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Israel attacks civilians

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up 11 Palestinian citizens in the West Bank districts of Ramallah, Bethlehem, Al-Khalil, and Jenin, radio Israel reported on Wednesday.

Local sources said that IOF soldiers encircled a hostel for university students in Zababde town and forced the students out of the dormitory to search their rooms.

IOF soldiers shot and wounded a Palestinian boy in northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday while trying to collect scrap metal near the Erez crossing.

Dr. Muwiaya Hasanein, the director of ambulance and emergency, told the PIC that Ahmed Obeid, 13, was hit in his hand after the soldiers shot at him, describing his wound as moderate.

NABLUS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night detained 13 Palestinian citizens in various West Bank areas including four of one family two of them sisters in Nablus, local sources said on Thursday.

They said that a big number of IOF armored vehicles stormed the village of Beit Forik in Nablus district before dawn and detained nine civilians.

They said that four of the detainees were of the Ghulma family including Ayman Abu Ghulma, who was released from jail only a month ago after four and a half years in captivity.

The detainees also included Lanan Abu Ghulma and her sister Taghrid. Lanan was released from Israeli detention in October last year in the German-brokered deal between Hamas and Israel whereby Israel released 20 Palestinian women in return for a video of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot reported on Thursday that the IOF soldiers arrested 13 citizens in the districts of Nablus, Qalqilia, and Ramallah.

Meanwhile, IOF soldiers detained seven other Palestinians in Bethlehem district at dawn Thursday.

One of them was detained by a special IOF unit south of the city while the remaining six were detained in Asakra village, east of the city, including three brothers one of them is only 17 years old.

IOF troops detain 20 citizens including two young women

BEIT HANUN, (PIC)-- A Palestinian young man was killed and six others were wounded when Israeli warplanes and artillery fire targeted Beit Hanun town in northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

He noted that three of the wounded were in serious conditions following the Israeli occupation forces' artillery shelling east of Beit Hanun that was coupled with the firing of one missile by an IOF warplane.

Local sources said that women and children were among the wounded in the shelling that targeted a group of citizens.

Palestinian youth killed, six wounded in IOF raid
BEIT HANUN, (PIC)-- A Palestinian young man was killed and six others were wounded when Israeli warplanes and artillery fire targeted Beit Hanun town in northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

He noted that three of the wounded were in serious conditions following the Israeli occupation forces' artillery shelling east of Beit Hanun that was coupled with the firing of one missile by an IOF warplane.

Local sources said that women and children were among the wounded in the shelling that targeted a group of citizens.

Palestinian youth killed, six wounded in IOF raid
The wounded not being treated in Israeli hospitals by any chance? :eusa_whistle:
BEIT HANUN, (PIC)-- A Palestinian young man was killed and six others were wounded when Israeli warplanes and artillery fire targeted Beit Hanun town in northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

He noted that three of the wounded were in serious conditions following the Israeli occupation forces' artillery shelling east of Beit Hanun that was coupled with the firing of one missile by an IOF warplane.

Local sources said that women and children were among the wounded in the shelling that targeted a group of citizens.

Palestinian youth killed, six wounded in IOF raid

On Wednesday, two Palestinian civilians were killed and seven others were wounded in an IOF artillery and aerial shelling of Beit Hanun town in northern Gaza.

Preliminary reports had indicated that one was killed and five wounded in the incident.

Dr. Muawiya Hasanein, director of ambulance and emergency in the health ministry, told the PIC that Mohammed Kafarne, 23, and Qassem Al-Shinbari, 19, were killed in the shelling.

He noted that four children were among the seven wounded in the attack carried out by an IOF warplane and tanks at an area east of Beit Hanun.

Medical sources in Beit Hanun hospital said that nails were extracted from the bodies of the casualties.

IOF troops kill Palestinian in Salfit, two in Gaza
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- An elderly Palestinian, along with two foreign activists and a journalist were left injured during an attack by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) Saturday on a weekly anti-settlement march in the town of Beit Ummar, north of the occupied city of Al-Khalil.

The clash broke out in the Dhahr region near the town of Beit Ummar between IOF troops and dozens of activists who were demonstrating against the Israeli decision to confiscate 16 dunums of land and annex it to an Israeli settlement.

