Israel attacks civilians

I certainly am not any doc....good lord what a spam job...My nick is Ixchel and happened to wander into this ridiuclous argument. The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it, which they were wrong for doing that because it has caused them tons of grief...and they aren't really very accepted by either Jordan or Egypt so it isn't just the Israelis that restrict and cause them problems. That said, they made their own bed now they need to lie in it.

That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

US State Department, Office of the Historian...
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution] that would divide Great Britain's former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain under international control administered by the United Nations.

The Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize this arrangement
Office of the Historian - Milestones - 1945-1952 - The Arab-Israeli War of 1948

The Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize this arrangement

That is true and since it had to be approved by both sides and was not it was never implemented.

It created no states.
That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

US State Department, Office of the Historian...

The Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize this arrangement

That is true and since it had to be approved by both sides and was not it was never implemented.

It created no states.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

President Harry Truman, 1949...
On October 24, 1948, the President stated that when a permanent government was elected in Israel, it would promptly be given de jure recognition. Elections for such a government were held on January 25th. The votes have now been counted and this government has been officially informed of the results. The United States Government is therefore pleased to extend de jure recognition to the Government of Israel as of this date.
Press Release
I certainly am not any doc....good lord what a spam job...My nick is Ixchel and happened to wander into this ridiuclous argument. The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it, which they were wrong for doing that because it has caused them tons of grief...and they aren't really very accepted by either Jordan or Egypt so it isn't just the Israelis that restrict and cause them problems. That said, they made their own bed now they need to lie in it.

The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it,...

That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.
I certainly am not any doc....good lord what a spam job...My nick is Ixchel and happened to wander into this ridiuclous argument. The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it, which they were wrong for doing that because it has caused them tons of grief...and they aren't really very accepted by either Jordan or Egypt so it isn't just the Israelis that restrict and cause them problems. That said, they made their own bed now they need to lie in it.

The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it,...

That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.

Not quite. Israel WAS Palestine. Palestine was invented by the British after WW I to denote the British Mandate that was Israel

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.
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That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.

Not quite. Israel WAS Palestine. Palestine was invented by the British after WW I to denote the British Mandate that was Israel

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.
The War Against Israel Goes On- by Guy Millière |
I certainly am not any doc....good lord what a spam job...My nick is Ixchel and happened to wander into this ridiuclous argument. The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it, which they were wrong for doing that because it has caused them tons of grief...and they aren't really very accepted by either Jordan or Egypt so it isn't just the Israelis that restrict and cause them problems. That said, they made their own bed now they need to lie in it.

The Israelis were given statehood as were the Palestinians..the Palestinians rejected it,...

That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.

Another common fallacy.

A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties. In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state for concessions granted by Ottoman authorities. The Courts of Palestine and Great Britain decided that title to the properties shown on the Ottoman Civil list had been ceded to the government of Palestine as an allied successor state.

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolution 181 requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the Partition Plan, but it failed to do so.

The Legal Entitlementof a Future Palestinian State to Territory | The Beacon

Resolution 181 was never implemented. It never happened.

You find any archaeological evidence of a mythical Palestinian civilization? No? Keep digging, dumb motherfucker!:lol:

Jews have lived in and ruled in Israel for 3000 years.

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Canaan and Ancient Israel
The first major North American exhibition dedicated to the archaeology of ancient Israel and neighboring lands, "Canaan and Ancient Israel" features more than 350 rare artifacts from about 3,000 to 586 B.C.E., excavated by University of Pennsylvania Museum archaeologists in Israel,
Artcom Museums Tour: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia PA
That is a common fallacy. The UN passed General Assembly Resolution 181 which was plan to divide Palestine into two states. Both sides had to approve this plan. Since the plan required the Palestinians to give half of their country to foreigners, they rejected it.

Since it was not approved by both sides it was never implemented. It created no states.

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.

Another common fallacy.

A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties. In its Judgment No. 5, The Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions, the Permanent Court of International Justice also decided that Palestine was responsible as the successor state for concessions granted by Ottoman authorities. The Courts of Palestine and Great Britain decided that title to the properties shown on the Ottoman Civil list had been ceded to the government of Palestine as an allied successor state.

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resolution 181 requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the Partition Plan, but it failed to do so.

The Legal Entitlementof a Future Palestinian State to Territory | The Beacon

Resolution 181 was never implemented. It never happened.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

United Nations
The question of Palestine was brought before the UN General Assembly...An 11-member Special Committee on Palestine was formed at the first special session of the Assembly. The majority of the committee members that Palestine be partitioned into a Jewish state and an Arab state.

