Israel and Genocide

Hamas is doing the job they were meant to do in 1987 when Israel encouraged and funded them. NO 2 state solution ever.
"encouraged them" to do what? Did Israel write their
manifesto? Why do you repeat nonsense over and over?
You are a fan of Josef Goebbels?
The people which constitute the TALIBAN were funded in
the 1980s by the USA because the USA determined that
they were "freedom fighters" against the USSR
They’ve got lots of States. Last time l looked.

Did they have them under the Ottomans?
right Lots of states and lots of land---but for some
reason the other arabs hate their guts. I am old--I
remember when Gaza was part of Egypt. As time
went on I noticed that when an Egyptian says
BALESTINIAN he gets a look on his face as if he
is about to vomit. Time went further----if you have a
local Kiosk store run by a Yemeni---ASK ABOUT THE
As a matter of principle---I never get involved in their
obsession to ship guns to relatives
What did I get wrong baby killer?
OMG. Can these leftists be any more antisemitic?

To summarize:

1) Muslim savages break into houses and set Jewish babies in fire or cut their heads off.

2) A Jewish man condemns it.

3) The antisemitic Democrat calls the Jew the baby killer.
right Lots of states and lots of land---but for some
reason the other arabs hate their guts. I am old--I
remember when Gaza was part of Egypt. As time
went on I noticed that when an Egyptian says
BALESTINIAN he gets a look on his face as if he
is about to vomit. Time went further----if you have a
local Kiosk store run by a Yemeni---ASK ABOUT THE
As a matter of principle---I never get involved in their
obsession to ship guns to relatives

Egypt didn’t want Gaza back, after that war was over.
There is always the possibility. A church was just bombed and the IDF has admitted responsibility. They said they were aiming next door when the Missile went awry. And I commend them for the admission. It was the right thing to do.
Is it a probability?
I am intrigued. What is Netanyahu's "threat" against Iran? How
does Hamas stop arabs from having a state?

threatened to bomb them 4⃣ or 5 times every year since the 1990s. He called Iran an "existential" threat.

But, Iran will never bomb Israel. They'd be a greasy spot within a couple of hours.

It's kept Bibi in power and kept US foreign aid coming.
threatened to bomb them 4⃣ or 5 times every year since the 1990s. He called Iran an "existential" threat.

But, Iran will never bomb Israel. They'd be a greasy spot within a couple of hours.

It's kept Bibi in power and kept US foreign aid coming.

This could end right now, if Hamas stopped firing its rockets, and released the hostages.
Bibi has threatened Iran every quarter that he's been in office. He used to say constantly that the Saudis were going to let Israeli bombers use Saudi airspace.

This nightmare has nothing to do with Jewish people or religion. This is how Bibi stays in power, keeps US foreign aid flowing. He has Hamas as an enemy doing the job they were created to do in 1987... to stop the possibility of any 2 state solution ever.
um maybe you missed it but Iran has made it clear there stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map, I am sure Bibi and other PMs have said they'd defend themselves
threatened to bomb them 4⃣ or 5 times every year since the 1990s. He called Iran an "existential" threat.

But, Iran will never bomb Israel. They'd be a greasy spot within a couple of hours.

It's kept Bibi in power and kept US foreign aid coming.
I have NEVER heard Netanyahu threaten to BOMB Iran. How
long have you been having auditory hallucinations? Iran funds
and arms terrorist attacks against DA JOOOOOS It is virtually established that your heroic ass lickers of al MAHDI---of the shiite flavor-----bombed the AMIA SOCIAL CENTER of Argentina---
and there are several other TOURIST situations that just happen
to include JOOOS ---now dead. Not all bad---the Iranians also
sponsor the HOUTHIS, Your all time fave AYATOILET koranic
scholar and judge---ALI KHOMEINI congratulated the SWEET
Hamas boys for killing lots of jews---he claimed he wants to kiss
them. Netanyahu did not need Iran or the USA to keep his
political position--Iran wants to kill him and he was a bit rejected
by the US---which did not help his political career at all. My
husband is a bit radical----he wants the Gazans shipped to Yemen. That AID thing is yet another repetition of classic
ISLAMO - NAZI meme. I read all about it as a kid in the
EPISCOPALIAN town of my childhood. The hospital that CLAIMED it was bombed----EPISCOPALIAN
threatened to bomb them 4⃣ or 5 times every year since the 1990s. He called Iran an "existential" threat.

But, Iran will never bomb Israel. They'd be a greasy spot within a couple of hours.

It's kept Bibi in power and kept US foreign aid coming.
"Netanyhu threatened to bomb........" say muzzies as thousands of bombs are launched
into Israel. <<<<< During my childhood the only comic books I read for LAUGHS

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