Four wounded in northern Al-Khalil during clashes with Israeli troops
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Six civilians including a child and foreign activists were hurt on Saturday when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently dispersed a peaceful demonstration in Irak Burin village, Nablus district.

Local sources said that IOF soldiers fired a big number of gas bombs at the demonstrators causing breathing problems for many of them while a young man was directly hit with a gas canister.

They said that the soldiers savagely beat up the 13-year-old child Baha'a Qadus, adding that he was near the scene of the confrontation and did not take part in it.

The IOF command declared the village a closed military zone and blocked traffic in and out of it, which is the usual weekly practice, to prevent foreign activists and reporters from entering the village and covering the peaceful march organized each Saturday against IOF confiscation of village land.

Child, foreign activists hurt in IOF quelling of peaceful march
NABLUS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) manning the King Hussein Bridge crossing point with Jordan detained a Palestinian student on returning from the Ukraine where he was studying medicine.

Eyewitnesses said that Baha'a Jaradat was taken into custody by an intelligence force as soon as he handed his passport.

Jaradat had concluded his medicine schooling for five years in the Ukraine and was returning to his hometown of Sa'ir.

Meanwhile, IOF soldiers detained eight Palestinian civilians in Al-Khalil and Tobas districts after storming their homes.

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) used tear gas, rubber-coated bullets, and sound bombs to disperse peaceful anti wall demonstrations in central and southern West Bank areas on Friday.

A 23-year-old British activist was injured when a gas bomb hit her leg while dozens of other activists suffered breathing difficulties in Nabi Saleh village, Ramallah district.

Another foreign activist and a Palestinian were hurt and many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation in Bilin and Nilin villages, west of Ramallah.

IOF troops used force to break other similar marches in Ma'sara and Ertas villages in Bethlehem district on Friday.

Participants in those rallies raised Palestinian flags and photos of martyrs while chanting anti-occupation slogans and others calling for boycotting Israeli goods. They also denounced assaults on Jerusalemite homes, and demanded halting deportation policy, ending siege on Gaza, and releasing all Palestinian detainees.

"It is not our right or responsibility to lecture the Palestinian leadership on what they should do. That is up to the Palestinians to decide.

"But it is very definitely our responsibility to focus attention on what we should be doing. Of prime importance is to educate and organize the American pubic and to develop popular forces that can overcome the dominant propaganda images that sustain the US policies that have been undermining Palestinian rights."

Exclusive IOA Interview with Noam Chomsky

Possibly the observation/sniper towers in occupied Palestine are where those dominant propaganda images can be most easily re-framed.

If it can be proven the young Israeli conscripts manning those towers routinely fire bullets or rockets at children and families because they've been conditioned to believe Arabs are less than human, mass support for Israel will whither and die in the US just as it did for Jim Crow.
"It is not our right or responsibility to lecture the Palestinian leadership on what they should do. That is up to the Palestinians to decide.

"But it is very definitely our responsibility to focus attention on what we should be doing. Of prime importance is to educate and organize the American pubic and to develop popular forces that can overcome the dominant propaganda images that sustain the US policies that have been undermining Palestinian rights."

Exclusive IOA Interview with Noam Chomsky

Possibly the observation/sniper towers in occupied Palestine are where those dominant propaganda images can be most easily re-framed.

If it can be proven the young Israeli conscripts manning those towers routinely fire bullets or rockets at children and families because they've been conditioned to believe Arabs are less than human, mass support for Israel will whither and die in the US just as it did for Jim Crow.
The leftist freak speaks up again. One of those left wing libertarians, which believe as much in liberty as communists and collectivists, but in how he lives he is a fraud. :rolleyes:

Noam Chomsky, Closet Capitalist

by Peter Schweizer
Chomsky talks an anti-capitalist game, but what does he practice? Market economics at their most profitable. By Peter Schweizer.