At a second session, the UN General Assembly on 29 November 1947 adopted Resolution 181 approving...the Plan of Partition. The Plan included the creation of... the Jewish state no later than 1 October 1948.

Jews invented time!!!!

Maybe, you can invent shoes that make you look taller, shortie.:lol:

only when you invent something to cure that giant nose problem you have, pal!

oh SNAP!

There was no Palestinian state before the was created by the accord. The land belonged to Jordan and Egypt..not Palestine or Israel...Israel and Palestine were both born out of that accord..not one before the other.

Another common fallacy.

Resolution 181 was never implemented. It never happened.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

United Nations
The question of Palestine was brought before the UN General Assembly...An 11-member Special Committee on Palestine was formed at the first special session of the Assembly. The majority of the committee members that Palestine be partitioned into a Jewish state and an Arab state.

At a second session, the UN General Assembly on 29 November 1947 adopted Resolution 181 approving...the Plan of Partition. The Plan included the creation of... the Jewish state no later than 1 October 1948.

Resolution 181 was never implemented by the UN Security Council.

Resolution 181 requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the Partition Plan, but it failed to do so.

By resolution 186 (S-2) (14 May 1948), the General Assembly effectively abandoned the Partition Plan

The Legal Entitlementof a Future Palestinian State to Territory | The Beacon
Another common fallacy.

Resolution 181 was never implemented. It never happened.

You lie, again, Pinocchio.

United Nations

Resolution 181 was never implemented by the UN Security Council.

Resolution 181 requested the Security Council to take the necessary measures to implement the Partition Plan, but it failed to do so.

By resolution 186 (S-2) (14 May 1948), the General Assembly effectively abandoned the Partition Plan

The Legal Entitlementof a Future Palestinian State to Territory | The Beacon

Er, the US is the dominant member of the UN Security Council.

President Harry Truman, 1949...
On October 24, 1948, the President stated that when a permanent government was elected in Israel, it would promptly be given de jure recognition. Elections for such a government were held on January 25th. The votes have now been counted and this government has been officially informed of the results. The United States Government is therefore pleased to extend de jure recognition to the Government of Israel as of this date.
Press Release
Maybe, you can invent shoes that make you look taller, shortie.:lol:

only when you invent something to cure that giant nose problem you have, pal!

oh SNAP!

Little man, maybe, you can invent a paper bag that doesn't blow off that ugly skank you're fucking on facebook :lol:

I would, but I leave the money that i'd pay for the bad on your nightstand each morning after you leave to work. Maybe it's time to ask a few painful questions about where that extra Chanukah gift money comes from....
only when you invent something to cure that giant nose problem you have, pal!

oh SNAP!

Little man, maybe, you can invent a paper bag that doesn't blow off that ugly skank you're fucking on facebook :lol:

I would, but I leave the money that i'd pay for the bad on your nightstand each morning after you leave to work. Maybe it's time to ask a few painful questions about where that extra Chanukah gift money comes from....

Little men with needledicks are very angry people :lol:
You lie, again, Pinocchio.

United Nations

Resolution 181 was never implemented by the UN Security Council.

Er, the US is the dominant member of the UN Security Council.

President Harry Truman, 1949...
On October 24, 1948, the President stated that when a permanent government was elected in Israel, it would promptly be given de jure recognition. Elections for such a government were held on January 25th. The votes have now been counted and this government has been officially informed of the results. The United States Government is therefore pleased to extend de jure recognition to the Government of Israel as of this date.
Press Release

It doesn't matter. The Security Council never implemented resolution 181.
Little man, maybe, you can invent a paper bag that doesn't blow off that ugly skank you're fucking on facebook :lol:

I would, but I leave the money that i'd pay for the bad on your nightstand each morning after you leave to work. Maybe it's time to ask a few painful questions about where that extra Chanukah gift money comes from....

Little men with needledicks are very angry people :lol:

I guess it's a good thing you can vent from behind the interweb then, eh tiny?
I would, but I leave the money that i'd pay for the bad on your nightstand each morning after you leave to work. Maybe it's time to ask a few painful questions about where that extra Chanukah gift money comes from....

Little men with needledicks are very angry people :lol:

I guess it's a good thing you can vent from behind the interweb then, eh tiny?

Small man with needledick posting about sex talk with kids

You're being reported to the FBI, little man

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