Isn't This Great? Young People Forming Duck Dynasty Clubs To Pray Before School Lunch

I am defending the basic math which is way over your head, ignorant leftard :lol:

stop lying.

And the basic math is there are more white people on welfare than blacks.

I knew it went over your little head.

No, the basic math is telling that three times more blacks than whites are on the welfare :D

So? What's your point? Or are we supposed to connect some dots for you?
I hope they learn more about jesus and act like he would want them to act.

Love they neighbor.

that means help people

I don't help anyone that won't help themselves.

Then you are not a Christian, certainly not a Mormon. (Read Chapters 3 and 4 Mosiah)

It is not your place or right to judge that of others.

I'm a baptist. About 13 years ago i had a nieghbor that went through jobs like crazy. Always had an excuse why he lost them. So i got him a job starting at $6.50 an hour. The best pay he ever had. All he had to do is drive tbe gutter guys from the office to the job site. That's it, then at the end of the day bring them back. Note he could've slept in the garage the whole time and he got paid for the whole day. He lasted oneday. I was going to take him back and forth for free since i was headed there also. He was also told if he worked with the gutter guys he would make more. So you want to help people like that? I'm sure he is on welfare now.
I don't help anyone that won't help themselves.

Then you are not a Christian, certainly not a Mormon. (Read Chapters 3 and 4 Mosiah)

It is not your place or right to judge that of others.

I'm a baptist. About 13 years ago i had a nieghbor that went through jobs like crazy. Always had an excuse why he lost them. So i got him a job starting at $6.50 an hour. The best pay he ever had. All he had to do is drive tbe gutter guys from the office to the job site. That's it, then at the end of the day bring them back. Note he could've slept in the garage the whole time and he got paid for the whole day. He lasted oneday. I was going to take him back and forth for free since i was headed there also. He was also told if he worked with the gutter guys he would make more. So you want to help people like that? I'm sure he is on welfare now.

Is he white?
One moment in the Last of the Mohicans should tell us all we should give thanks. Now I've hunted and I have killed. ETA"Fishing. Lot of cats in my lifetime.

No one ever of any faith or lack of faith should be deprived of the right to say thank you for what I am about to receive. And that should be of anything you eat.

What if you're killing one of gods creatures not because you are hungry or to feed your family but because it's fun?

I have never trophy hunted. Never caught a fish I didn't eat. I just don't believe in that. You take out a creature, first you cry because this is not easy here but you have to say thank you. Even killing a fish hurts your soul.

So whether it is Duck Dynasty inspiring this movement to link children with the earth or an Imam over in Iran, I am happy happy happy.
One moment in the Last of the Mohicans should tell us all we should give thanks. Now I've hunted and I have killed. ETA"Fishing. Lot of cats in my lifetime.

No one ever of any faith or lack of faith should be deprived of the right to say thank you for what I am about to receive. And that should be of anything you eat.

What if you're killing one of gods creatures not because you are hungry or to feed your family but because it's fun?

I have never trophy hunted. Never caught a fish I didn't eat. I just don't believe in that. You take out a creature, first you cry because this is not easy here but you have to say thank you. Even killing a fish hurts your soul.

So whether it is Duck Dynasty inspiring this movement to link children with the earth or an Imam over in Iran, I am happy happy happy.

So when you hunted or fished, is it because you were hungry or because it was fun?

And if it was because it was fun what do you think god will have to say about that at your judgement?
What a blessing this is coming from Sadie Robertson. I hope is takes the nation by storm and I think it will. A large percentage of its audience, if not the majority, is kids and teens - they love it. This is great because young kids definitely do need prayer during these trying times and if the Robertsons can have any influence on these kids, the better. I am sure the liberal progressives will not like this and attack this nice Christian girl.


Unless and until prayer rugs are involved this will be considered by most lefties to be a national travesty.
And the basic math is there are more white people on welfare than blacks.

I knew it went over your little head.

No, the basic math is telling that three times more blacks than whites are on the welfare :D

So? What's your point? Or are we supposed to connect some dots for you?

stop lying like you always do, that is my point :D:

You are aware more white people are on welfare than blacks, right?
What a blessing this is coming from Sadie Robertson. I hope is takes the nation by storm and I think it will. A large percentage of its audience, if not the majority, is kids and teens - they love it. This is great because young kids definitely do need prayer during these trying times and if the Robertsons can have any influence on these kids, the better. I am sure the liberal progressives will not like this and attack this nice Christian girl.


Unless and until prayer rugs are involved this will be considered by most lefties to be a national travesty.

I haven't seen anyone call it a national travesty. Do you have some links?
What did I lie about?

in the post # 13 which I quoted

right in front of your nose :lmao:

no lie there, muppet.

weak sauce for someone who pretends to understand the difference between absolute and relative numbers

dumbo, you need to refresh your comprehension abilities and also the understanding of the difference between RATE and an absolute number.

rhetorical question - why all the leftards have to be so magnificently stupid?
in the post # 13 which I quoted

right in front of your nose :lmao:

So you're claiming I lied because there are more blacks on welfare than whites?

yes, you lied. because there are proportionally almost 3 times more blacks on the welfare than whites and you claimed the opposite.

stop lying.

No, I stated there are more whites on welfare than blacks.

Are you contesting this point?

This is what it's like debating with Duck Lienasty fans...When will the Mad Hatter show up?
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in the post # 13 which I quoted

right in front of your nose :lmao:

no lie there, muppet.

weak sauce for someone who pretends to understand the difference between absolute and relative numbers

He's arguing a point that was never made.

There must be a word for that...

stop LYING.

this is your post # 13 and it is a LIE:

You are aware more white people are on welfare than blacks, right?

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