One of the most persistent themes in Noam Chomsky’s work has been class warfare. He has frequently lashed out against the “massive use of tax havens to shift the burden to the general population and away from the rich” and criticized the concentration of wealth in “trusts” by the wealthiest 1 percent. The American tax code is rigged with “complicated devices for ensuring that the poor—like 80 percent of the population—pay off the rich.”
But trusts can’t be all bad. After all, Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000, decided to create one for himself. A few years back he went to Boston’s venerable white-shoe law firm, Palmer and Dodge, and, with the help of a tax attorney specializing in “income-tax planning,” set up an irrevocable trust to protect his assets from Uncle Sam. He named his tax attorney (every socialist radical needs one!) and a daughter as trustees. To the Diane Chomsky Irrevocable Trust (named for another daughter) he has assigned the copyright of several of his books, including multiple international editions.
Chomsky favors the estate tax and massive income redistribution—just not the redistribution of his income. No reason to let radical politics get in the way of sound estate planning.
When I challenged Chomsky about his trust, he suddenly started to sound very bourgeois: “I don’t apologize for putting aside money for my children and grandchildren,” he wrote in one e-mail. Chomsky offered no explanation for why he condemns others who are equally proud of their provision for their children and who try to protect their assets from Uncle Sam. Although he did say that the tax shelter is okay because he and his family are “trying to help suffering people.”
Indeed, Chomsky is rich precisely because he has been such an enormously successful capitalist. Despite the anti-profit rhetoric, like any other corporate capitalist he has turned himself into a brand name. As John Lloyd puts it, writing critically in the lefty New Statesman, Chomsky is among those “open to being ‘commodified’—that is, to being simply one of the many wares of a capitalist media market place, in a way that the badly paid and overworked writers and journalists for the revolutionary parties could rarely be.”
Chomsky’s business works something like this. He gives speeches on college campuses around the country at $12,000 a pop, often dozens of times a year.
Can’t go and hear him in person? No problem: you can go online and download clips from earlier speeches—for a fee. You can hear Chomsky talk for one minute about “Property Rights”; it will cost you 79 cents. You can also buy a CD with clips from previous speeches for $12.99.
But books are Chomsky’s mainstay, and on the international market he has become a publishing phenomenon. The Chomsky brand means instant sales. As publicist Dana O’Hare of Pluto Press explains: “All we have to do is put Chomsky’s name on a book and it sells out immediately!”
Putting his name on a book should not be confused with writing a book because his most recent volumes are mainly transcriptions of speeches, or interviews that he has conducted over the years, put between covers and sold to the general public. You might call it multi-level marketing for radicals. Chomsky has admitted as much: “If you look at the things I write—articles for Z Magazine, or books for South End Press, or whatever—they are mostly based on talks and meetings and that kind of thing. But I’m kind of a parasite. I mean, I’m living off the activism of others. I’m happy to do it.”
Chomsky’s marketing efforts shortly after September 11 give new meaning to the term war profiteer. In the days after the tragedy, he raised his speaking fee from $9,000 to $12,000 because he was suddenly in greater demand.
He also cashed in by producing another instant book. Seven Stories Press, a small publisher, pulled together interviews conducted via e-mail that Chomsky gave in the three weeks following the attack on the Twin Towers and rushed the book to press. His controversial views were hot, particularly overseas. By early December 2001, the pushlisher had sold the foreign rights in 19 different languages. The book made the best-seller list in the United States, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand. It is safe to assume that he netted hundreds of thousands of dollars from this book alone.

