Israel admits to stealing organs

Speak nicely and they may let you go on the waiting list. I'm sure they'll have a spare brain sometime soon.
IsNtReally kids use Nerf balls to watch murkins fight over them.
Check your season ticket holders out.
probably wanted to learn to play this....

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Heard this claim before, but never any actual evidence of it - don't think would be the best place to look.
A top secret picture of the OP has been located.
Alright, dig and ye shall find, there's more:

Israel harvested organs without permission, officials say - CNN

THE ORGAN TRADE: A Global Black Market; Tracking the Sale of a Kidney On a Path of Poverty and Hope - New York Times

The main gist of it seems to be that Israel had no laws against organ trafficking until 2008, which meant many people, Israelis, Palestinians, other foreign workers, had their organs trafficked/sold without permission from their families. Israel has acknowledged that the government itself would do this in the early 90s but that the practice was stopped, but then until 2008 the organ black marketed operated more or less freely in Israel through various off-the-books organ brokers.

The main problem seems to be that there's a perception that Jewish tradition forbids organ donation as a "desacration" of the body, so donation rates are way lower than in most countries and there's a huge shortage. I nonetheless don't think the Israeli government carried out mass organ harvesting from Palestinians specifically or that it had a policy of killing Palestinians for their organs - that would be too extreme, even for Israel - but nonetheless it's likely that the delay in putting laws in place (2008?? Really??) and the black market in organs probably affected more Palestinians due to the fact that they're so poor.
well, this might explain Benny Netanyahu......


Maybe, but he is way more presidential then our own is, and he proved it in his speeches in the last month or so. He may seem abnormal to you, but then again you may be half retarded yourself and your impression of normal distorted.
Not only do they steal organs, they take children from good christian homes to make thier matzo, they are in collaboration with the illuminati to corner the market on gold, they keep harems of goyim women to use as they please. They use thier amazing mind powers to manipulate the stock market while at the same time control storms with thier secret weather machines. Every fall the trees are covered with toilet paper, every spring the toilets explode. After they drink thier morning cup of coffee, they fly home from columbia. They do not have chins under thier beards, only another fist. They are responsible for lyme disease, bad breath and poor handwriting, all the while hurtling across the alkali flats in rocket powered, monkey navigated....

(I can go on with this)

/nutball sarcasm
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Obama‬‏[/ame]
Berry got owned.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Benjamin Netanyahu Address To Joint Session Of Congress pt.1‬‏[/ame]

Notice at the 2:28 remark the whole house claps, but Biden "Seated behind and to the left of Netenyahu does not stand nor does he clap. The anti Semites are very obvious in Americas politics these days.
It's true but the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey used to say was that they took organs from every dead body regardless of it's ethnic origin. That's a little bit different from claiming that sinister Jewish body snatchers targeted Palistinians for body parts. China does the same thing and probably so does every medically advanced country in Europe but it doesn't fit in with the left hate trip and modern "blame the Jews" rhetoric.

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