Israel and Genocide

No, it's on Israel, except for this latest hospital blast. That was Islamic Jihad.
It was all of the media just about said it was Israel and Rashida Tlaib still says it was Israel. Is it possible they are lying about the other so called actions of Israel? Hmmmm
Israelis better hurry up and level the forsaken place, if they’re planning on turning Gaza into agricultural land. You know, how it was before the completely left the area and gave it to the Paleshitians who then turned it into a terrorist shithole run by savage animals.
Well, you know a lot about being a savage?

Not to get too far off topic, to bad your butt buddy Jim Jordan failed on his 3rd vote to be Speaker.
It was all of the media just about said it was Israel and Rashida Tlaib still says it was Israel. Is it possible they are lying about the other so called actions of Israel? Hmmmm
There is always the possibility. A church was just bombed and the IDF has admitted responsibility. They said they were aiming next door when the Missile went awry. And I commend them for the admission. It was the right thing to do.
Well actually “..with the intent of destroying that racial, religious, or

”or racial, or religious group with the intent of destroying it”

Like what hamas and iran have stated their goal is for Jews and Israel

When has israel stated or acted that is the goal for Arabs or Palestine?

Bibi has threatened Iran every quarter that he's been in office. He used to say constantly that the Saudis were going to let Israeli bombers use Saudi airspace.

This nightmare has nothing to do with Jewish people or religion. This is how Bibi stays in power, keeps US foreign aid flowing. He has Hamas as an enemy doing the job they were created to do in 1987... to stop the possibility of any 2 state solution ever.
Free Palestine.

A more appropriate slogan would be: “Free Palestine from Hamas,” a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization that has profited to the tune of billions of dollars in aid from the US, Europe, and the Gulf States while their citizens live in squalor.

No, it’s about a one-state solution that is free of Jews.

Hamas is doing the job they were meant to do in 1987 when Israel encouraged and funded them. NO 2 state solution ever.
Bibi has threatened Iran every quarter that he's been in office. He used to say constantly that the Saudis were going to let Israeli bombers use Saudi airspace.

This nightmare has nothing to do with Jewish people or religion. This is how Bibi stays in power, keeps US foreign aid flowing. He has Hamas as an enemy doing the job they were created to do in 1987... to stop the possibility of any 2 state solution ever.
I am intrigued. What is Netanyahu's "threat" against Iran? How
does Hamas stop arabs from having a state?

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