Over the years, Chomsky has been particularly critical of private property rights, which he considers simply a tool of the rich, of no benefit to ordinary people. “When property rights are granted to power and privilege, it can be expected to be harmful to most,” Chomsky wrote on a discussion board for the Washington Post. Intellectual property rights are equally despicable. According to Chomsky, for example, drug companies who have spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing drugs shouldn’t have ownership rights to patents. Intellectual property rights, he argues, “have to do with protectionism.”
Protectionism is a bad thing—especially when it relates to other people. But when it comes to Chomsky’s own published work, this advocate of open intellectual property suddenly becomes very selfish. It would not be advisable to download the audio from one of his speeches without paying the fee, warns his record company, Alternative Tentacles. (Did Andrei Sakharov have a licensing agreement with a record company?) And when it comes to his articles, you’d better keep your hands off. Go to the official Noam Chomsky website (www.chomsky.info) and the warning is clear: “Material on this site is copyrighted by Noam Chomsky and/or Noam Chomsky and his collaborators. No material on this site may be reprinted or posted on other web sites without written permission.” However, the website does give you the opportunity to “sublicense” the material if you are interested.
Radicals used to think of their ideas as weapons; Chomsky sees them as a licensing opportunity.
Chomsky has even gone the extra mile to protect the copyright to some of his material by transferring ownership to his children. Profits from those works will thus be taxed at his children’s lower rate. He also extends the length of time that the family is able to hold onto the copyright and protect his intellectual assets.
In October 2002, radicals gathered in Philadelphia for a benefit entitled “Noam Chomsky: Media and Democracy.” Sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Democratic Left, for a fee of $15 you could attend the speech and hear the great man ruminate on the evils of capitalism. For another $35, you could attend a post-talk reception and he would speak directly with you.
During the speech, Chomsky told the assembled crowd, “A democracy requires a free, independent, and inquiring media.” After the speech, Deborah Bolling, a writer for the lefty Philadelphia City Paper, tried to get an interview with Chomsky. She was turned away. To talk to Chomsky, she was told, this “free, independent, and inquiring” reporter needed to pay $35 to get into the private reception.

Corporate America is one of Chomsky’s demons. It’s hard to find anything positive he might say about American business. He paints an ominous vision of America suffering under the “unaccountable and deadly rule of corporations.” He has called corporations “private tyrannies” and declared that they are “just as totalitarian as Bolshevism and fascism.” Capitalism, in his words, is a “grotesque catastrophe.”
But a funny thing happened on the way to the retirement portfolio.
Chomsky, for all of his moral dudgeon against American corporations, finds that they make a pretty good investment. When he made investment decisions for his retirement plan at MIT, he chose not to go with a money market fund or even a government bond fund. Instead, he threw the money into blue chips and invested in the TIAA-CREF stock fund. A look at the stock fund portfolio quickly reveals that it invests in all sorts of businesses that Chomsky says he finds abhorrent: oil companies, military contractors, pharmaceuticals, you name it.
When I asked Chomsky about his investment portfolio he reverted to a “what else can I do?” defense: “Should I live in a cabin in Montana?” he asked. It was a clever rhetorical dodge. Chomsky was declaring that there is simply no way to avoid getting involved in the stock market short of complete withdrawal from the capitalist system. He certainly knows better. There are many alternative funds these days that allow you to invest your money in “green” or “socially responsible” enterprises. They just don’t yield the maximum available return.
Peter Schweizer is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. He has served as a consultant to NBC News and as a member of the Ultra Terrorism Study Group at the U.S. Government's Sandia National Laboratory. He and his wife, Rochelle Schweizer, wrote The Bushes: Profile of a Dynasty, which the New York Times called "the best" of the books on the Bush family. His other books include Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy and Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph over Communism.

This essay is adapted from the author’s new book Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy (Doubleday, 2005). Available from the Hoover Press is The Fall of the Berlin Wall, edited by Peter Schweizer. To order, call 800.935.2882 or visit www.hooverpress.org.

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Would be ten or a hundred times as much if he had followed the corporate herd to the Hoover Foundation.

Millions of people around the planet are willing to pay for Chomsky's insights because he applies the moral principle of universality to the crimes committed by the US and Israel.

If Arab sniper towers and cluster bombs supplied by Russia were killing Jewish children in Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem, Noam's condemnations wouldn't be affected by the amount of his speaker's fee or his grand-children's inheritance.

Unlike the corporate handmaidens at Hoover, killing children for money is an universal evil for Chomsky.

When correspondent Amira Hass interviewed an IDF sniper on the policy of killing of Arab "children" and discovered only Arabs under the age of 12 qualified, Chomsky wouldn't let the color of the sniper's flag factor into his response to the murders.

That's why he's earned his millions.
Not because of capitalism.
In spite of it.

Not something they will ever figure out at the Hoover Club.
Would be ten or a hundred times as much if he had followed the corporate herd to the Hoover Foundation.

Millions of people around the planet are willing to pay for Chomsky's insights because he applies the moral principle of universality to the crimes committed by the US and Israel.

