Israel and Genocide

That's reality. They fought. They lost. They need to accept that like the Germans and Japanese did in 1945.
What you miss is that after 1945 we didn’t subjugate the Germans or the Japanese

We helped them rebuild. Israel has done the opposite
What you miss is that after 1945 we didn’t subjugate the Germans or the Japanese

We helped them rebuild. Israel has done the opposite
Not true at all...they have tried to help develop settlements in the area, but are continued to be bombarded by terrorist
What you miss is that after 1945 we didn’t subjugate the Germans or the Japanese

We helped them rebuild. Israel has done the opposite
"palestinians" are "subjugated" ? From where do you get your information ? Have you
spoken to anyone who ID's as a "palestinian" How about arabs in general or even muslims
in general?
What you miss is that after 1945 we didn’t subjugate the Germans or the Japanese

We helped them rebuild. Israel has done the opposite

Of fuck yeah we did, especially the Soviets in Germany. They were at out mercy.

The difference is they gave up, The Palestinians have not.

You can't rebuild for people if they are still fighting you.
“Developed settlements” code for stealing Palestinian land
how do you define "Palestinian land" ? do you own any land? I do---
a small house on a small plot of land----I bought it. There were lots of
people sometimes called "travelers" in Ireland. They lived in encampments
along rivers. When they migrate to the USA they are called GYPSIES.
Many live in rented storefronts or Trucks. Is there GYPSY LAND in the USA
or Ireland?
What you miss is that after 1945 we didn’t subjugate the Germans or the Japanese

We helped them rebuild. Israel has done the opposite
What you miss is that after 1945, Japan and Germany didn't constantly call for the complete destruction of the US and comtinue attacking.
“Developed settlements” code for stealing Palestinian land
It seems you keep going in'd they steal it? There was a war, the invaders lost, lost bigly to Israel, including some of their land.

But Israel pulled out and stopped settlements as of 2005...gave the PLO control of Gaza, the people then elected Hamas....
It seems you keep going in'd they steal it? There was a war, the invaders lost, lost bigly to Israel, including some of their land.

But Israel pulled out and stopped settlements as of 2005...gave the PLO control of Gaza, the people then elected Hamas....
Yeah… they dismantled the ramshackle settlements in Gaza (and had to drag the settlers out physically) and greatly EXPANDED settlements in the West Bank
Yeah… they dismantled the ramshackle settlements in Gaza (and had to drag the settlers out physically) and greatly EXPANDED settlements in the West Bank
wrong again----arabs dismantled them
Yeah… they dismantled the ramshackle settlements in Gaza (and had to drag the settlers out physically) and greatly EXPANDED settlements in the West Bank
The West Bank didn’t attack them

Gaza did. Yes they disbanded their settlements at great harm to their own citizens who didn’t want to leave their homes

What has Hamas done? I mean other then rape and kill..
The West Bank didn’t attack them

Gaza did. Yes they disbanded their settlements at great harm to their own citizens who didn’t want to leave their homes

What has Hamas done? I mean other then rape and kill..

ALL the settlements are illegal
The West Bank didn’t attack them

Gaza did. Yes they disbanded their settlements at great harm to their own citizens who didn’t want to leave their homes

What has Hamas done? I mean other then rape and kill..
Gaza attacked no one.

Hamas did
I searched "Settlements" and found lots and lots of hits-----my mom had a cookbook
called "The Settlement Cookbook"
Hamas is the government of Gaza. It was voted in by the people of Gaza. They are
called GAZANS
It was NOT. Stop lying.

Some Hamas delegates were elected to the PA Parliament but the government of Gaza remained under the control of the PA until Hamas took control BY FORCE in 2007

Stop lying
Consider where Palestinians hide munitions and from where attacks are launched, that will give you a clue.
Even the UN has admitted the Hamas was storing rockets, weapons and munitions in UN schools. It's hard not to imagine the scale of the hidden contraband in Hamas run institutions and mosques.

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