Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

Yes, with only a few exceptions, the Arabs sold their land to Jews beginning during the Ottoman days, and then going forward under British rule. During the Mandate, British courts examined thousands of Arab claims that their land had been stolen and found nearly all of these were without merit.

After the Six Day War, Israel adopted the Ottoman land laws for Judea and Samaria as the4 British had done before them and built only on state lands at first, but security concerns made it necessary to procure additional lands, so Israel purchased these lands under the doctrine of eminent domain, just as governments do in the US and throughout Europe. While there were some early abuses of this doctrine, Israeli courts have examined these cases and have often given the land back to the Arabs who had owned it. There were only a few instances of abuse and some of these have since been corrected, but on such a small scale that there is no justification for labelling the process land theft.
Well, you are talking about history and the precarious but internationally accepted turn of events. But here we are today with already decades of land-theft by an organization (Zionism) that has morphed from a suitable philosophy into a treacherous Nazi state similar to Germany's Third Reich. What it is doing is illegal by the standards of international law set up by the very same entity that that afforded the diaspora Jews a homeland in the first place.

In essence, the Zionists are saying, "We have a legal right by U.N. decree to a homeland but we do not recognise any U.N. decree or considerations to the Palestinian people to have their own homeland".
Thank you, U.N.
Fuck you, U.N.
Apparently you know nothing about history in either Israel or the US or you wouldn't attempt to make such a stupid comparison.
Apparently, you know nothing about history in either Israel or the US or you wouldn't make such stupid comments.
lol That's all you've got? Repeating my comment? So sad.
The shoe is on your foot, Bonzo. I'm not here to play one-up-manship. I'm here to give you a lesson on the truth. And that is exactly what you are getting.
What you are in fact doing is making baseless claims which have nothing to do with the truth.
Have proved you wrong.
If you want to keep your land stop trying to murder and attack Israeli people.
The American Indians gave up fighting for their land and look what happened to them. And what the hell do you mean by "attack"?
Apparently you know nothing about history in either Israel or the US or you wouldn't attempt to make such a stupid comparison.
Israel and the UD have both similair histories (genocide, occupation, theft, racism). You were saying ?
Again, there is simply no rational basis for any of these accusations against Israel, although sadly, slavery and the treatment of native Americans are dark marks on America's history, but on the upside, look how far the US has come since those days.
On the upside the native Americans were never going to win.
Win what?
The land of the Indians was stolen in the same way as the Palestian's land is being stolen from them by Zionists. Switch your brain on and use it.
I will follow what the Indians said and how they lived rather than abiding by your erroneous emotional chastisement
Yes, I suggest you should do that. No need for you to get "emotional" over the theft of someone else's land. Unless it has oil. Then you are eager to barge in and destroy whatever is on the surface of the land just to get at what is beneath it. Yipee!

By the way, how much fracking have you been doing on Indian land? Never mind, let's not get "emotional".

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Facts just don’t match your wishes or feelings and thats just how it goes in the real world Both now and then.
The problem is we all know that isnt true, but we do know that muslims stink. Why dont you savages ever wear deoderant?
The question of personal hygiene is for another thread but it needs to be pointed out that the Arabs/Moslems taught the Crusade invaders how to wash. Yes, the Moslems were hygienic long before most others.
Facts just don’t match your wishes or feelings and thats just how it goes in the real world
Both now and then.
What does this even mean? If someone commits a legal act it doesn't mean that everything he/she does from that moment forward is legal. Are you out of your mind?

Oh! I see! You're one of the people who say that because the U.S. was "the good guy" in the second world war that the U.S. MUST (therefore) be the good guy in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba, Iran, Haiti, Chile, Grenada, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Irak, Iran, etc. Oh yeah! That makes lots of sense. Just as much sense as the Zionists breaking international law and having the right to flaunt it.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.

Rather stupid opinion but from you...
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And
no one lies more than Donald Trump
, even his supporters have to admit that.
Well .......................................... no.

Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.
Well, no, some of Trump's flunkies will try and stupidly and dishonestly compare others, like Obama and Clinton when factually there is not even a remotely close comparison.
By the way, Isreal is backing down from following Trump's stupid advice.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Good politicians stir shit up. Bad politicians lie. And no one lies more than Donald Trump, even his supporters have to admit that.
You're an idiot.
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.
Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.
Now that's difficult to believe.

The world is rejecting Trump so not really. The E.U. is looking to increase trade with China. They are also looking to China to help save the Iran deal. Trump is becoming more isolated the more he opens his mouth.

Now there may be some good in that. We will have to see once he really starts stomping his feet.
Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.
Now that's difficult to believe.

The world is rejecting Trump so not really. The E.U. is looking to increase trade with China. They are also looking to China to help save the Iran deal. Trump is becoming more isolated the more he opens his mouth.

Now there may be some good in that. We will have to see once he really starts stomping his feet.
the world is a bit of a stretch.

"the world" is also pushing for globalization and trump isn't a part of that game, so of course they don't like him.
Read today's news. Isreal has backed away from Trump's stupid political trick and will allow Tlaib into Israel. Trump is becoming dispised and rejected even in Israel.

To visit her 90 y/o grandmother and with conditions.

See the evil Joos are not heartless devils

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