If Arab sniper towers and cluster bombs supplied by Russia were killing Jewish children in Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem, Noam's condemnations wouldn't be affected by the amount of his speaker's fee or his grand-children's inheritance.

Unlike the corporate handmaidens at Hoover, killing children for money is an universal evil for Chomsky.

When correspondent Amira Hass interviewed an IDF sniper on the policy of killing of Arab "children" and discovered only Arabs under the age of 12 qualified, Chomsky wouldn't let the color of the sniper's flag factor into his response to the murders.

That's why he's earned his millions.
Not because of capitalism.
In spite of it.

Not something they will ever figure out at the Hoover Club.
All commies think themselves morally superior, just don't forget your communist friends purged 15-20 million people in Russia. :tongue:
Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000?

Do you call that rich?
Yes, for a hypocrite. :lol:

How many millionaires are there in the US? Millions? It is not that much money anymore.

And besides, he worked harder for that money than many who have much more.
Right....if you say so. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But that isn't the point, its that he accuses everyone being evil for hoarding money yet excuses himself from hoarding money. Very you know...hypocritical.

Then he speaks against war while investing in companies that make weapons, giving them the capital to make more weapons. When you profit off war you are not a pacifist, you are a war profiteer which is even worse than a militarist as you don't just support war, you help fund it. :)
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Yes, for a hypocrite. :lol:

How many millionaires are there in the US? Millions? It is not that much money anymore.

And besides, he worked harder for that money than many who have much more.
Right....if you say so. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But that isn't the point, its that he accuses everyone being evil for hoarding money yet excuses himself from hoarding money. Very you know...hypocritical.

Then he speaks against war while investing in companies that make weapons, giving them the capital to make more weapons. When you profit off war you are not a pacifist, you are a war profiteer which is even worse than a militarist as you don't just support war, you help fund it. :)

OK, you have a point. But we are still not talking about that much money.

The problem some people have with "capitalism" is not that people can go out and make their living. It is that some get millions every year and produce nothing to justify their income. They just get money from those who do produce.

There are those who work hard and produce and make a good living. God bless them, that is the American way. It is those who just suck off the production of other who are the downfall of our economy. They are the ones who give capitalism a bad name.
Yes, for a hypocrite. :lol:

How many millionaires are there in the US? Millions? It is not that much money anymore.

And besides, he worked harder for that money than many who have much more.
Right....if you say so. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But that isn't the point, its that he accuses everyone being evil for hoarding money yet excuses himself from hoarding money. Very you know...hypocritical.

Then he speaks against war while investing in companies that make weapons, giving them the capital to make more weapons. When you profit off war you are not a pacifist, you are a war profiteer which is even worse than a militarist as you don't just support war, you help fund it. :)
The richest 10,000 Americans (top 0.01%) have a median annual income of $50,000,000 with "...$350,000,000 in assets and, since 1978, that is an increase of 550%..."

Phil's StockWorld

The (really) richest 400 Americans "earn" on average $350,000,000 every year.

Noam would have hit the $2,000,000 net worth mark before he hit thirty if he had been willing to sacrifice his morality for thirty pieces of Hoover silver.
How many millionaires are there in the US? Millions? It is not that much money anymore.

And besides, he worked harder for that money than many who have much more.
Right....if you say so. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But that isn't the point, its that he accuses everyone being evil for hoarding money yet excuses himself from hoarding money. Very you know...hypocritical.

Then he speaks against war while investing in companies that make weapons, giving them the capital to make more weapons. When you profit off war you are not a pacifist, you are a war profiteer which is even worse than a militarist as you don't just support war, you help fund it. :)
The richest 10,000 Americans (top 0.01%) have a median annual income of $50,000,000 with "...$350,000,000 in assets and, since 1978, that is an increase of 550%..."

Phil's StockWorld

The (really) richest 400 Americans "earn" on average $350,000,000 every year.

Noam would have hit the $2,000,000 net worth mark before he hit thirty if he had been willing to sacrifice his morality for thirty pieces of Hoover silver.

Those 400 get $140B every year. What do they produce to justify that? It is like a tax on those who do produce. You know what they say about taxes. If you tax something, you get less of it.

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