones Supreme Court decision allowed Paula Jones's suit - which was also, in essence, a tort suit - to go forward. But when the Jones suit spawned the Lewinsky debacle, many commentators questioned the wisdom of the Supreme Court's decision.

That decision, of course, is still the law. Tort suits against Presidents acting in their personal capacity can still be filed. So if the President, on impulse, takes out the family car, and runs over your foot, you can go straight to court.

But at the same time, courts have strong tools at their disposal to make sure that such suits do not interfere with the President's functioning. After all, the President is not just a person, but the head and personification of an entire branch of government. He or she must grapple with domestic and international issues alike. And America's current power in the world means the U.S. President's decisions affect the world.

What can a court do to make sure a President can function in his or her job, even while responding to a civil suit? Scheduling can be arranged to suit the President's needs. And very long stays of an action can be granted, out of respect for the President's schedule.

Stays - which freeze proceedings in place for a time - are a major tool in a judge's arsenal of ways to accommodate a president.

For instance, suppose the Clinton v. Jones judge had granted a lengthy stay of the action (or even a series of stays, or a stay of discovery) that was not timed to the expiration of the President's term.

The ruling would not have brought into issue the question the Court subsequently addressed: Can a sitting President be sued in his personal capacity? And the result might have been that the Lewinsky situation would never have occurred -- or that if it had, it would have taken a very different form.

After Clinton v. Jones, stays can still be granted by judges in light of the President's pressing duties. With troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and terrorism a major issue, the President's ability to focus is especially important.

But if the President were to divert his own attention, by suing the Enquirer or another publication, a court might be quite unsympathetic to his later arguments that a personal action against him ought to be stayed.

For all these reasons, the press has a field day with Presidents - and will continue to - when suits are filed against Presidents in their personal capacity. That's our system. And it's a lot better than having state-controlled media.

Certainly, the clash can get ugly - claiming that someone with a drinking problem who's been sober for almost twenty years, has now relapsed, is a harsh charge. But that's the price of having speech be free.}

If the President Is Libeled, Can He Sue? Should He? | FindLaw
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

I always suspected you voted for Ronald Reagan.
Absolutely, when a new structure is needed.


And dare I say it? A rationalization.

This is like those people who throw around the Jefferson quote about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But everyone backs away when a Congressperson actually gets shot.

You dare say it, you are correct: It is a rationalization.

And I may say: Zero fucks given. :banana:

Don't complain when the next President that you don't vote for is acting like a Fifth Grade bully. The precedent has been set.

Zero fucks given, indeed.

That's exactly what Obama did. Used the weight of the Fed government to ram through faggotry and Obamacare, despite what the states wanted.

The difference between Obama and Trump is that unlike Obama, whose promise was "the most transparent government", and then went directly against that; Trump promised good things for the people that are doable, and is working to make good on the promises.

Actually, healthcare was passed after negotiations and compromise from both parties. No bullying.

Now we have a President who calls names for no other reason but to soothe his own hurt feelings.

You're wrong on that. Not one Republican voted for it, and it was rammed through with the slimmest of margins.

It is the epitome of taxation without representation.

Zero house Republicans voted for ACA.

H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- Senate Vote #396 -- Dec 24, 2009
There has never been pomp and circumstance (what stupid rhetoric) for the president's office. Dumbass leftists are confusing their bizarre worship of obama and clinton, which was totally unprecedented in this country, with history.

But it makes sense that faggots would idolize a president who banged an intern in the oval office, and regularly used his authority to sexually assault women.

Depraved people idolize depraved things.

Meanwhile our prez is doing great. He does nothing better than expose and enrage the depraved and stupid left.

Trumps own words are "stupid rhetoric"?

A lot of Trump's words are stupid rhetoric.
Hyperbole. Not stupid though. Calculated and very, very, very smart.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Your boy Obama put an end to that.
...This is like those people who throw around the Jefferson quote about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But everyone backs away when a Congressperson actually gets shot.
1) I like and support the quote. Liberals run from it like a plague.

2) I didn't back away. In fact, if anyone has to get shot, I prefer it be a politician over an innocent bystander. If it was up to me, convictions of political corruption would be a public hanging offense in Lafayette Square or on the Mall.

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