Israel and Genocide

It was NOT. Stop lying.

Some Hamas delegates were elected to the PA Parliament but the government of Gaza remained under the control of the PA until Hamas took control BY FORCE in 2007

Stop lying
SO? that makes Hamas the government of Gaza. Are the Gazans trying to
get rid of Hamas? Is the PA trying to get control back?
Nearly all the Muslim countries aren’t a problem. Only Zionists and dumb cons think otherwise.
In nearly every conflict in the world today, Muslims are on at least ONE side of it. Often both sides are Muslim. They can't even get along with each other.

Located in central Gaza, the hospital, which is run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, was struck while it was overwhelmed with thousands of Palestinians seeking shelter amid a campaign of brutal Israeli air attacks across much of the besieged Gaza Strip
Except it wasn't an Israeli attack, it was a short round fired nearby by Muslims AT Israel.
The West Bank didn’t attack them

Gaza did. Yes they disbanded their settlements at great harm to their own citizens who didn’t want to leave their homes

What has Hamas done? I mean other then rape and kill..
They also left behind a thriving hot house agri business. That the Palestinians promptly destroyed. And to reward Israel from completely withdrawing from Gaza, they elected Hams and started another terror campaign.
Except it wasn't an Israeli attack, it was a short round fired nearby by Muslims AT Israel.
fret not------it is clear that the anglicans (aka episcopalians) are in cahoots with
the arabs re propaganda. Anglicanism is an offshoot of catholicism ----Josef
Goebbels was a Catholic in good standing. Friends are friends
There is always the possibility. A church was just bombed and the IDF has admitted responsibility. They said they were aiming next door when the Missile went awry. And I commend them for the admission. It was the right thing to do.
And do you know who is legally responsible under the Laws of War? The people launching rockets next to the church.
threatened to bomb them 4⃣ or 5 times every year since the 1990s. He called Iran an "existential" threat.

But, Iran will never bomb Israel. They'd be a greasy spot within a couple of hours.

It's kept Bibi in power and kept US foreign aid coming.
Iran threatens the US and Israel constantly. If history has taught us anything, it's to believe people when they say they want to kill us.
They also left behind a thriving hot house agri business. That the Palestinians promptly destroyed. And to reward Israel from completely withdrawing from Gaza, they elected Hams and started another terror campaign.

ALL the settlements are illegal
Ah, not illegal...but you seem to be ignoring the fact that Hamas, the elected officials of Gaza attacked...not the PLO, that runs everything else.

Israel left Gaza in why don't you try to explain why they continue their campaign of terror?
Gaza attacked no one.

Hamas did
hahah that's like saying Germany attacked nobody, the National Socialist did....

you have shown us all on this thread you have zero understanding of what's happening over there, and simply are parroting pro-Hamas talking points
In nearly every conflict in the world today, Muslims are on at least ONE side of it. Often both sides are Muslim. They can't even get along with each other.
Is that yet another justification for killing Muslims? First, it’s wrong and second it’s Islamaphobic.
Israel was supplying Gaza with water, food and power AT NO CHARGE to the Gazans.
Depends on how you're defining CHARGE.

Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
If the Jews don't want that responsibility, they can lift their illegal blockade.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation. It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them."
Depends on how you're defining CHARGE.

Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
If the Jews don't want that responsibility, they can lift their illegal blockade.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation.

"It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation. It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them."
I agree they should lift the blockade and simply go in and root out all the terrorist, and lock them up.

They have tried to play nice way to long
Even the UN has admitted the Hamas was storing rockets, weapons and munitions in UN schools. It's hard not to imagine the scale of the hidden contraband in Hamas run institutions and mosques.
That deserves a link

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